
"Power Blocks" Scattered Boulders

  • Bewertungskontext: AU


A nice selection of Quartzite boulders in the bush at the top of the hill near the lookout.


Scattered boulders just over the edge in the bush from the bench with a view.


As this is a bushy area, be mindful of snakes and lace monitors that call the bush there home. Use caution while moving of the tracks and into the bush.


Parking on Mill Rd entrance to Moggill conservation area. Start down track for 2 minuets until the track forks. Tend right and cross a small creek. Slug it up the hill for 30 minuets. At this point there is a prominent fork in the track. Continue right and follow track up and left towards the top. When you have reached the bench under the power lines at the top of the hill, head right into the bush. There is 5 to 6 blocks scattered around the bush.


Mind the tongue orchards growing on the boulders.


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Left of the overhanging face

Erstbegehung: Matt Pelekanos, 2014

Second from the left

Erstbegehung: Matt Pelekanos, 2014

Good line up the middle on jugs. extra matts recommended

Erstbegehung: Matt Pelekanos, 2014

Up the Right hand overhanging face

Erstbegehung: Luke Mulkearns, 2015

Straight up around from arete

Erschliesser: CRH, Apr 2022

Left side up arete

Erstbegehung: Matt Pelekanos

Second from the right, start on sloppy rail and straight up

Erstbegehung: Matt Pelekanos

To the far right of the block.

Erstbegehung: Matt Pelekanos

Jump or reach to block ledge, mantel up and find a way to the top

Erschliesser: CRH


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