
Historie der Route

Es ist keine Historie zu dieser Route bekannt.



Breite/Länge: -35.26779, 147.07293


4 Schwierigkeitsgrad
4 Pocket RockGUIDE: The Rock and New Climbs


Taken from the NPWS signage located at The Towers:

Rockclimbing and abseiling within The Rock Nature Reserve may only be carried out with the consent of the director-General of the National Parks and Wildlife Service. Consent is given upon compliance with the Code of Conduct and completion of the Register book located at the base of The Towers.

Code of Coduct *Rock activities are only permitted on the NE rock face known as The Towers

*Parties are to be no larger than 4 people for rock climbing and 8 for abseiling.

*No new climbs are to be established outside of the designated rock activities area.

*Do not mark the location of climbs.

*Do not attach permanent anchor points to rocks, USE REMOVABLE GEAR only.

*Do not chip or glue route, brush or "garden" the rock face and avoid excessive use of chalk.

*Where possible descend via the cliff face to minimise erosion.

*Tread Lightly, keep to rocks, hard ground and established tracks.

*All flora and fauna are protected in The Rock Nature Reserve and must not be picked, harmed or disturbed in any way. Take especial care not to harm the Threatened plant Woolly Ragwort (Senecio gariandii).

übernommen von The Rock


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