
Spiracle Boulders

  • Bewertungskontext: AU
  • Fotos: 5


Less painful rock with some fun moves.


A small cluster of low boulders some 50m further south than Split Rock.

Einschränk. übernommen von Mornington

Best to head there at low tide.


As for Split Rock but carry on for about 50m south.


Wherever you are unless you're here already.


Leave no trace I guess.


Grafik zur historischen Entwicklung

Spotted by Karl and Kai mid winter 2023.


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Sit start left of Spiracle. Rules apply of course. Hands below the top traverse right to the finger wide break of Spiracle and continue right and up.

Erstbegehung: Kai Seth Robertson, 19 Aug 2023

Sit start under the boulder. Left hand in the obvious big round hole, right hand on the pocket right, both feet under the block. Pull on. Move straight up via lovely finger wide break.

Erstbegehung: Kai Seth Robertson, 19 Aug 2023

Hold specific mini problem. From the two holds and foot placements in the photo pull for the top and roll/mantle over.

Erstbegehung: Kai Seth Robertson, 19 Aug 2023

Novelty problem. Hands free, walk up the left flank of the easy angled slab without stepping right onto the easy angle.

Erstbegehung: Kai Seth Robertson, 19 Aug 2023


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