
Ships Prow





A large overhung series of aretes and roofs clearly visible about 100m north of the Powerline Lookout.

Einschränk. übernommen von Wollongong

Many of the Wollongong crags are located in the Illawarra Escarpment State Conservation Area (IESCA). This region has had a chequered history in recent times, with large swathes of popular crags having to be closed after it was missed that a new NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Plan of Management (PoM - 2018) had incidentally banned climbing along most of the escarpment. After a lobbying effort and a stroke of coincidental good luck an amended plan of management has been published (2023), modifying the plan to allow rock-climbing “… on the west- and south-facing cliffs of Mount Keira and on cliffs north of Bulli Pass."

Access comes with caveats and all climbers should be aware that that “… new bolts or anchors may only be installed with NPWS consent, and park infrastructure such as safety railing may not be used as anchor points as they have not been designed for this purpose. NPWS will not install, assess or guarantee bolts or other fixed protection points. Participants in these activities are solely responsible for their own safety.”

Given the pressures many rock-climbing areas have been under around Australia and the plethora of access issues that have followed it is imperative that climbers respect and heed the access requirements. Access granted can easily be access taken, noting from the PoM: “Locations where rock climbing and abseiling are allowed may be reviewed and altered to address safety issues, risks to visitors or impacts on cultural values or environmental values. Temporary closures of rock climbing and abseiling locations may be applied to limit impacts. Permanent closure of sites may also be necessary. NPWS will consult with representatives of the local climbing community before implementing any permanent closures.”

Please refer to the ‘Ethic” section for more notes on how to be a good steward for the climbing community.


From the Powerline Lookout walk back up the road for 50m and take a right turn onto an overgrown sideroad that leads to a single powerpole surrounded by thick bush. Locate small track cut through bush on far side of powerpole (marked with blue tape). Follow this cut trail along rocky ledges and thick jungle to rock cairn. Walk out to cliff edge by scrambling down boulders and bush track. Rap u-bolts are on large boulder about 2m back from top of cliff.


Rap-in - climb out!

Ethik übernommen von Wollongong

The modern climbing scene and all the access issues that go with it requires modern ethic and all climbers should familiarise themselves with general good crag etiquette to ensure access is maintained into the future.

The following is a short summary for the area:

  • The Wollongong area has a historical mix of sport, trad, and bouldering, with fully bolted sport routes emerging as the dominant form in the last decade
  • Do not bolt or rebolt existing trad or bouldering routes
  • No chipping of the rock to alter the difficulty of a route or create new routes. Loose or dangerous rock may be removed with careful discretion
  • Top rope and lower-off through your own gear. Fixed anchor protection to be used for final lower off only to minimise wear
  • Minimise excessive chalk usage and make brushing of holds a regular routine. Consider using alternative chalk colours to minimise visual impact
  • Do not bush-bash new access trails, stick to existing marked trails where possible
  • Do not remove vegetation, both from around cliff bases and on the cliff. Brushing down built-up lichen, dirt and chalk off existing routes is acceptable maintenance
  • Do not leave rubbish or gear at the crag. Gear left may be confiscated by NPWS
  • Respect any announced closures of tracks, cliffs and areas in the region
  • Don’t play loud music at the crag, consider the amenity of nearby climbs and non-climbers alike
  • Speak up against anti-social behaviour, unsafe behaviour, or other activities that threaten access – contact your local advocacy association - ACANSW
  • Rebolting shall only be carried out by suitably competent and trained persons. The minimum standard is 316 stainless U-bolt or ring eye-bolts with pure epoxy glue. Refer to http://www.safercliffs.org
  • Remember you are responsible for your own safety, and the safety of your friends!

Learn more at https://www.cliffcare.org.au/education



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Schwierigkeitsgrad Route

Quality trad. Will probably only be repeated by most climbers on top-rope. Pity, as the gear is bomber. Rap from far northern ringbolts (2m right of small cave with FHs) to double ring belay on wall above undercut ledge (and feet on huge death block). Up splitter crack, which opens and closes for a few metres then right onto slab. Cams in pockets for a few metres then through steep section (seeps after rain) and final hard move up seam crack. Hand traverse left a few moves to mantle up to ledge. Leave a sling or rap rope on the lip of the ledge as a runner when you rap down.

Erstbegehung: Heath Black, 12 Mär 2016

One of the best here - well bolted, great rock. Rap in from two FHs in back of small cave, 5m right of Humidify to hanging belay above chossy undercut ledge. Climb slightly right on horizontals, then reachy move to crimpy 'slab'. Up right side of arete on great scoops then weird mantle up left then up face above. Finish left of perched boulder.

Erstbegehung: Heath Black & Paul Frothy Thomson, 13 Sep 2015

Lovely technical arete on top quality orange rock. 20m further along the ledge from rap anchors above Busted is another set of rap anchors set on a horizontal ledge. Rap down keeping rope to the north of the arete. Belay on small ledge. Climb arete, finishing out left of summit block.

Erstbegehung: Neil Monteith & Jeff Crass, 11 Mär 2015

Sweet arete, starting on comfy ledge and crux right at the very top. Rap in from two horizontally placed Ubolts placed at chest level on small arete, about 5m past the big gymea lilly.

Erstbegehung: Heath Black & wade stewart, 28 Okt 2017

The top half of this pitch is great, but the lower section is reachy and chossy (but well protected). Walk 10m north of Captain Cheese anchors to a second set of anchors set on small vertical wall on narrow ledge. Rap 40m down off these to anchor on arete right of corner with tiny ledge on the right about 10m above the ground - double bolt belay. Climb left into corner for a move, step left onto short arete, through reachy rooflet and then left across exposed face of flakes under monster roof to bolt belay at juggy section. Finish as for pitch 2 of Tree Tornado.

Erstbegehung: Neil Monteith & Jeff Crass, 11 Mai 2015

Pretty improbable for the grade, traversing under and out some massive roofs. Take plenty of long draws and a few slings to keep the rope-drag under control. The route starts at same belay shared with Captain Cheese and shared the first few bolts with that route. Rap down the Captain Cheese corner to the semi-hanging belay in sandy white scoop to the right of the arete. Start by traversing right along tricky wall to reach major corner with fern. Now launch up and right onto white juggy overhung face trending right to stance in corner under huge roof. Swing out right across juggy break to lip of roof, then finish up excellent thin slab and face and flake above. Double UB belay at op, but it's probably better to rig rope off rap bolts in boulder above Captain Cheese. At least 12 bolts on this route in total. It can be split into two pitches.

Erstbegehung: Neil Monteith & Leith Dawes, 3 Mär 2015

Steep corner crack on trad with bolted belays. Very airy! Both pitches can be combined into one mega pitch if you bring enough trad. To descend fix rap rope to double u-bolts in large boulder on top of cliff. Rap down the corner (which is what you are climbing up). At base of corner keep rapping down overhung arete to semi-hanging belay in white sandy scoop (shared pitch 2 belay with Titanical). It is also possible to extend top rap anchor with long slings and rap in on doubled ropes and pull them afterwards for mega commitment factor.

  1. 13m (20) Traverse directly right from belay past u-bolt to overhung corner crack (u-bolt). Climb the very overhung right side of corner on bubbly pockets, placing medium/large cams in horizontals. When a break finally appears on the left wall step over to it and traverse across to double u-bolt hanging belay on arete (shared anchor with Titanical).

  2. 20m (17) Very exposed! Straight up to roof and corner crack, that starts wide and thins quickly. Stem up this with occasional ledges to top. This pitch is very well protected on trad - take cams from #4 to #0.25 thin finger size. Belay well back on double u-bolts in boulder.

Erstbegehung: Neil Monteith (P1) & Joe the American (P2), 2 Mär 2015

Mega overhung arete that can be led as one giant pitch or three little pitches with semi-hanging belays. Best way is to link the first two pitches into one pitch. The route is all bolts. Fix rope and rap in down Captain Cheese off double u-bolts on boulder at top of cliff. Rap down all the way to the base of the killer arete and double u-bolt hanging belay with teeny tiny footledge ledge (you may need to clip a few bolts on the way down to stay connected to the wall - it's overhung!)

  1. 12m (23) Superb technical arete on pockets. Start on right side, then switch to left side, then finish right side. Finish in white sandy scoop - semi-hanging belay off double u-bolts.

  2. 10m (22) Swing left onto 'tufa' and undercut arete (a bit chossy) then up rad square arete feature to semi-hanging belay off double u-bolts.

  3. 20m (22) Continue up the exposed arete to top. This pitch is a bit contrived with the corner just to the right in a few spots. The last bolt is a tough and scary clip! (maybe put a sling on it when you rap in)

Erstbegehung: Neil Monteith & Joe the American, 2 Mär 2015

Right-trending face route up a series of flakes. Rap down south side of Titanical arete from u-bolts in boulder. Kick yourself down so you stay connected to the overhung wall until you can reach one of the bolts on this route and can clip in. Rap down and left to tiny vegetated ledge and giant horizontal u-bolt belay. Traverse right from belay and up mini arete to break. Crimp up then delicate traverse right across flakes to finishes at hanging bolt belay at end of pitch 1 of the Captain Cheese. Finish as for Captain Cheese or Titanical pitch 3.

Erstbegehung: Neil Monteith & Joe the American, 2 Mär 2015

Start just left of the Bow Wave belay station. Climb the fridge-like arete then move past rooflet (big undercling) over the lip and up, staying about 3m left of the Titanical arete.

Erstbegehung: George Broadfoot, 19 Jul 2017

Start either as per Iceburg or on the left (makes it an independent line). Straight up the middle of the wall! Great climb.

Erstbegehung: Tim Booth

The following 3 routes are on the overhanging 20m wall just south of Titanical. Access by rapping off the wall south of the Titanical rap and scale the access rungs with care to a big boulder, walk behind this (wet) to get to the Bomber Bar ledge. Bolts have been placed to protect the sketchy traverse across the middle of this (to access Gigatonne and Carbon Footprint)

Rap from Titanical rap station over the southern cliff, use access rungs to move up past big (wet) boulder and onto ledge, you will find a 2 ring bolt belay for this route, which starts left of the belay up an obvious orange flake. Take care to place a decent purple camalot (0.5) before the first crimpy moves (about 5m off the deck). The rest of the gear is bomber, slightly spaced. Double ring bolt to lower off.

Erstbegehung: George Broadfoot, 16 Mai 2017

Double bolt belay. Sustained edges forming a cool sequence start this route until you reach a ledge, move right along this to mantle and then up. Theres a bit of a weird bit (bolt #5) where you can go left or right to get to the upper turret, and a hands free ledge. Move left to finish on the lower offs on the right side of the turret.

Erstbegehung: George Broadfoot, 16 Jun 2017

Project moving left from Gigatonne after the 4th bolt (bit contrived to stay on the gold streak)

Bolt belay left of Gigatonne. Good gear up wonderful crack to start, then make move right and go up with more good cams. Stay right of vegetated ledge and keep going up until a good ledge where a lower off was considered (22 to here). Instead clip a bolt to your right and keep going up the left side of the turret to the anchor (23).

Erstbegehung: George Broadfoot, 12 Mai 2017

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