
Mkodt Apsara Tower

  • Bewertungskontext: US
  • Fotos: 2


From the Wat parking lot entrance looking north along the road there is a tower leaning away from the main mountain that looks similar to the Apsara dancer crown.

Einschränk. übernommen von Kampong Trach

Thanks to climbers and other locals petitioning to preserve Phnom Kampong Trach it has been saved from impending mining work and declared a tourist reserve. BUT that hasn’t completely made the mountain accessible, in fact in some areas it has made climbing more difficult with belay areas now being shops and cafes, as well as much of the caves being reserved for tourism. The dirt road around the mountain is not very good. And if you take a moto or four wheel drive watch out for the horse carts (a big tourist draw for Khmer coming from the city) they usually circle it clockwise. WARNING: Bottom hangers (first clip) on sport routes are often missing, especially the ones that people can reach from a chair.


Follow the dirt road north from the wat. Base of the climb is steps from the road.

Ethik übernommen von Kampong Trach

As with most of Cambodia there are a lot of small shrines and revered sites throughout. Keep an eye out and be respectful.



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Start in the crack right in the middle of the front face of the rock. There is a bolted route, but it looks as though it hasn’t been climbed in several years. No beta about the top.

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