
Pagoda Cliff

  • Bewertungskontext: US


The biggest cliff in the Eco-Camp area, the small pagoda sits at the top of the cliff.

Einschränk. übernommen von Kulen Basecamp

Must stay at the campground, cost not yet announced.


From the campground follow the trail west to the pagoda. To access the top pass through the pagoda to the big bare area, cliff faces west and north. To access the bottom follow the stairs to the east around the rock down to the bottom. At present the bottom is very full of garbage, be careful.

Ethik übernommen von Kulen Basecamp

As this is private land please obey all rules set by the campground. The largest cliff is beneath a small wat. Please respect the monks activities and enjoy climbing while being mindful of your noise and presence.


Grafik zur historischen Entwicklung

The pagoda was inhabited by a hermit monk for over twenty years, the month that he died was the same month that the eco camp got the lease for the land. Local climbers from Siem Reap were invited to start development in May of 2022. This author had the pleasure of working with them to create a climbing area for the camp ground.



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Same as Making it Work, but don’t avoid the crux like a sissy.

Belay from the little slab at the base of the cliff, climb is characterized by pockets made from the sandstone layers. At the 4th clip there’s a large cave to the left, avoid it as some of the hermits live in there at times. Slightly run out between clips 3-4 because of the layers. Can cheat the crux by following the crack up to the right and traversing back over along the top to the anchors.

Erstbegehung: James Hugh Festeryga, 2 Jun 2022

To the right of the lead climb there are top anchors on the face. Not super easy to access fro the top, but offers clear path for top rope not to rub too much. At the bottom there’s a gradually steepening slab covered in green slippery moss up to the first ledge. Pretty straightforward from there. Lead climb bolting was abandoned due to the hollow quality of the rock.

Erstbegehung: James Hugh Festeryga, 2 Jun 2022

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Mo 5 Jun
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