
Einträge in Baffin Island

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Baffin Island

The capital city of Nunavut. This region covers boulders and rope routes in and around Iqaluit as well as the east side of the Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park.

5b Posiver

Climbing is tolerated.

5.11a Bruce's First

Crippy sitting start too spotty slabbed top out

5.10c Farm Door

Climbing is tolerated.

Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park

This is a territorial park. There are a number of sport climbs and boulder problems throughout this section of the park. There is lots of potential for further development!

Iqaluit Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park
High Point

Climbing access is tolerated. Please be respectful.

Upirngassaaq Boulder

Early spring or late fall boulder. The boulder is only accessible when the pond is frozen.

Iqaluit Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park Upirngassaaq Boulder
V0 Chilly Fingers

Start on two crimps on the south side of the boulder, smear for both feet. Work up and top out over the volume-like top of the boulder. There are plenty of jug holds for the left hand that make good foot holds when topping out.

V2 Shoulder Season

The route follows the obvious crack up the left of the boulder. Sit start at the lower end of the crack. Follow the crack left and top out. Left arete is out.

V3 Plan C

Stand start on a sloper towards a crack in the middle of the boulder. Work up on slab and slopers until the side pulls then top top out.


Stand start on the low ledge (roughly the second move of Shoulder Season) traverse along the crack and around the corner and top out as Chilly Fingers.

James' Project

Climbing access is tolerated. Please be respectful.


Climbing access is tolerated. Please be respectful.

Iqaluit Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park
Lower Pavilion

Climbing access is tolerated. Please be respectful.

Iqaluit Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park Lower Pavilion
Lower Pavilion Boulders

A small cluster of boulders by the cliff edge. All boulders are within 10 m of each other.

Iqaluit Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park Lower Pavilion Lower Pavilion Boulders
The Triangle

The first boulder in the area if walking from the Pavilion.

Iqaluit Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park Lower Pavilion Lower Pavilion Boulders The Triangle
V0 Rise

Sit start on the left side of the boulder. Move up and right along the arete.

V1 Scream a Little

Sit start on the right side of the boulder. Follow the arete left to the pinnacle and top out.

V6 Try Harder

Sit start on a crimp ledge to the left of the right arete. Move left one move onto a crimp and the up to the top. Poor options for your feet until you near the top out. Both aretes are out.

Iqaluit Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park Lower Pavilion Lower Pavilion Boulders
The Project Boulder

Like Excalibur waited for Arthur or Sleeping Beauty awaited her Prince, the Project Boulder is waiting for someone capable enough to finish its projects.

Iqaluit Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park Lower Pavilion Lower Pavilion Boulders The Project Boulder
V4/5 Vision

Crouch start on the ledge on the left arete. Move right along the arete to top out.

Project 1

Climbing access is tolerated. Please be respectful.

Project 2

Climbing access is tolerated. Please be respectful.

Project 3

Climbing access is tolerated. Please be respectful.

Iqaluit Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park Lower Pavilion Lower Pavilion Boulders
The Snack

A small, snack sized boulder.

Iqaluit Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park Lower Pavilion Lower Pavilion Boulders The Snack
V0 Not Another Arete!

Crouch start on the right arete (cliff side of the boulder). Move left along the arete and top out.

V2 Mind the Gap

Crouch start on a crimp towards the left side of the boulder. Work your way up the centre of the boulder on near vertical ledges.

Iqaluit Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park Lower Pavilion Lower Pavilion Boulders
Tea Party

Slab. Immediately left of the Project Boulder.

Iqaluit Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park Lower Pavilion Lower Pavilion Boulders Tea Party
V1 Teapot

Sit start towards the left of the boulder. Move up and slightly right to top out.

V0 - 1 Earl Grey

Mantle start on the deep rounded shelf in the centre of the boulder. Move up and left, top out slightly right.

V1/2 Crumpet

Stand start on crimps and move straight up over slab to top out.

Iqaluit Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park Lower Pavilion
The Riverside Boulder

A lone boulder next to the river, just upriver from the falls.

Iqaluit Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park Lower Pavilion The Riverside Boulder
V0 The Orange Slab Left

Sit start. Start on the rail at the lip of the underhang. Move right and up. Arete is in.

V0 Orange Slab Right

Stand start. Start on the same rail as Orange Slab Left but 1m left. Move up through slab and top out.

V0 The Low Road

Traverse. Start on the right side of the boulder. Right hand on the arete. Work your way left along solid feet and then top out on the left side of the boulder. The top of the boulder is out until the top out. The crux is the foot work at the start of the route.

V2 The Riverside Traverse

Crouch start on the rounded orange sloper to the right. Traverse along slopers up and right. Top out at the pinnacle.

The High Road

Start as the Low Road but only the starting foothold and second foothold are in. Traverse until the left arete, top is out until you reach the arete.

Iqaluit Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park Lower Pavilion
The Sloth

The Sloth is a long, shallow lip below the Pavilion stairs. It's approximately 15 metres across.

Iqaluit Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park Lower Pavilion The Sloth
V1 The Momma Sloth Traverse

Traverse from the right to the left side of the boulder and top out. The outcrop below the lip is out.

V1 The Baby Sloth Traverse

Traverse the boulder from right to left. The outcrop below the lip is in.

V1 Count Slothula

Start as a bat hang on the corner (about halfway through the traverse) and finish as Momma Sloth.

Iqaluit Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park Lower Pavilion

Around the corner from the Sloth.

Iqaluit Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park Lower Pavilion Unnamed
V3/4 Field Work

Start on the obvious jug and small foot holds to the right (bottom step is out for feet as is the wall to the right). Move up and left to an angled ledge, then traverse left through slab and up. The final two moves are crimps before a final jug at the lip for the top out.

VB Make Lichen Your Friend

Climb up the corner using whatever is available on both rock faces. Top out!

V1 Relativity

Start on the left side of the boulder and traverse right until the last jug on the corner. Top out over a crimp and some slab.

V2 Lichenologist

Same start as Field Work (the bottom step is out as is the arete, and the wall on the right). Move up (ledge above the starting hold is out) and right to top out on the right side of the boulder.

V0 Just Enough Choss

Start on the obvious jug and follow the left crack to top out. Big step is in.

V1 American pipit

Start on the jug (big step is out for feet), move straight up to top out.

Iqaluit Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park
Unnamed Area

Climbing access is tolerated. Please be respectful.

Iqaluit Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park Unnamed Area
The Parking Lot Slab

A slab bouldering wall within view of the parking lot. Walk out of the parking lot towards the entrance of the park, the slab will be on your left about 200 m from the parking lot.

Iqaluit Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park Unnamed Area The Parking Lot Slab
V1 Floe Edge

Stand start at the crack on the right side of the boulder where the slab ends. Follow the crack up and left until the crack veers right at the lip. Your left hand should find a pinch, and then pull yourself over and slightly right. Top out over run out slab.

Project #1

Hard slab climbing.

V3/4 Aupaqtuq

Stand start with both hands on the inverse jug, move up and right along crimps until the "<" feature that intersects with Floe Edge, then top out left of Floe Edge on crimps and small feet.

Project #3

Climbing access is tolerated. Please be respectful.

V2 Floe Edge - Variant

Same start as Floe Edge but top out left as Aupaqtuq.

Aqsarniit Boulder

A small outcrop about 2 1/2m high. The boulder wall can be distinguished based on a triangular overhang feature reaching about 150 cm from the ground.

Iqaluit Aqsarniit Boulder
V4 Coffee Break

Sit start. Starting position: start on obvious jug at the bottom left of the overhang; left foot heel hook and right foot on small chip on the under hang. Work your way right along crimps and up the arete. Top out.

The Water Plant

A small cliff next to the water plant. Easily the most accessible bouldering area in Iqaluit that offers a variety climbing problems in the easy to moderate levels. The maximum height is approximately 5 metres. There are two sections: a south facing wall and a southwest facing wall. There are a variety of features and lots of potential for development.

Iqaluit The Water Plant
The Water Plant Main Wall
V1 The Old Mattress Saga

The climb follows two parallel cracks running up the wall.Sit start using the two vertical cracks or a small ledge on the right. Follow the crack up. Ends on a right pinch and jugs to top out.

V2 The Dirty Bird

Stand start. Start on inverted jugs. Move up and slightly left on good crimps and ledges. Top out parallel to Suffragette.

V3 Suffragette

Standing start. Start with both hands on either side of the large square shaped chip. Move up towards the sandy-coloured jug that feels like sandpaper. Move right and up over the slight overhang on positive ledges and solid feet. Top out or match at the top of the boulder wall.

V3/4 Matriarch

Crouch start on a crimp. Toss up left to a crimp, climb over the lip on a pinch and side pull on the corner. Top out over crimps and delicate feet. The sandpaper jug is out.


Stand start. Starting hold is a crimp to the right of where the overhang meets the left wall and just to the left of the inverted ledges. Move up to two crimps, then right to a corner above the graffiti. Make a big move left onto and over the ledge then proceed to top out.

V3 Unnamed

Stand start. First hold is the ledge of the hollow triangular prism. Move up the crack as in The North Well then right onto the feature. Move up and over the feature to top out.

V1 The North Well

Shared start with Unnamed. Located just left of Unnamed. Follow the crack to the left of the overhang to top out.

The Pumping Station

The wall around the corner and to the right of Water Plant Main wall.

V1 The Pumping Station Traverse

Stand start on two crimps on the right side of the boulder. Traverse left past the crack and top out on along ledges to the highest point of the boulder.

V0 The Pumping Station - Variant Top Out

Start the same as the Pumping Station Traverse but top out over the jugs before getting to the crack.

Iqaluit Special #1

A lone boulder at the side of the road in Iqaluit. The boulder is next to a wooden hydro pole.

Iqaluit Iqaluit Special #1
V0 Unnamed

Stand start. Start matched hands on a triangular hold. Move up onto ledges and then continue to top out.

V2 Nearly Midnight Sun

Stand start on the corner shelf with matched hands. Move up along the arete and over the "volume" to top out.


This area covers the boulders and bouldering walls located near the mouth of the Syliva Grinnell River.

Iqaluit Iqalugasurvik
The Raven's Nest - Right

A beautiful orange, three section boulder wall. Broken up into Right, Centre, and Left.

Iqaluit Iqalugasurvik The Raven's Nest - Right
V0 Easy Out

Sit start. Start on a jug angling right. Move up and slightly left on jugs and top out over the lip of the overhang.

V2 Adaptation

Sit start. Start on the obvious ledge that traverses the Raven's Nest boulder. Move up to a side pull and crimp. Toss for the lip of the overhang and top out moving right on jugs.

V3 Adaptation Left

Same start as Adaptation, but climb left to top out once you reach the lip of the overhang instead of climbing right. The crimp holds on the left make this more difficult than topping out on the right.

Project #1 - Raven's Nest

Climbing is tolerated.

V0 Baby Steps

Sit start on the right side of the boulder on the starting hold of Easy Out, traverse left until the end of the rail.

V6/7 Change

Sit start with both hands on the jug. Move up to a crimp and side pull then up to the lip and top out the same as Adaption Left.

Iqaluit Iqalugasurvik
The Raven's Nest - Centre

This is the left section of the Boulder the "Raven's Nest". It is a bulge with a crater feature in the centre of the wall.

Iqaluit Iqalugasurvik The Raven's Nest - Centre
Project #1

Crouch start. Start on the obvious ledge at the left of the boulder. Move right along crimps to the arete on the right. Climb up the arete and over the slab at the top of the boulder to top out.

Project #2

Crouch start. Starting hold is shared with Project #1. Move up and right to the crater and then up and left over slab to top out.

V3/4 Fifth Business

Start left on a sloper and right on a crimp. Climb up the arete on upwards towards the small crack at the top of the boulder to top out. Top out over deep shelves.

V4 Aupilaktunnguat

Sit start by the shelf then move to the left and up the dihedral just below the bulge. Traverse left and top out as Fifth Business.

Iqaluit Iqalugasurvik
The Raven's Nest - Left

Left section of the Raven's Nest boulder wall

Iqaluit Iqalugasurvik The Raven's Nest - Left
V1 Fishing Season

Stand start. Follow the crack all the way up and top out over the bulge.

Iqaluit Iqalugasurvik
Angler's Slab

A slab wall near the trail to fishing spots at the mouth of the river.

Iqaluit Iqalugasurvik Angler's Slab
V2 The One That Got Away

Stand start on two crimps towards the left side of the boulder. Traverse right and top out over the triangle feature. Ledges to the right of the triangle are out. A crux start on crimps and small footholds but ends with solid feet.

V2 Adventures of the Fishmonger

Sit start on the jug at the base of the triangle feature. Move up to a side pull and then across on crimps to top out near the left side of the boulder.

V2 Master Filleter

Stand start on crimps. Move straight up along crimps to top out.

Iqaluit Iqalugasurvik
The Log

A low-ball log shaped boulder to the right of the Raven's Nest / Beacon Rock.

Iqaluit Iqalugasurvik The Log
V1 Le Draveur

Sit start by the arete on the right side of the boulder. Climb up the arete over the curve of the boulder.

V1 Driftwood

Same start as le draveur but traverse left and top out using cracks running vertical down the boulder.

The Docks

Boulders bounded by the causeway and the dump.

Iqaluit The Docks
The Sailor

Please don't block peoples boats when you park during boating season.

Iqaluit The Docks The Sailor
V4 Silver Dolphin

Sit start on a jug (left) near the lip and side pull (right) below the overhang of the boulder. Move up on slopers and crimps to climb out of the overhang. Top out on crimps.

V1 Seaworthy?

Sit start on the left side of the boulder on a jug. Move up and left along deep ledges to top out.

V1 Patrick Star

Start as "Seaworthy?" but traverse the bulge along ledges and top out as Silver Dolphin.

Zeige 1 - 100 von 199 Einträge.

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