
Secteur de Droite

  • Bewertungskontext: US
  • Begehungen: 1



Einschränk. übernommen von Mont Eudore-Fortin

Make sure you pay access fees either at the entrance or online (beforehand since there is limited cell coverage).

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Schwierigkeitsgrad Route

Erstbegehung: Christian Lévesque & Bryan Girard

Mostly 5.5 with a few 5.6 and 5.7 moves and a single 5.8 sequence. Often climbed in 5 pitches.

As the name states, it's adventure time! The base of the climb is quite hard to find in the summer because the vegetation is quite dense at the bottom of the cliff. The line is vague and I doubt that parties who've climbed here followed the exact same line.

You want to start climbing on a slab with dome-style features, making your way up towards the obvious left-leaning dihedral cutting through the whole cliff. You should reach the dihedral about mid-way up the cliff. Once you reach the dihedral, you'll be climbing on the left wall, away from the actual dihedral many times and always coming back to it.

Many variants exist.


Rappel the route. There isn't an established line there is a rappel station on a pine tree in the gully that follows the dihedral. From there, it is possible to get down in 4 long (60m) rappels using clean birch trees.

It would most probably be possible to reach the trail that leads to the summit of Edouard-Fortin and hike back down. This would NOT go back to the base.

Erstbegehung: Christian Lévesque & Bryan Girard

Erstbegehung: Christian Lévesque & Bryan Girard


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