
Dieses Klettergebiet ist gesperrt.


Unlike its neighbour, Positive Way moves directly up the vertical section of the spire. The route will be three pitches once it ascends the entire wall to the summit, however currently only the first pitch is bolted.

Historie der Route

Erstbegehung: Anuar Hassan & Eduardo Baldioceda



Breite/Länge: 9.47214, -83.48357


5.10b Schwierigkeitsgrad
5.10b Dustin Johnston-Jewell


Respect the land owners.
They are kind enough to let you use their property for your enjoyment.
Respect other climbers.
Climbing is a community sport where the only opponent is the cruel crux that sends you airborne.
Respect the environment.
Above all, respect the environment. The plants, the earth and the rock itself were here long before you came into existence and will continue to exist long after you are gone. Sustain its survival by treating it properly.
  • Pick up trash, even if it is not your own. Take at least one piece out on every trip.

  • Do not kill flora or fauna, no matter how small or large.

  • Live and climb as though you are organic with your environment.

übernommen von Chirripo


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Schlüsselworte in Bemerkungen

Unterkünfte in der Nähe mehr Verbergen

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Mi 31 Mai
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