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Autor(en): François Burnier & Dominique Potard

Datum: 2023

ISBN: 9782910672294

Climbing in the mountains around Chamonix - surrounded by spectacular nature. A selective guidebook describing 37 separate climbing areas including 4 bouldering areas in Chamonix Valley.

Gebiete: Chamonix area

Autor(en): FFME

Datum: 2020

Volume 2 of Escalade en Savoie describes the following areas: Chambéry, Chartreuse, Bauges, Combe De Savoie and Lauzièr - 1515 routes / difficulties from 3 til 9 french scale.

Gebiete: Savoie

Autor(en): FFME

Datum: 2020

Volume 1 of Escalade en Savoie focuses mainly on the climbing areas around Lac du Bourget. In total, the guide describes areas with 31 sectors.

Gebiete: Savoie

Autor(en): Fabrizio Calebasso & Matteo Pasquetto

Datum: 2020

ISBN: 9788885475816

A comprehensive rock climbing guidebook to the Italian side of Mont Blanc, covering 66 crags/faces including the Tacul area, the Capucin area, Pavillon, and the Italian side of the Grande Jorasses.

Gebiete: Chamonix area

Autor(en): Jean-Louis Laroche & Florence Lelong

Datum: 2015

ISBN: 9781910240458

A selective guidebook describing 60 routes on the Mont Blanc Massif and the Aiguilles Rouges Massif in the Chamonix Valley, ranging from F4 to F6a+.

Gebiete: Chamonix area

Autor(en): Emmanuel Ratouis

Datum: 2016

ISBN: 9782952605885

A comprehensive guidebook describing the bouldering to be found in the Chamonix valley, covering over 1,000 problems including some circuits, and countless isolated problems, across a wide range of grades.

Gebiete: Chamonix area

Autor(en): Charlie Boscoe & Luke Davies

Datum: 2022

ISBN: 9781873341780

Dieser Kletterführer beschreibt sowohl klassische alpine Routen, als auch Sportkletterwege rund um Chamonix. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei eindeutig auf den vielen beeindruckenden alpinen Granitlinien des Mont Blanc.

Gebiete: Chamonix area

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