
Dernier Pogo

  • Bewertungskontext: FR

Einschränk. übernommen von France

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Ethik übernommen von France

Park where indicated, take care of the environment, buy the local guidebook when possible (this is one of the ways you can help local route setters), clean up your shoes before climbing, don't spray beta, be polite.


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Selected Guidebooks mehr Verbergen

Autor(en): Fabien Roumanille, Loïc Le Denmat

Datum: 2023

Thaurac is the largest climbing site in the Montpellier region. The cliffs rise on both sides of the Hérault gorges, offering a wide variety of climbing styles, difficulty levels, and most importantly, orientations that allow everyone to climb throughout the year. This guidebook is the digital version of the ‘Escalade au Thaurac’ guide, regularly reissued and updated since 1989. It features over 1200 routes spread across around fifty sectors. Each sector is illustrated with photos displaying clear and precise route outlines, while approaches are illustrated with panoramic photos for effective orientation.

The guidebook is produced by Fabien Roumanille and Loïc Le Denmat, two of the most active route setters and maintainers at Thaurac.

The profits generated from the sale of this guide are partially allocated to the maintenance and development of the region’s cliffs.

Autor(en): Adrian Berry

Datum: 2011

ISBN: 9781873341629

A selective guidebook describing some of the popular sport climbing and some trad climbing in the Languedoc-Roussillon region of southern France, covering 17 areas including the Gorge du Tarn and over 3,000 routes.

Unterkünfte in der Nähe mehr Verbergen

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