
Begehungen in Totensteinwände

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Zeigt alle 51 Begehungen.

Schwierigkeitsgrad Route Stil Gebiet Qualität Kletterer Datum
7- Hohe Liebe Sport 30m, 8 Frankenjura Nord
Torsten Silberhorn
Sa 17. Sep 2022
8- Zugzwang Sport 28m, 8 Frankenjura Nord
Torsten Silberhorn
Sa 17. Sep 2022
7- Hohe Liebe Sport 30m, 8 Frankenjura Nord Sehr gut
Fr 8. Jul 2022
8- Zugzwang Sport 28m, 8 Frankenjura Nord
Fr 8. Jul 2022
Zweimal am letzten Haken rausgekippt. Nicht viel gefehlt, schade.

8- Zugzwang Sport 28m, 8 Frankenjura Nord Klassiker
Sa 9. Jul 2022
24 Spirit Points.

Richtig gut!

7 Falkendach Gemischt trad 25m, 5 Frankenjura Nord
Sa 9. Jul 2022
If in doubt, run it out.

7- Hohe Liebe - mit Nadja Sport 30m, 8 Frankenjura Nord Sehr gut
Sa 1. Sep 2018
Super nice, but I got hardcore pumped in the end and needed to rest twice. Distance between first and second bolt is scary. Start is quite polished.

5+ Edelweißverschneidung - mit Nadja Sport 30m, 3 Frankenjura Nord Gut
Sa 1. Sep 2018
Tricky to get over the first bolt, quite the puzzle. Also quite brittle rock in the lower part.

5+ Edelweißverschneidung - mit Nadja Sport 30m, 3 Frankenjura Nord Gut
Sa 1. Sep 2018
Cleaning it.

8- Alfred Drexel Gedenkweg Sport 25m, 10 Frankenjura Nord
Peter Betz
Sa 20. Jun 1998
7+ 7 Falkendach Gemischt trad 25m, 5 Frankenjura Nord
Johannes Kuschke
So 5. Sep 2021
Ziemlich abenteuerliche Route

7- Hohe Liebe - mit mantra Sport 30m, 8 Frankenjura Nord Sehr gut
Sa 1. Sep 2018
7 Falkendach - mit Christoph Rauch Gemischt trad 25m, 5 Frankenjura Nord Klassiker
Sa 1. Sep 2018
5+ Edelweißverschneidung - mit Simon Sport 30m, 3 Frankenjura Nord Gut
Sa 1. Sep 2018
8- Zugzwang - mit Christoph Rauch Sport 28m, 8 Frankenjura Nord Sehr gut
Sa 4. Jun 2022
Awesome! Quite enduring, I was ready to drop off in several places This would surely pass as 8/8+ at other crags...

6+ Emilienriss - mit Christoph Rauch Sport 35m Frankenjura Nord Durchschnitt
Sa 4. Jun 2022
Dusty, brittle hell of a route. Would be really good otherwise, but it's hard to recommend it like that. Thankfully, there were already some draws/extensions in the first two bolts, with the first one clipped. That softens the hardest parts a bit. For what its worth, some of the jams were really fun!

5+ Nüssel Gedenkweg - mit Alex Sport 25m, 7 Frankenjura Nord Sehr gut
So 28. Mai 2023
Adventurous, somewhat exhausting, but really nice!

7- Hohe Liebe Sport 30m, 8 Frankenjura Nord
Christoph Straubmeier
Mo 23. Okt 2023
7 Falkendach Gemischt trad 25m, 5 Frankenjura Nord
Christoph Straubmeier
Mo 23. Okt 2023
Auf dem Weg zum umlenker schiss bekommen

6 A1 Erlanger Weg Technisch 25m Frankenjura Nord
Christoph Straubmeier
Mo 23. Okt 2023
7- Hohe Liebe - mit mantra Sport 30m, 8 Frankenjura Nord Sehr gut
Christoph Rauch
Mi 18. Okt 2017
The polish shows how popular this route once was. Feels like it's hardly ever climbed nowadays, though. Lots of dust on the holds. But still more than a worthwhile climb. Perfect conditions today, sunny autumn day. Cool rock structures and moves, sensible protection in the upper part. The third and fourth bolts should be extended with slings (the fourth because otherwise the carabiner of the draw is lying on the flake below).

8- Zugzwang - mit mantra Sport 28m, 8 Frankenjura Nord Sehr gut
Christoph Rauch
Mi 18. Okt 2017
Plays in the same league as "Hohe Liebe". A perfectly straight line, nevertheless with obvious features and holds, with increasing difficulty towards the top. One larger bolt distance (you can extend the third bolt of "Hohe Liebe" if you're feeling unsafe) and a difficult passage in the end which resolves nicely if you make a slight left arch.

7 MAD - mit mantra Sport 15m, 5 Frankenjura Nord Vergiss es
Christoph Rauch
Mi 18. Okt 2017
Terribly chossy rock in the beginning without any noteworthy moves. The actual route is just a short boulder over the bulge. Two moves and it's more or less over. Careful, the bolt with the old rusty piton next to it is the anchor! Loose rock above, so don't try to go any further.

7 Falkendach - mit mantra Gemischt trad 25m, 5 Frankenjura Nord Sehr gut
Christoph Rauch
Mi 18. Okt 2017
Adventurous route through a dihedral with very good rock quality (but less than optimal protection, so bring nuts and slings) and a glorious roof finish which turns out to be easier than it looks. The unprotected slab in the end (with good holds and a few placements, though) adds to the spice. Maybe bring some secateurs for the roses …

8 Robert Elsinger Erinnerungsweg - mit Simon Sport 22m, 12 Frankenjura Nord Sehr gut
Christoph Rauch
Sa 1. Sep 2018
Fantastic, homogenous route through the middle of the leftmost face. Many complex sections and a hard crux after the layback flake (where I fell). Pumpy throughout. Dusty in places, I definitely need to come back, clean it and climb it.

7 Falkendach - mit Daniel Gemischt trad 25m, 5 Frankenjura Nord Klassiker
Christoph Rauch
Sa 1. Sep 2018
Felt even better than last time, with the right tools (big cams and nuts for the lower part, small cam – in my case DMM Dragon 0 – for the runout after the roof). Sawed off the rose bushes on the big ledge (and accidentally sent down my saw in the process ) again, so it's climbable without scratches. There was a dead rat in the slot with the strongbox (which is missing a pen for the book …)

5+ Edelweißverschneidung - mit Bovist Sport 30m, 3 Frankenjura Nord Durchschnitt
Christoph Rauch
Sa 1. Sep 2018
Good climbing up to the second bolt (crux is passing the first bolt). The difficulties end there, so it's best to lower off from there, because the rest is not very interesting (except for the fact that you need to be very careful about breaking off holds …), and there's lots of vegetation after the third bolt. Also, no anchor and you need to walk a bit away from the edge to find a trustworthy tree (next to an ant hill).

8 8- Brutkasten - mit Harald Sport 25m, 9 Frankenjura Nord Sehr gut
Christoph Rauch
Mi 30. Sep 2020
Pretty tough boulder at the third bolt. I'm quite sure the flake there was better at some point. Felt more like 8+, compared to "Reine Nervensache", but the style is different. After the boulder, it's far from over, though. Just like with "Robert Elsinger Erinnerungsweg", the slab seems neverending and uncompromising, the holds are round (and dusty …) and there are mostly friction footholds. The moves are great, though, and it was a fantastic feeling to discover all the little tricks during the onsight. At the very end, there's a chossy flake out left, other than that, it's bomber rock and also well-protected.

8- Reine Nervensache - mit Harald Sport 30m, 9 Frankenjura Nord Sehr gut
Christoph Rauch
Mi 30. Sep 2020
A brilliant route, which presents itself like a good speech: an elegant start followed by a less memorable and uncomfortable part, but culminating in a fantastic finish that you won't forget for a long time. In rock climbing terms: the slab at the start already demands some tricky, elegant moves, before you have to navigate a relatively chossy middle part; clipping the fourth bolt is a bit uncomfortable if you don't know that there are good holds next to it. The real fun starts once you reach the steep part. Strenuous moves on crimps, pinches and slopers, followed by a burly crack and to finish off, you have to step out onto a blank slab to reach the anchor.

6+ Emilienriss - mit Harald Sport 28m Frankenjura Nord Gut
Christoph Rauch
Mi 30. Sep 2020
A gnarly classic. Thorn bush below the first bolt (I cut it down as good as I could). Good crack climbing in general, but you always have to be on the lookout for loose material. There has been a bigger rock fall in the middle two years ago which still shows; it's a bit unclear how solid the remaining block lying in the crack really is. A little tree was waiting for me in the upper part. I sawed off most of it and got myself showered in dirt and leaves. At the next (last?) bolt, I lowered off since the major difficulties were over and there was another thorn bush which was almost inpenetrable from below; I'll have to come back and abseil down to remove it.

7- Noriswand - mit KP Sport 25m, 7 Frankenjura Nord Sehr gut
Christoph Rauch
So 6. Dez 2020
Impressive classic from 1927 that finds the easiest way through the face. Don't be fooled, though, it's by all means not easy. Tricky already to the first bolt, then a tough balance traverse to the little arête. Of course, the arête was a bit wet today, which didn't really help. Up the little dihedral via a rusty peg to a good undercling flake where I placed a cam before stepping over via wet footholds to the next bolt. The rest was dry again, but another challenge awaited in the form of a thornbush (we cut it off afterwards, though). A nice and solid dihedral finishes up the climb ( the final overhang is easy, but there's no bolt afterwards).

7 Falkendach - mit Alex Gemischt trad 25m, 5 Frankenjura Nord Klassiker
Christoph Rauch
Di 20. Jul 2021
Somehow overlooked the bolt in the chimney, felt a bit airier than last time. :-D Forgot to take a pen for the book again. #repeat

7- Hohe Liebe - mit Alex Sport 30m, 8 Frankenjura Nord Sehr gut
Christoph Rauch
Di 20. Jul 2021
Still pumpy four years after the onsight. Also still great!

8- Hohe Liebe direkt - mit Markus Benning Sport 28m, 8 Frankenjura Nord Sehr gut
Christoph Rauch
Do 5. Aug 2021
Great direct finish. Well … actually, since it's a direct start combined with a direct finish considering the original line, it's a completely different route. Anyway, the first meter after the split from "Hohe Liebe" is quite crumbly, but after that it's perfect rock. The runout after the second bolt in the overhang is unproblematic because you're actually climbing along the huge flakes in the line of "Hohe Liebe", then go back to the right for 5 meters of overhanging, delicate climbing with lots of hidden holds that can cost you the onsight.

8+ Burkis Tanz auf der luftigen Wampe - mit Markus Benning Sport 28m, 11 Frankenjura Nord
Christoph Rauch
Do 5. Aug 2021
Oh bugger. Crux right at the end, after what I first believed to be the anchor because I didn't see any holds above the roof. Splits off from "Reine Nervensache" after about 20 meters or so into a no-hands rest on the left, which you should use, because you need the strength on the last few meters. Bold balance moves a meter above the bolt (I luckily had a knotted sling on my harness which I placed in a crack and which fit perfectly, so my pulse went down a bit again ) lead to a fantastic two-finger pocket. You then clip the last bolt from a huge undercling below the roof, but that's where the journey ended for me. Couldn't figure out how to get over the roof (at least not while the holds above it were slimy from wet lichen … probably hasn't been done in a while). Got to check this out some time.

8+ Burkis Tanz auf der luftigen Wampe - mit Daniel Sport 28m, 11 Frankenjura Nord Sehr gut
Christoph Rauch
Sa 4. Jun 2022
Same procedure as last year, Miss Sophie? I got two moves further this time, though, so only 40 cm missing to the anchor! Worked out a (sort of) beta after I fell, so today I at least reached the anchor. Damn hard finish. Didn't have a brush on me, so next time will be just as dusty above the lip

6+ Emilienriss, Originalweg - mit Daniel Sport 35m Frankenjura Nord Vergiss es
Christoph Rauch
Sa 4. Jun 2022
(The rating is just for the original start, the crack itself is really good, if you're up for some alpine adventure.) After the little groove, you're supposed to go left just below the crack; I tried that but turned around because of the choss and lack of protection, then traversed left two meters lower. The traverse into the track turned out to be a nightmarish game of peeling off prospective holds, then brushing off grime from the remaining mediocre crimps. Technically, this is probably indeed around 6+, maybe 7-, but you'd need to work the wall with a pressure cleaner before. The upper part went well, though, but the thorn bush above the last bolt is back. Since we didn't have a long enough rope anyway, I stopped there.

5+ Nüssel Gedenkweg - mit Daniel, Alex Sport 25m, 7 Frankenjura Nord Sehr gut
Christoph Rauch
So 28. Mai 2023
Great line, neglected classic. The traverse below the roof is probably what puts most people off, no easy toproping possible. Neither polished nor exceedingly chossy. Best lower off the last bolt, the last few meters are overgrown and there's no anchor. Concerning the route: it's a fun, easy traverse and good layback and crack climbing.

7+ Erinnerungsweg - mit Harald Sport 30m, 10 Frankenjura Nord Sehr gut
Christoph Rauch
Mi 21. Jun 2023
Yet another brilliant piece of rock at this wall. The intimidating crack dihedral in the beginning is easier than it looks, the actual difficulty starts when you traverse out to the right into the wall filled with slopers. Barely made it through that passage, sweat dripping off of my brow. The overhanging finish is actually easy (even though it says "very hard" in the old guidebooks; funny old codgers) and great fun.

7- Noriskante - mit Harald Sport 35m, 5 Frankenjura Nord Sehr gut
Christoph Rauch
Mi 21. Jun 2023
It's nowadays probably better to start via "Reine Nervensache", but the start actually isn't too bad, just be careful what you hold on to. When you've reached the little alcove with the tiny tree, the real fun starts. Tricky to say the least, but also powerful in places. Climbed to the anchor of "Reine Nervensache" instead of going right to the anchor of "Hohe Liebe".

7- Hohe Liebe - mit Hartmut Sport 30m, 8 Frankenjura Nord Sehr gut
Christoph Rauch
Mi 21. Jun 2023
Felt incredibly hard today in these humid conditions.

7 Comici Gedenkkante - mit mantra Traditionell 12m Frankenjura Nord Sehr gut
Christoph Rauch
Sa 8. Jul 2023
Finally buckled up to try this, and I can confirm that it's not 8, but 7. Great crack climbing and a good route to level-up your trad skills. Careful with the first placement, though, the crack is quite smooth at the beginning and some brands of cams might slip out. The original line apparently stepped onto the arête at the end (hence the name) and drew up to the left (a peg is still there), which is then the crux of the whole route. However, there's an anchor a little to the right now, too.

8- Alfred Drexel Gedenkweg - mit mantra Sport 25m, 10 Frankenjura Nord Gut
Christoph Rauch
Fr 14. Jul 2023
Yet another great line here. Shares the crux with "Brutkasten", then draws to the right below the roof and up directly in good rock to the anchor of "Noriswand".

8 Robert Elsinger Erinnerungsweg - mit mantra Sport 22m, 12 Frankenjura Nord Sehr gut
Christoph Rauch
Fr 14. Jul 2023
8 Robert Elsinger Erinnerungsweg - mit Valentin Sport 22m, 12 Frankenjura Nord Sehr gut
Christoph Rauch
Fr 14. Jul 2023
Finally got this one, after five years of sneaking past it. Giving it a good brush after the Alzheimer's flash attempt certainly helped, as well as refreshing my memory of the beta. Cruxy moves where you leave the diagonal flake, quite reachy or dynamic. My wingspan was just enough to do it statically. The middle part is a game of "keep it together", before the finish awaits with some more trickery and an anchor that just had to be set so far up left that you're starting to get nervous on the last meter. Great route.

7 Falkendach - mit mantra Gemischt trad 25m, 5 Frankenjura Nord Klassiker
Christoph Rauch
Fr 14. Jul 2023
One of my absolute favourites. This time, I got attacked by angry ants in the middle of the dihedral, though. They were swarming all over a thorny bush that grew there, which I brushed with my face a little, which again coaxed them into jumping onto my face and spraying their venom into my eyes. Nasty little buggers. I removed the bush afterwards. Another note: a green dragon cam is perfect to protect the section below the roof (better than the rusty peg). You should leave out the bolt in the chimney to avoid massive rope drag, or take a long-ass sling to extend it.

7- Hohe Liebe - mit Christoph Straubmeier Sport 30m, 8 Frankenjura Nord Sehr gut
Christoph Rauch
Sa 21. Okt 2023
Typical Totenstein(wände) #warmup that gets you pumped already. The start was moist, which also didn't help.

7 Falkendach - mit Christoph Straubmeier Gemischt trad 25m, 5 Frankenjura Nord Klassiker
Christoph Rauch
Sa 21. Okt 2023
Somebody stole the pencil again. It's becoming a nuisance. I climbed this thing 6 times now and only once had the chance to sign the book.

7 Falkendach - mit Christoph Straubmeier Gemischt trad 25m, 5 Frankenjura Nord Klassiker
Christoph Rauch
Sa 21. Okt 2023
7 6 A1 Erlanger Weg - mit Christoph Straubmeier Technisch 25m Frankenjura Nord
Christoph Rauch
Sa 21. Okt 2023
Aid route from the late 60s or so, next to "Falkendach". Climbed each passage freely, but had to sit a few times to clarify that the protection was good and also to dust off some of the holds. Brittle in the beginning, lots of pitons in good condition (the first one is even glued in) and a few possible placements for nuts and cams. It's not too bad when climbed freely, but the meandering line, the vegetation and the rock quality in some parts make it clear why this has never been revived.

5+ Nüssel Gedenkweg - mit Torsten Schierz Sport 25m, 7 Frankenjura Nord
So 21. Okt 2012

Zeigt alle 51 Begehungen.

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