



Kickass bouldering field high in the Himalayas.


Found by Asim, Ivan, Adi, Monty, Rotem and Soma on their two day camping trip to Chika. The campsite was made around this specific location. Some routes have already been opened and at this boulder and other routes are under progress at nearby boulders.

Einschränk. übernommen von Chika, Hamta Valley

Once you go over the tree line and see the big rocky meadow try to cross the river by looking for a wooden bridge and hike from the left side of the valley to Chika.


After crossing Rani river at Chika, Keep walking in the direction of the big slabby boulder and after passing that, you should see the last boulder before the river. Keep walking towards that boulder. The landing is grassy and flat. That's a great campsite too.


You can camp in the area.

Ethik übernommen von Chika, Hamta Valley

Leave no trace behind. Enjoy the climb and stay safe. This is a delicate eco system. Give back to the nature. rather pick up some trash on your way back out of the valley.


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Schwierigkeitsgrad Route

Erstbegehung: Ivan Afanasev

Starts from juggy rail at the bottom and traverses left and to the top.

Erstbegehung: Rotem Mozes

Erstbegehung: Ivan Afanasev

Starts at the under cling and goes to the right. Difficult start and sustained boulder till the top.

About 22-25 feet highball stand starts from a bottom Jug exits on the slab from overhang which is existing crux right now. Asim is figuring out betas to exit on the slab which is about sustained boulder moves till you reach the overhang. No fall zone starts after you get on the overhang if you have 2-3 pads. 2 Active spotters needed.

Erschliesser: Asim Patel

Layback on the arete till find an exit for the top.

Erschliesser: Ivan Afanasev


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