
Secret Canyon / Lembah Rahasia

  • Bewertungskontext: FR

Flora & Fauna: Summer/Campfire

During the summer season, it is highly recommended to refrain from starting a campfire in Bangkok. This caution is primarily due to the high risk of vegetation in the summit area catching fire easily. The presence of leaves scattered all over the place further exacerbates this risk. Additionally, the prevailing weather conditions during this time, characterized by extreme dryness and strong winds, only serve to increase the potential danger associated with starting a campfire. Therefore, it is advisable to exercise caution and avoid starting any campfires in Bangkok during the summer months.

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Erstellt vor 6 Monaten

Einschränk. übernommen von Gunung Bongkok

From Jakarta: -Car (a 3 hour drive) Take the toll road to Bandung through Purwakarta. Exit at Ciganea. At the end of the exit, turn right and follow the road southward. After 30 minutes you'll see Cupu Rock. Turn right at the junction after Cupu and continue to Plered. From Plered (market) follow the road for 4-5 km. Here is a junction (at Citalang) with a sign reading Gunung Bongkok / Gunung Parang. Turn right and follow the road passing villages and a quarry untill you reach Cikandang. In front you'll see Parang and Bongkok on the left. Take the road to the left through Cikandang. After the waterpond turn left to reach basecamp.

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