
Anno Schnee II

  • Bewertungskontext: FR
  • Fotos: 5
  • Begehungen: 7

Zugang: WARNING!

In December (2023) a huge landslide closed the Monte Croce Carnico Pass, and destroyed some climbing routes, in particular on the "Pal Piccolo" crag. Be very careful, climbing is not recommended in all the sectors affected by the landslide, and in neighboring sectors.

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Erstellt vor 3 Monaten




This cliff is located higher up and is a little more difficult to reach. It offers long climbs on slabby to vertical rock with excellent protection. The routes on the right wall see the sun later in the day while the main wall receives the sun already late morning.


Follow the trail CAI 146 until you hike out of the forest. You will see cliffs right above you. Once the trail becomes flatter, cross the steep slope to the right in direction of the cliffs, crossing one dry gully to reach the cliff.

Alternatively you may hike up from SPQR and Anno Schnee through a steep block field directly to the cliff.



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Starts above the separated flake with some yellow rock and trends left to continue left of the crack.

Starts just right of Unnamed 1, next to the separated flake on the ground.

Starts just 2 meters left of Unnamed 5. The first few bolts trend left, then staright up on the face.

First route left of the corner going up the nice face.

Starts in the corner at the big flake, same start as Unnamed 7 but then left higher up. Follows the flake all the way up, a lot of laybacking on good holds.

Same start as Unnamed 6 in the corner.

Starts just left of Unnamed 7 on the less featured part of the right wall.

Route is located on the arrete on the right wall. Nice climbing but somehow hard to read.

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Autor(en): Daniele Bucco

Datum: 2020

ISBN: 9788885475823

Dieser grenzüberschreitende Kletterführer beschreibt 78 Gebiete, verteilt auf Pordenone, Udine, Goriza, Trieste auf italienischer Seite sowie in Slowenien Osp, Mišja peč, Črni Kal

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