

  • Bewertungskontext: FR

Einschränk. übernommen von Ceredo Ai Falconi

Ceredo Ai Falconi is located on the slopes of the Lessini Mountains, a few kilometers north of Verona. For those coming from the Milan-Venice A4 highway, the exit is Verona East. Go straight in the direction of Boscochiesanuova, once you reach Stallavena, follow the road to Erbezzo. Continue along the valley and after the villages of Lugo and Bellori, after a while a small fork on the left indicates Ceredo and Fosse. Follow for bar / pizzeria “El Gavinel. Park your car and if you can, drink a coffee there. Proceed north for a hundred meters , then towards east on a country road marked “257 CAI”, after a ten minutes walk, the crag is on the right side. For those descending along the Brenner motorway (A22) exit at Ala - Avio. Continue south and in the village of Peri take a winding road that goes up the mountain leading to the village of Fosse. From here go down towards Grezzana and Verona.

Ethik übernommen von Ceredo Ai Falconi

Ceredo is a small village, be nice. It is forbidden to camp around the crag.

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