
Hop Boulder

  • Bewertungskontext: US
  • Aka: ホップ岩

Einschränk. übernommen von Kasama Boulder

  • Minimize the amount of chalk you use.
  • Clean all chalk off problems at the end of the day.
  • Use pads to protect the ground against erosion.

  • The Sen-nin Tamari car park (千人溜駐車場) is currently closed due to the fall of a number of trees in a recent typhoon. The car park will remain closed until the local municipality have finished monitoring the stability of the remaining trees and carried out any necessary safety works. In the meantime, the dirt car park just below the Daikoku Boulder is available for anyone to use.

  • Climbing on the Daikoku Boulder has been prohibited since December 2017. The local municipality instigated the ban as the close proximity to the road made climbing a danger for passing traffic, and because climbers were leaving the boulder looking a mess covered with chalk. Stay away from this boulder. Future violations by climbing the Daikoku Boulder, or continued excessive use of chalk in other sectors, may lead to a ban against all climbing at Kasama.

Ethik übernommen von Japan

There`s not a lot of information about climbing in Japan in English. Much of the information is only available in Japanese - or of course here on theCrag!

The Japan Free Climbing Association (http://freeclimb.jp/seibi/seibi.htm) is a good point of contact and there is a set of 5 guidebooks (all in Japanese) and an alpine guide book in English available covering all of Japan and its thousands of sport and trad routes and boulders.





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Start sitting and climb the flake to the top.

Start on underclings in the crack. Named after the lump that formed on the first ascensionist's head after a hold broke.

Jump to the lip, find the best holds, then mantle.

Bit of a pull to get established.

Step onto the boulder, then trend rightwards to the top. Name means 'gentle'.

Name means 'trap', after the hole in the ground that used to exist below this problem.

Boulder ist nicht lokalisiert

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Fr 2 Jun
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