
Flora & Fauna: Nesting birds

Hell's Gate cliffs are important nesting sites for a number of birds, including vulnerable species that face a number of threats in the surrounding area. Please check on the local Whatsapp groups for the latest sightings or restrictions and if you come across a nest on your climb try and bail off well before reaching, to avoid disturbing nesting animals and potentially causing active nests to be abandoned.

Siehe Details & Diskussionen zur Warnung

Erstellt vor ungefähr zwei Jahren


Start 5 m right of Kindergarden Grooves, and follow an obvious line of cracks running more or less straight up the front of the buttress.

  1. 18 m Climb the crack as far as a bulge, move slightly right and up over vegetated blocks. Easy rock leads to a recess up on the left to belay.

  2. 12 m Climb out to the left, using a jam, the up the ensuing slabs to the bottom of a steep crack with a large chockstone in the middle. Climb this to the broken rake halfway up the cliff to belay.

  3. 24 m Traverse right over easy rocks across the back of gully. Climb this then traverse right across the sloping slab for 5 m. Up nose tending right to the final wall.


Historie der Route

17 Mär 1970Erstbegehung: T.Spence & J. Sinclair


26 Sep 2022 Warnung Flora & Fauna: Nesting birds


Breite/Länge: -0.85638, 36.35554

Einige Inhalte wurden unter folgender Lizenz bereitgestellt: © Mountain Club of Kenya (Copyright Mountain Club of Kenya)


S Schwierigkeitsgrad
S Hell's Gate Climbs


No bolting unless you're doing a new route (then please check with the MCK that it is a new route beforehand).

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