
Flora & Fauna: Partial Bird Ban

There are currently endangered Ruppell's vultures nesting on this cliff.

For this reason, Dynamo, and all routes to the right of it, are currently closed.

This has been agreed between MCK and KWS; please respect the ban.

Siehe Details & Diskussionen zur Warnung

Erstellt vor 2 Jahren

Flora & Fauna: Nesting birds

Hell's Gate cliffs are important nesting sites for a number of birds, including vulnerable species that face a number of threats in the surrounding area. Please check on the local Whatsapp groups for the latest sightings or restrictions and if you come across a nest on your climb try and bail off well before reaching, to avoid disturbing nesting animals and potentially causing active nests to be abandoned.

Siehe Details & Diskussionen zur Warnung

Erstellt vor ungefähr zwei Jahren


First impressions are that the grade is 22 A2, but we would be happy for a second ascent party to downgrade the difficulty. Will write up description, but anyone wanting to repeat the route, can contact me at any time. Three pitches, right-hand side of Springs Wall, through the left side of overhangs.


Historie der Route

1 Okt 2011Erstbegehung: Alex Fiksman & Julian Wright


16 Jan 2022 Warnung Flora & Fauna: Partial Bird Ban
26 Sep 2022 Warnung Flora & Fauna: Nesting birds


Breite/Länge: -0.87927, 36.32359

Einige Inhalte wurden unter folgender Lizenz bereitgestellt: © Mountain Club of Kenya (Copyright Mountain Club of Kenya)


22 A2 Schwierigkeitsgrad
22 A2 Hell's Gate Climbs


No bolting unless you're doing a new route (then please check with the MCK that it is a new route beforehand).

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