



A brilliant sector with vertical to slightly overhung routes. The sector faces south and it gets the sun until 12:00 – 13:00.


The lower tier(s) are mostly overhanging, up to around 20m, and contain hard sport routes mostly in the upper 7s and throughout the 8s. Cyprus's answer to Ceuse!

Left Side

Follow the directions towards the overhang sector. When you reach the wall of the sector follow it all the way to its south end and then follow the cave to your right that takes you to ‘’Bat Trip’’ and then the rest of the routes in the sector.


Currently the sector with the most routes. Steep overhanging routes are an ideal choice for climbing in mid-to-high range difficulties. Despite the east orientation of the crag, it gets the sun only early in the morning. It is notably cooler than the rest of the crags and it makes climbing possible even during the summer months.


This free-standing pillar offers some short but worthy routes. The sector faces south and it gets in shade late in the afternoon or never depending on the season.


The best place to park (if not occupied) is in the space opposite this water thingy marked" ER 1953". Then go up this small concreted road for maybe 10m, then to the right of this building. Then head north across some scrubland until you find the crag. 5 mins from the car in all.


The lower sectors are home to a significant colony of pigeons and bats (amongst other things). As such the environment around the sectors is not the healthiest. The left-hand sector (containing most of the better easy routes) is especially affected, where you will be standing on top of a 2cm thick carpet of pigeon guano. It is worth bearing in mind that this stuff can contain some very nasty diseases. Frequent hand sanitation, and/or masks, are highly recommended (not exactly a foreign prospect in these times!).



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A bouldery start followed by a brave exit from the crux.

Erstbegehung: Stefanos Papadopoulos

Erstbegehung: Andreas Parparinos

A nice bouldery traverse crux.

Shares anchor with Citius Altius Fidius.

Erstbegehung: Andreas Parparinos


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