
Hidden Wall

  • Bewertungskontext: AU
  • Begehungen: 71




A beautiful gem discovered by Murray Judge


Hidden from sight behind an elderberry thicket, it has produced a clutch of classic lines on mostly brilliant quality rock. It appears that the crag very seldom gets wet and so grit from the breccia walls above settles on exposed edges making the crag a bit dusty. The routes aren't particularly long but this shortfall is more than compensated for by marvellous climbing. Head into the macrocarpa forest via a track on the Sunny Side of the Pinnacle. Follow the track for about 150 metres (fluoro paint dots on tree trunks) then drop down into the native bush, walking through a sticky bit of track, and turn right when you hit the base of the cliffline. Continue until the crag appears. The area is prone to the odd falling rock from the choss above, particularly when windy. Staying close to the wall and keeping your helmet on are good ideas.


From the ‘Pinnacle’, follow the bush trail towards the large cliff following the pink dots on the trees. Once at the base, head right for about 100 metres to a flat section of ground.



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Erstbegehung: Murray Judge

Mixed Line

Erstbegehung: Steve Carr

The prominent crack in the centre of the crag. Work your way up through the lower blocks to the protrusion with an undercling on its bottom edge. Up and over this to where the crackline appears. Follow this all the way to the belay.

Erstbegehung: Steve Carr

Begin by clipping the first two bolts of Tempest before moving left and up the centre of the wall. Great holds, great moves to finish at the Tempest belay.

Erstbegehung: Michael Norman, 2024

Erstbegehung: Steve Carr

Erstbegehung: Murray Judge

Erstbegehung: Sam Henehan

Technical Crux

Erschliesser: Matias Lolitto

Short and Stout

Erschliesser: Matias Lolitto

Erschliesser: Robert Chow

Erstbegehung: Murray Judge

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