
Party cave

  • Bewertungskontext: AU
  • Fotos: 4
  • Begehungen: 9




The big cave at the end of the beach.


Walk left onto the beach as far as you can go


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Start on right where the seams join, move left then up to small bulge. First boulder on the right side of the cave

Erstbegehung: Angus Kirk

Left of Fred the cave monster. Starting in the seam, up and right on positive holds. Finished matched on high jug.

Erstbegehung: Oliver Rickford, 12 Feb

Half way into the cave on the right. Sit start on angled rail, work your way to the top of the big bulge then drop down.

Erstbegehung: Angus Kirk, 26 Jun 2022

Stand start to Peace of Sunshine. Start with left hand on the crimp and right on the pinch. May need to stack a pad if you're shorter

Erstbegehung: Angus Kirk

Up the spine with the smiley face on it in the narrow part of the cave. Start left hand on low crimp and right hand on ledge. Work up the spine, through kneebar and crimps and finish left on jugs.

Erstbegehung: Mischa van B., 2023

Stand start to Grin and Bear It. Start o right hand pinch and left hand crimp, kneebar and move through crimps. Finish on left hand jugs

Erstbegehung: Mischa van B., 2023

Start right hand on crimp low down on hanging block, left hand on flat rail on the backside of the block. Work your way left to eventually finish on big flat edge about 4m away.

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Mo 5 Jun
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