
Zugang: Waitawheta track access closed due to rock fall

The crown tram track up the Waitawheta gorge that is the usual access for the Gorge climbing area is closed due to a significant rockfall. Locals still use the route (a couple gates to jump and slip to scramble over) but could be risky in rain or wind. A high route exits on the true right bank - take the windows walk track and find a small steep track 50m before the first 'windows tunnel'. This joins a good traverse track that goes under the Khan buttress and comes out at the Prelude Buttress under the route 'Shade of things to come'. Update: The windows track is now reopened, hopefully permanently, making this the easiest access.

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From the bottom of 'Shade of things to come', follow the easy ledge out right to a shallow corner. Climb to the big ledge and gain the arete on the right. Climb the arete on good gear to the belay ledge. The second pitch needs to be cleaned...but if you are keen, from the belay climb to the large ledge above, to a groove out left and up this to the top of the buttress.

Historie der Route

Es ist keine Historie zu dieser Route bekannt.


8 Dec 2022 Warnung Zugang: Waitawheta track access closed due to rock fall


Breite/Länge: -37.42765, 175.72592


15 Schwierigkeitsgrad
14 private


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