
Sawa-i-lau Caves

  • Bewertungskontext: US


Deep water soloing spot in the northern Yasawa Islands. If you're staying at one of the nearby resorts there should be trips on sale for roughly $50 AUD to tourists. People typically stay around an hour or two before it's time to head back. It's a nice swim regardless but there is a small amount of climbing to be enjoyed over deep water! Care for all the non-climbers swimming below and that you don't fall on top of them.


You'll get a boat to a beach and walk up a small set of stairs and you're there!


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Swim into main area, look left for some large lobes leading to ledge. From the ledge move left with a right arm crossover bicep-y move with high feet then reach far left to a break in the rock and mount the top. Pleasant jump from the top!

Erstbegehung: Michael 'Monty' Burns, 9 Jan 2017

Start directly across from the entry in the chimney. ~4m up right hand on small flat ledge on left side of chimney and then right high foot and swing out on to face.

Possibility of a dyno to a natural 'brick' stuck in the rock but my tour group had to leave before I could try.

Named after a tourist's biological alarm clock...

Erstbegehung: Michael 'Monty' Burns, 9 Jan 2017

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