
Fideo Brichero

  • Bewertungskontext: FR
  • Fotos: 5
  • Begehungen: 16



Einschränk. übernommen von Hatun Machay

Access to the rock forest (for climbers or hikers) is 13 Sols per person (10 for Peruvians) as of 2023. If you stay there (camping or refuge) you only pay this fee once.

It is easy enough to organise a taxi in Huaraz to take you to Hatun Machay, around 120 soles one way. Once there, the administrator can book a taxi back for you.

A local company "Andean Kingdom" (http://www.andeankingdom.com/) organizes a daily bus trips to and from the crag from Huaraz costing 25 Sols (10 USD) for each way for each person.

There is a modern hut with full kitchen and hot water located a 5min walk from the crag for 30 Sols (12USD) per night. You need to bring your own food, however beer is available at the hut.

Ethik übernommen von Hatun Machay

In agreement with the local community many areas of Hatun Machay have been declared “nature zones”. The aim is to preserve the ecological balance in the area whilst respecting the community’s land and cultural history.

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