
Faerie Glen

  • Bewertungskontext: SA
  • Begehungen: 6
  • Aka: Plumbago




Very small bouldering area in a quiet nature reserve in the middle of Pretoria


Public nature reserve


From the N1 north take the atterbury road turn off.Turn right towards Menlyn mall.Go through 3 robots then turn left at the 4th robot into General louis Botha road.Go through 1 robot and then 100m after the robot look for the Plumbago Nature Reserve turn off.

Sign in at the table and turn left where you will walk on a cement bridge over a river.Take the cement path all the way up the mountain.once at the top look for the cement bench and look for the path that leeds downhill for 10m.Turn left and pass some small boulders till you reach the main bouldering wall.




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This is an extension of fool's gold starting lower and on the left. Start with left hand on a very low and slightly loose block with a solid positive edge on it. Your right hand is on a pretty bad intermediate that you can hold in many ways. Traverse/throw from here to the starting jugs of fools and T/O on fools.

Erstbegehung: Bruce McD, 11 Nov 2023

Stand start left of eagle Owl.Start with a big jug and climb the small overhang and onto the face with a rail and top out.

Erstbegehung: Shaun cottrell

Stand start on the very left hand side of the crag.Without using the roof traverse well below it staying low.top out in the open book on the far end of the crag just before jonnie cash

Erstbegehung: Wesley Black

Stand start.Climb the arete of the main overhang by hugging it all the way up then top out

Erstbegehung: Wesley Black

Sit start version of Eagle owl

Erstbegehung: Wesley Black

Start under the overhang. Left hand on pocket,right hand on crimp. Move right to left face of open book. Top out.

Erstbegehung: stephen browne

Climb the face 1m right of Eagle Owl without using the crack or the opposite wall.This face faces upstream of the river.Top Out.

Erstbegehung: Wesley Black

Sit start on the protruding crimp and follow the crack up. Then traverse right from the obvious pocket and top out right of the bush.

Erstbegehung: Stephen Browne

Stand start on the face that faces the main road.The crack and the opposite face is off route.Easier if you are tall.Top out.

Erstbegehung: Wesley Black

Sit start version of out of time. Do not use the protruding rock.Start on a sloper moving up onto the face.Top out.

Erstbegehung: Wesley Black

This route climbs the second arete of the crag (Eagle Owl is the first). Stand start under it, with hands matched on the rock protruding at face height. Climb the arete but with your body always on it's left. T/O to the right of out of time.

Erschliesser: Bruce McD

Climb the second overhang to the right of sketchy.Top Out.

Erstbegehung: Keegan Black

Sit start of Juicy Lucy

Erstbegehung: Shaun Cottrell

To the far right, the last face before the path heads up again, between two small bushes / trees. Sit start on low crimp/rail for both hands (bad feet), move up to big side-pull and end with a big dyno to a slopy edge to the far right. May not use the obvious rail on top. Move to the right of the buldge on the top rail.

Erstbegehung: Heinrich Kahl

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