

A smooth bulbous boulder with a little roof at the top.

Einschränk. übernommen von The Ark

Make sure you have the map open and loaded on your phone. Once you start heading down into the gorge you won't have any connection.

Ethik übernommen von Botshabelo

When opening new lines please take a picture and update the guide. This way we can share the psych! Breaking loose rock is acceptable for safety reasons. If you find a good line you can do some "gardening" but be reasonable. (nothing unnecessary).


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Start on jug and climb up

Erstbegehung: Evan Margetts

Start as Pelennor but go left to good edge under roof and up.

Erstbegehung: Griffen Alexander

Start on obvious jug and move out left via a big move and then trend back right on awesome crimps. A classic problem.

Erstbegehung: Griffen Alexander

Start as the White tree but after big move go left and up.

Erstbegehung: Evan Margetts

Start on "pelennor" but climb into "Minas Tirirth"

Erstbegehung: Evan Margetts

Sit start on small bad crimp and deadpoint up and finish as "Minus Tirith".

Erstbegehung: Josh Alexander

Stand start on obvious jugs and climb up.

Erstbegehung: Josh Alexander

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Sa 27 Mai
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