

Starts just left of the fence on the eastern side of the boulder. Climb up and then traverse left and down again.

Historie der Route

Feb 2002Erstbegehung: Roland Magg & Rory Lowther



Breite/Länge: -28.38268, 29.27691


V1/4 Schwierigkeitsgrad
V4 Stuart Hill
V1/4? SACIN - South African Climbing Info Network


Testing was done a few years ago on the different types of bolts and it was found that on slab, vertical or slightly overhanging routes the stainless steel Hilti HSA-KR M10x110mm can be used. Please note that for anchors of multi-pitch routes or steep routes these bolts will not be strong enough. Either the M12x110mm bolt or the Upat UKA3 glue-in capsule with 100mm stainless threaded bolts can be used. Almost all of the other glue's and readily available bolts were tested and not always found to be sufficient. Please take extra care in testing where you place your bolts as there are many hollow sections of rock. Remember that when you bolt a route you do not own the rock, and that many others would also like to climb it, so bolt it for everyone and not only yourself. Some of the routes are still bolted with unrated U-bolts and some dodgy placements can be found, but for the most part all routes are safe. If you would like more information about bolting in this area please contact the Mountain Club of South Africa.

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Mi 7 Jun
Finde heraus, was in Even Mortals Boulder passiert.

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