
Corridor Buttress

  • Bewertungskontext: SA
  • Fotos: 14
  • Begehungen: 8




If climbing the Cha Cha wall, then expect sun from around 11h00. If climbing the South face of Corridor, expect shade until 14h00.


1 to 1.5hrs via the Pipe track from Bakoven access point (Kasteelspoort starting point).


For Cha Cha: Corridor ravine. For the South face: Oudekraal ravine.

Ethik übernommen von Table Mountain

No bolting.


Grafik zur historischen Entwicklung

Corridor Rib opened in 1950. Vertigo opened in 1957. Cha Cha wall opened in 1962.


Route(n) hinzufügen Topo hinzufügen Neu sortieren Stapelbearbeitung Konvert. Grade
Schwierigkeitsgrad Route
1 18 15m
2 17 15m
3 15 15m
4 12 10m

This route has excellent quality rock and is well worth doing. It is possible to link P1 & 2.

  1. Climb the clean and steep face, aiming for the dihedral. Step left onto a ledge and stance.

  2. Pull through the obvious break in the roof above and head straight up to a large ledge.

  3. Scramble up and use some short pillar like features to gain the crack in the face above. Follow this up and left, until beneath a roof. Bypass the roof on the left hand side.

  4. Scramble to the top.

Descent: walk off via the gully on the left (facing out).

Erstbegehung: M. Mamacos, J. Henry, E. Rudnick & O. Shipley, 1950

Can-Can Approach As for Cha-Cha Start Start up an orange corner to the left of a prominent, dark overhang with a good drip on its left side. Stash walking gear some 40m below at a cairned tea cave as this saves you time later.

Pitch 1 17, 52m Climb the orange corner on good rock to a wide ledge at 15m. Step diagonally right over blocky ground to continue up a red, cracked wall to a good ledge about 30m beyond the first ledge.

Pitch 2 18, 30m (17?) Via right off the stance for 5m before tending up and left to the obvious break in the roof below a grey open book. Pull through the overhang on good holds to stand in the well protected corner. Exit to the left and traverse a few metres left to a narrow ledge.

Pitch 3 17 20m Climb the corner above the ledge on good rock. Move left around an overhang to a bushy ledge. Stance here or continue up and slightly left for 10m on grey rounded rock to a smaller ledge on the left.

Pitch 4 16 30m Climb the corner above the small ledge for 10m until a roof, traverse right, then tend left on easy ground, around a small corner, and up a short face to top out besides a touchstone

Descent Walk off the back of the buttress (cairns) heading towards the main Corridor ravine path

Erstbegehung: 30 Okt 2022

1 16 27m
2 18 18m
3 17 30m
4 18 18m
5 18 5m
6 18 30m
7 8 6m
8 16 27m
9 16 12m
10 13 36m
11 60m

The route starts roughly in the middle of the north-west face of Corridor Buttress next to a scruffy gully.

  1. Climb up clean rock to the right of the gully until it is possible to traverse into the gully itself. Continue up the gully into a cubbyhole stance under an overhang at the top.

  2. Traverse about 2m to the right of the gully, climb up for 6m on a face involving delicate movements, and then use a thin footrail to gain a corner on the left. Continue up and to the left into a recess, proceed past one ledge to another via a reddish-coloured face (this latter ledge is more convenient for belaying the next pitch).

  3. Climb diagonally across the face to the right to reach a block projecting from the face. Step down 1m, traverse 6m to the right and continue diagonally up to a tiny stance next to a large flake leaning against the face.

  4. Proceed diagonally up to the gap in the overhang; climb up through the gap before moving 2m across to the right into a chimney-like recess (the vital flake hold is sound). Continue up the recess to a cave-like stance under the overhangs.

  5. Traverse to the right using the top of an oblong block for handholds. Climb 3m to a comfortable stance above. Walk 6m to the right to the foot of a shallow, yellowish corner.

  6. This pitch is complicated. Climb the yellowish corner, and move to the left to a narrow footrail. Follow the footrail to the right until it ends, step down 1.5m, continue to the right and then proceed up a flake-like block. Climb to a red recess further to the right. Step down 1m, and then traverse to the right again, by using a deeply cut handrail, onto the corner. Climb up to the right of the corner to reach a comfortable stance.

  7. Traverse left to a stance at the foot of the recess.

  8. Climb the recess before moving out left. Continue diagonally to the left across the face to reach a large, bushy stance.

  9. Climb the chimney to the left of the stance.

  10. Traverse left along the ledge to the foot of a gully leading to the summit.

  11. 60m of scrambling, including some 'E' standard movements, takes one to the top of the buttress.

Erstbegehung: H. Graafland & H. Snijders, 1962

1 14 35m
2 14 45m
3 16 35m
4 16 25m
5 12 20m
6 12 30m
7 14 30m
8 12 20m
9 12 15m

This route has mixed quality rock. The first 4 pitches feature loose and friable rock and care must be taken. Pitches 5 to 9 are on excellent compact sandstone.

  1. Scramble up the slabby and vegetated wall, aiming for a rock ledge on the left. Upon reaching the ledge (cairn), step right onto the wall and continue up, trending slightly rightwards, and aiming for a ledge beneath some large roof features.

  2. Above is a large triangular roof, and above that an even larger more rectangular roof. Bypass the first triangular roof by ascending a chimney like crack (no pro) on the righthand side of the belay ledge. From the top of the chimney step left and across a gap, to follow a narrowing ledge that leads out to the extreme left of the large rectangular roof. Mantle to gain a vertical break. Follow this, trending slightly rightward to gain a large ledge.

  3. Towards the right hand side of the ledge is the only feasible looking line: steep and clean rock that leads up and right towards a small ledge beneath a roof. Pull through the roof on huge jugs, then climb diagonally left to stance behind a large block.

  4. From the stance, climb straight up to gain a ledge. Move right, and from the middle of the ledge pull through a small overlap to gain the dihedral above. Once established in the dihedral, rail left to an exposed corner. Pull up into a large crack containing a chockstone, which is followed to a ledge.

  5. Just so you know you're still on route: the defining feature of this belay ledge is an enormous block that looks poised to tumble into the void below. The other defining feature is the short layback crack at the back of the ledge. Follow this crack. At the top, step right and head up a few meters to gain a ledge. Following the ledge, do a rising traverse for a few meters and stance at an obvious break/crack.

  6. Ignoring the obvious break above, climb diagonally up and left to stance on a triangular platform.

  7. Above is a clean and juggy wall with an obvious square finger of rock jutting out. Aim for this feature, bypassing it on the right hand side. Step left and climb the steep and gnarled crack to gain a small rectangular platform (possible stance). Step right and climb up to a narrow ledge with a loose block on it. Follow the ledge to the right and around the corner, climb up and gain a large ledge.

  8. Walk left about 8m. Round a corner and climb an easy break up to another ledge. Walk a few steps right and climb the easiest part of the clean grey face. Stance at the next ledge.

  9. From the stance, move diagonally left, aiming for a large flake. Layback up the flake and top out.

Descent: head East and find the Apostles Spine footpath. Follow this South, towards Grootkop. Before reaching Grootkop, turn right (West) and follow a narrow but clear path that leads towards Oudekraal Ravine. Descend Oudekraal Ravine and back to the foot of Corridor Buttress to retrieve your bags.

Erstbegehung: P. White, J. de V. Graaff & B. Quail, 1957

Route with a country feel to it. Some friable rock though good overall (with some lichenous section). Right side of south wall. In the shade most of the day.

  1. 13 - 25m

  2. 14 - 30m

  3. 14 - 50m

  4. 16 - 30m

  5. 12 - 25m

  6. 13 - 30m

  7. 11 - 35m

Descent: at the top, head East and find the Apostle's path. Take right, following this South, towards Grootkop. Before reaching Grootkop, at the fork take a right again, heading West, and follow a narrow but clear path that leads to Oudekraal Ravine. Take right and descend Oudekraal Ravine and back to the base of Corridor Buttress.

Erstbegehung: A. Berrisford & B. Quail, 1947

A small crag low on Corridor Buttress.

Approach Follow the pipe track extension around from Slangolie Buttress until Corridor buttress comes into view. Take a right fork that heads past the crag.

Descent: walk down around the left side (facing the crag).

Good climbing up to the left side of the small roof (with black streaks above). Then run-out to the top.

Erstbegehung: Richard Halsey, Okt 2015

Follow the black streaks up and over the right side of the small roof.

Erstbegehung: Warren Gans, Okt 2015

Takes a diagonal break passing the left side of the larger roof on the right side of the crag. Tricky move near the top.

Erstbegehung: Warren Gans, Okt 2015

Start from a boulder by two vertical white stripes. Straight up to the roof. Pull through and follow the thin vertical crack. When this peters out tend slightly right up the face.

Erstbegehung: Richard Halsey, Okt 2015

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