
F: Banjo Run 🚫

  • Bewertungskontext: SA

Klettern in diesem Gebiet ist verboten/illegal.


Einschränk. übernommen von Redhill

You are not allowed to climb here according to the authorities that oversee TMNP (Table Mountain National Park). There has been a moratorium on climbing in the area until a suitable EMP (Environmental Management Plan) can be formulated.

But don't get your hopes up, as the EMP has been in the pipeline for the last decade or more. Translation: don't get caught climbing here by the Rangers.

Finally, the area is known to be a hot spot for criminal activity, with muggings at gunpoint occuring with some frequency.

Ethik übernommen von Redhill

Stick to the paths and don't unecessarily trample or damage the fynbos. No chipping holds. Pick up any trash you find and don't leave fingertape or cigarette butts lying around. Brush off tick marks after you have climbed your problem.


Route(n) hinzufügen Topo hinzufügen Neu sortieren Stapelbearbeitung Konvert. Grade
Schwierigkeitsgrad Route

Standstart, climb high arête to TO.

Standstart, climb the high juggy wall to TO via the short vertical crack near the top of the boulder.

Standstart, climb straight to the slopey rail, continue straight up to TO.

Standstart with RH in pocket, climb straight up through the bulges to TO.


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