

A massive, varied pitch with a demanding crux section that climbs the entire length of the buttress.

Start at the far right end of the ledge (accessed from the main gully). This is about 7m up from the forest below.

Head straight up the dark brown face to the recess above. Continue up passing the right side of a ledge with blocks. Follow more recesses and cracks to a narrow roof with black streaks above. Step left and follow two sections of finger cracks in orange rock to an overlap. Use the steep layback crack to gain a horizontal break up and right. Hard moves up and left to the next wide rail. Pull up and right into a small right facing corner. Finish up the face just right of the arête.

Historie der Route

Mai 2016Erstbegehung: Richard Halsey



Breite/Länge: -31.74933, 18.88264


24 Schwierigkeitsgrad


Please be courteous to everyone there and respect the land and its owners Note that both Waterval and Baievlei's main water supply/catchment is at the individual crags. Please keep it clean.

übernommen von Waterval


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