



Einschränk. übernommen von Geyikbayırı

Access is easy, by car or minibus, via a single paved road. Depending on where you stay furthest access is about a 30 minute walk.

Ethik übernommen von Geyikbayırı

There are no restrictions aside from respecting the environment as the local government has been very tolerant and we don't want that to change. All bolting is stainless steel and not more than 10 years old. Between 20 to 30 new routes are opened every year and visitors are welcome to contribute to that with local advice.


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Schwierigkeitsgrad Route

Erschliesser: Klaas Willems, 2013

Erschliesser: Klaas Willems, 2013

Erschliesser: Klaas Willems, 2013

Super nice technical climbing.

Erschliesser: Tobias Haug, 2013

One nice adventure, onsight not so easy.

Erschliesser: Tobias Haug, 2013

Erschliesser: Jürgen Bormann, 2011

Great and varied climbing. At 8a.nu also 6a+/b suggestions.

Erschliesser: Jürgen Bormann, 2011

1 4c
2 7c+

Erschliesser: Konrad Schlenkrich

Shares the start with 'Raki on the Rocks' and splits right just before the intermediate anchor.

Make sure the belayer is on the ball with the amount of rope out for the first few bolts. The ledge is closer than it appears from the ground, and you can easily hit it

Erschliesser: Tobias Haug, 2013

Good holds on the overhanging start followed by tick-tacky moves on the grey head wall. Trickier than the neighbouring 'Sakıznine'.

Erschliesser: Tobias Haug, 2013

Fun overhanging moves on good holds.

Erschliesser: Tobias Haug, 2013

Great climbing, funky start, technical in the middle and juggy finish.

Erschliesser: Tobias Haug, 2013

Warnung Flora & Fauna: Bee Hive at Anchors

Erschliesser: Tobias Haug, 2013

Shares the start with 'Hänsel'. Splits right into the overhang at the penultimate bolt. Bouldery sequence at the top.

Erschliesser: Tobias Haug, 2013

Erschliesser: Tobias Haug, 2013

1 5c+
2 6b+

Erschliesser: Tobias Haug, 2013


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Selected Guidebooks mehr Verbergen

Autor(en): Öztürk Kayikci

Datum: 2023

ISBN: 9786259930107

A definitive rock climbing guidebook for Antalya describing all the sport climbing to be found at Geyikbayiri, Olympos, Yarasali, Citdibi, Beycik, and Kaputas.

Unterkünfte in der Nähe mehr Verbergen

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