
Stanage North Verweise auf Kletterführer

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Find the best selection of climbing guide books for Stanage North here. Click on Buy to get the best deals from our partners.

Eastern Gritstone


Autor(en): C. Craggs, A. James

Datum: 2022

Der neue Eastern Grit beschreibt 4305 Routen und legte so zur letzten Ausgabe 255 Wege drauf. Der Großteil der beschriebenen Gebiete befindet sich südwestlich von Sheffield.

Peak District


Autor(en): S. Broadbent

Datum: 2022

Volume 1 of this climbing guide contains more than 4700 routes on 89 crags in northern England and Wales / primarily 5 to 7b on the French scale.

Autor(en): Alan James & Adrian Berry

Datum: 2023

ISBN: 9781873341988

A comprehensive guidebook describing the bouldering in the Peak District, covering well over 3,000 boulder problems. It includes all the areas from Wimberry in the north, through the Eastern Edges, to the Central Gritstone and Limestone and the grit of Staffordshire.

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