
Ascents in Scenic Rim as various tick types by Stephen Parker

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 127 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality
Sun 14th May 2006 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
14 Theory Trad 25m Very Good
Great warm up fo the day.

Sun 14th May 2006 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
13 Clockwork Orange Corner Trad 15m Very Good
Great climbing for the grade but steep.

Sun 14th May 2006 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
16 Castor Trad 22m Good
Good climbing but needs big gear to keep it sane.

19 Southern Comfort Trad 15m Classic
Pulled the rope and cleaned the gear after the previous attempt and lead it in much better style...

Sat 13th May 2006 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
17 Smoked Banana Trad 40m Classic
A great route with lots of variety in the climbing.

19 Electronic Flag DS Trad 10m Good
Slick corner but the finger locks are good.

18 Gladiator Trad 20m Very Good
Not happy about my previous attempt on this route today, I cleaned all the gear, pulled the rope and lead it in much better style.

Sat 26th Nov 2005 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
15 Pop-up Toaster Trad 6m Good
Good warm up after not climbing at frog for a few years.

Sat 26th Nov 2005 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 Gladiator Trad 20m Very Good
Lead for the benefit of others to flail about on.

Sat 26th Nov 2005 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
9 Three Nuns Trad 20m Average
Followed my partner up this one.

Sat 23rd Aug 2003 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
16 Electric Banana Trad 40m Don't Bother
Loose in places with a 10m runout at the top up a chimney.

18 Arknamton 2 Trad 30m Don't Bother
A choss filled crack with the occasional good hand jam.

18 Saffron Crack Trad 40m Good
Good Hand Jamming.

18 Hell's Angel Trad 40m Good
Plenty of face holds so crack climbing technique isn't a must.

Sun 17th Aug 2003 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 19 Hello Sailor Trad 20m Average
Varied crack climbing with few face holds to assist.

17 16 Micron Trad 20m Very Good
Pretty soft for the grade. Very nice crack protected face climbing.

15 Bad Company Trad 20m Good
Finally got good beta on the location of this route.

20 Short Order Trad 30m Very Good
Done in much better style the second time round.

Sat 16th Aug 2003 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
15 Uriah Heep Trad 12m Good
OK but probably not worth the hike to find it.

18 Fast Eddie Trad 15m Very Good
Got inspired while walking past it and just had to climb it. Quite good.

14 Mr Bojangles VF Trad 7m Good
OK as a varient finish to Mr B.

19 Hollywood Rattlesnake Trad 18m Very Good
Was looking for Bad Company. Looked like a nice line in the area so I did it instead.

16 16/17 Wasp Nest (Wasp) Trad 6m Average
Nothing special.

Fri 15th Aug 2003 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
16 Century Trad 15m Average
Not much to recommend this one.

20 Rickety Kate Trad 15m Very Good
Not as intimidating as expected.

16 Dunston Trad 12m Average
Done as access to Rickety Kate.

Sun 29th Jun 2003 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
18 Sacrilege Crack Trad 25m Good
Typical Frog crack climbing.

16 Forked Tongue Trad 15m Good
Upper V groove adds an interesting finish to the route.

Sat 28th Jun 2003 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
17 Phatang Trad 40m Average
Scattered climbing due to all the ledges in this route. Climbing it in the twilight added to the challenges.

17 Wizards Back Trad 10m Good
Exciting first move.

Sat 31st May 2003 - Mt Maroon
Viewpoint Buttress
14 15 Bailliere Trad 36m Good
the bucket holds almost make the 4 meters of offwidth climbing bearable.

18 Sticks And Stones Mixed trad 33m, 4 Classic
Sweet climbing all the way up.

21 Valkyrie Trad 33m Classic
Moments of excitment scattered amongst the rests. Previously seconded (20030511).

Sun 18th May 2003 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
19 Drop Out Trad 24m Good
Good fun, using a variety of climbing techniques.

15 Bad Blues Trad 22m Good
Reasonable climbing with good gear.

17 19 Cold Turkey Trad 27m Don't Bother
Steer well clear of this overhanging offwidth with rotating chock stones.

15 Illusion Trad 23m Average
Done with hexes and wires only, since Phil Box used such protection earlier that day.

17 Neon Philharmonic Trad 35m Good
Previously seconded to the halfway ledge. It's lenght makes it an enjoyable outing.

Sat 17th May 2003 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 Warlock Trad 26m Very Good
Enjoyable climbing with two twin cracks. Would be better with double ropes.

16 Integrated Injection Logic Trad 15m Good
Good clean climbing fun.

Sun 11th May 2003 - Mt Maroon
Viewpoint Buttress
20 Ghostly Hand DS Trad 20m Average
For some reason I thought it was 16-17. Any wonder it felt hard.

21 Sticks And Stones DS Mixed trad 34m, 5 Very Good
Tough start and keeps you going for some time before you can start to recover.

17 Ghostly Hand Trad 15m Very Good
Way cool hand crack in a roof. With some exciting moves through it.

17 18 Ready Mixed trad 40m, 1 Good
Only lead to the anchors at the tree. No reason why you couldn't climb it to the top.

21 21 R Fad's, Fashions & Climbing Politics (Fad's, Fashions And Climbing Politics) Mixed trad 18m, 2 Very Good
Pleasant climbing up the left side of an Arete.

Sat 29th Mar 2003 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
19 20 Odin Trad 30m Very Good
Desperate climbing after the roof as I was so pumped. The crux was being able to place gear on the upper half

17 If Trad 30m Very Good
Couple of hard moves to start with tricky gear then leads to plesant climbing all the way to the top.

Sat 8th Mar 2003 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
16 Mainliner Trad 20m Good
A chance to try out a BigBro and a #6 Friend. Middle section took some thinking...

Sat 8th Mar 2003 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
22 Insomnia Trad 40m Classic
Classic climbing up the conner, the v-grove can be face climbed to some extent too.

Sat 8th Mar 2003 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
16 17 Fat Mattress Trad 30m Good
Direct start feels desperate but it's not too hard. Otherwise it's a sweet line.

Sat 8th Mar 2003 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
16 Christian Trad 17m Don't Bother
Had to be done but shouldn't be repeated.

Sat 1st Mar 2003 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
20 Corner of Eden Trad 35m Classic
Classic route. Lots of thin wires for pro which were at time hard to clean and the v grove provided bomber arm-bars.

16 Winston Alley Trad 10m Very Good
Great bridging problem. Not as hard as it looks.

16 Sabrasucker Trad 25m Good
Felt good to return to tick this one. Was more prepared for hard 14 climbing.

15 Holy Ghost Trad 15m Average
Ran it out through the chimney section which felt quite desperate at times.

19 Peaches and Cream Trad 20m Good
Felt hard for 16, then I found out it was 19, not it's not so bad.

13 Tardis Trad 10m Don't Bother
A bit grotty.

Sun 22nd Sep 2002 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
9 9 R Fluorescent Mank Trad 25m
Just have to watch all the potential ledge falls.

14 Grandma's Tonic (Gradmas Tonic) Trad 18m
Nice climbing for the grade

20 Egotistical Pineapple (Egotistical Pinapple) Trad 14m
The most I've been worked in some time. Several times I considered pulling on gear or resting but somehow I managed to pull through to top out clean.

11 11 R Revolution Trad 30m
Interesting chimney start. Not much gear inside the chimney.

15 Pop-up Toaster Trad 6m
Spur of the moment route since I needed to rap in to clean the rope from Egotistical Pinapple. Too short to bother with otherwise.

Sat 21st Sep 2002 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
14 Psychedelic Apricot Trad 15m
Was looking at a 6m ledge fall in an offwidth as I had no gear to fit the crack.

13 Satisfaction Direct Start Trad 10m
Enjoyable chimney complete with arm bars.

14 Faki Trad 13m
Definitely worth a star. Nice featured corner crack. Good for the grade.

7 Leprechaun Trad 20m
Hard start leading to easy ground.

15 19 Pibrock Trad 20m
Hardest 12 I've ever done. Quite desperate in places. Probably is more like 17 since the piller fell out.

8 Satisfaction Trad 30m
Broken climbing at best.

16 Night Flight to Venus Trad 12m
Stella hand crack to start and the offwidth finish can be easily face climbed.

Sun 25th Aug 2002 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
20 Devils Dihedral Trad 45m
Milked every rest, though the crux took some thinking.

16 Satan's Smokestack Trad 40m
Don't bother with the big gear. A double rack of aliens would have been better.

18 Ethicmans Dilemma Trad 22m
Solid for the grade.

Sat 24th Aug 2002 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
18 Borderline 29 Trad 15m
Interesting moves off the belay ledge.

Sat 24th Aug 2002 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
11 Rhyolite Fruit Trad 13m
Lead on hexes and wires. Some say it's the worst sandbag around but I didn't think it was that bad.

20 Termination Trad 18m
Good small gear.

Sun 4th Aug 2002 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
12 Lape Trad 27m
Not a tight a chimney as the guide makes it out to be.

21 Oppenheimer's Monster Mixed trad 25m, 2
Draws were already set on the first two bolts. I finished of the route placing the remainder of the gear.

Sat 3rd Aug 2002 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
17 Liquid Laughter Layback Trad 38m
Section of Thruchy climbing between some nice crack climbing.

20 Famous Cosmetics Trad 40m
Difficult to get established in the hand crack above the first ledge. Ended up laybacking the entire section.

16 17 Blood, Sweat and Tears Trad 40m
Awkward thruchy climbing

Sun 21st Jul 2002 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
8 8 R Ex Trad 18m
Back cleaned the entire route so I could rap off Short and Sweet.

7 Excreta Trad 15m
Had to untie half way up to get the rope around a tree so I could later rap and clean the route.

9 Short and Sweet Trad 10m
Worth a star.

Sun 21st Jul 2002 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
12 Macbarren Trad 5m
Thin gear, nasty ground fall potential

Sun 21st Jul 2002 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
10 Strawberry Alarm-clock Trad 20m
Very enjoyable as far as chimneys go.

6 Saturday Afternoon Walk Trad 15m
Sat 20th Jul 2002 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
10 Sunday Afternoon Walk Trad 12m
One move wonder.

12 13 First Layback Trad 12m
Worth doing

21 The Stars Look Down Trad 18m
Bomber Gear dispite appearances.

11 11 R Condor Trad 18m
Sun 14th Jul 2002 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
19 Infinity Trad 40m
Good but only really worth 2 stars.

15 13 Mr. Bojangles Trad 15m
Cast of the ground as the rain was easing.

Sat 13th Jul 2002 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
18 Resurrection Corner Trad 25m
Sustained hand jamming.

14 Theory Trad 25m
Plesent route.

21 Black Light Trad 25m
Quite sustained.

16 Castor Trad 22m
Cast of the ground just after the sun set.

Tue 13th Apr 2010 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
16 Materialistic Prostitution Trad 20m
Tue 13th Apr 2010 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 Harlot Trad 12m
14 Trick or Treat Trad 4m
14 Orchid Alley Trad 20m

Showing 1 - 100 out of 127 ascents.

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