




nice spot where you can combine climbing and bathing at a lake—you do stand on floating pontoons


The Jungfernsprung "Maiden's Leap" in Döbriach is probably one of the more interesting climbing areas of Carinthia. This is mainly due to the floating pontoons from which you directly climb from. This small crag offers a few good routes in the lower and middle grades and is climbable most of the year due to its southerly aspect. The rock consists of very compact and solid metamorphic sandstone. The routes are generally 12-30 meters in length and are mostly vertical faces with some slab and overhanging sections. The Jungfernsprung is usually busy particularly in summer, so you should consider getting there a little earlier.

  • from 'Elena' to 'Kreuzzug' use a 60m rope! not shorter! (some routes have tops half way up, where a shorter rope is enough though)
  • very popular crag, may be quite crowded on nice summer days


From landside, find the parking lot along the B98 (Millstätter Straße) (46.775038, 13.637322),

  • car: drive along the B98 and park at the top of the cliff, there is a small parking lot seaward. Up to 6 cars can fit. Park space saving, please!

  • bus: take the bus number 5140 to station Strimitzen Infohaus or to Starfach Haus Waldbauer, then walk the last kilometer to get to the parking lot.

  • bike: there's a bike lane next to the B98, so you can also easily go there by bike! also, pay attention to passing bikers at the lot!

Far left are signs on the wooden fence, indicating the access. Where you find the metal bar behind the fence, climb over the fence and climb down the wall. Follow on of the two paths along via ferratas to get down.

From seaside,

  • boat: just get there with your swimming vehicle, the western most pontoon has landing facilities. If you don't have an own vehicle, you can rent some at campsites and villages nearby ;-)

Where to stay

It's a very touristic area. There are a lot of different campsites and other accomodations. The nearest village is Döbriach, but Pesenthein, Millstatt or even Seeboden are not that far away.


  • it's not a bathing spot! but of course, when you're climbing there, you can cool off yourself with a jump into the lake


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Author(s): I. Neumann

Date: 2016

Author(s): Christoph Klein & Jürgen Winkler

Date: 2023

ISBN: 978-3-95611-182-2

Author(s): Adi Stocker

Date: 2014

ISBN: 978-3-95611-022-1

On the 44,000 meters of climbing researched for this book, epochal alpine milestones mingle with enjoyable new route creations. Climbing legends such as Albert Precht, Klaus Hoi and Heinz Zak comment on their passion for steep rock. Routes by climbing greats from long ago, such as Angelo Dibona or Hias Rebitsch, have been accurately recorded in line with modern requirements. There is also plenty of space dedicated to new routes secured with bolts by creative talents such as Ralf Sussmann, Rudi Kühberger and the author himself. 40 long routes with at least 20 pitches, where you can clip bolts in keeping with the spirit of the times, but sometimes also have to make do with rusty protection.

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