
Piatra Bardosului

  • Grade context: UIAA
  • Aka: Peretele Laposului


All the multi-pitch routes are poorly equipped and dangerous to climb without the appropriate equipment.

Ethic inherited from Bicaz Gorge

Keep clean, no trashing. Modifying routes in any way is forbidden without the consent of the local community. Creating new chipped holds is strictly forbidden. Dry tooling is allowed only in Cheile Bicăjelului area.



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FA: Dan Vasilescu, Marian Petcu & Andrei Gâță, 1977

FA: Dan Vasilescu, Lazslo Biro & Marian Petcu, 1988

FA: Dan Vasilescu, Gheorghe Iusco & Dorel Nan, 1977

FA: Dorel Sapira, Paul Fozocos & Gheorghe Udrea, 1968

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Thu 27 Jul
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