
Tower of Babel

  • Grade context: SA

Access issues inherited from Oorlogs Kloof

Access is sensitive. Don't climb here without permission from the landowner.

According to an agreement has been reached with the landowner in principle. Access is currently in a trial period while admin and logistics are being finalised.

To arrange access faceback IM “Oorlogs Kloof Mountain Retreat - Montagu”. Cash access fee charged. Confirm fee and exit time when arranging access.

Ethic inherited from Montagu

To avoid any further Altercations with land owners and incorrect equipment being used, the Montagu Mountain Committee (who are responsible for the Montagu Reserve) have asked for applications to be submitted before a new route is bolted.

Applications here:


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FA: M. van der Westhuizen, 2006

FA: Guy Holwill, 2006



Maint: S. Downing

FA: S. Downing, 2006



Maint: S. Downing


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Author(s): Tony Lourens

Date: 2022

ISBN: 9780620995696

A definitive guidebook covering all the sport and trad climbing found throughout the whole of the Montagu area, describing over 700 routes across a wide range of grades.

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Thu 27 Jul
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