
Vie in Watsons Bay

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Tutti 51 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
Chiusa The Gap
24 Big Dipper

Start in the little corner past arete, 40m right of CoB. Not accessible in big seas. easily seen from the south.

  1. 20m (24) Up the corner, head right (manky BRs) then through roof and up wall. Continue past small ledge (manky BR) to large ledge.

  2. 35m (20) Walk 4m left then climb diagonally left and up to top.

FA: Michael Law, 1978

Trad 55m
20 Cruise or Bruise

Classic bridging corner in middle of steep wall facing the lookouts. SOme old bolts but good natural gear.

  1. 30m (21) A hard but well protected crux to get established in the corner (2 good BRs). Cruise up the steep corner to a small belay stance.

  2. 12m Either continue up the line (loose), or traverse right around the arete and up the short wall (no pro).

FA: Michael Law, 1976

Trad mista 42m, 2
23 Snivelling Grooves

15m left of CoB.

  1. 15m (22) Up flake and wall then head left, up and back right to the belay.

  2. 30m (23) Head right to roof then up to flake. Follow flake left to a stance, then move right and up a variety of cracks to the top. Take a large cam.

FA: Michael Law, 1978

Trad 45m
24 Oblique Stress

Start under roofed corner, 5m left of SG.

  1. 15m Up corner (manky BRs) then traverse left under the roof to a crack. Follow this (getting harder) then belay on the right (BBs).

  2. 20m (24) Head 4m right to arete. Up this then move left to crack. Up the wall, through a bulge (BR) to belay below roof.

  3. 10m Follow the jam crack left through the roof.

FA: Michael Law, 1981

Trad 45m
22 Sabotage

3m left of JC, at the base of the abseil. Up (BR) to corner. Traverse left around arete (BR) then up the wall above (BR).

FA: Glenn Robbins, 1980

Trad mista 18m, 4
23 Jen's Climb

Start below a thin crack 2m left of the right arete of the cove. Up (manky BR) to gain the crack. Follow this for 2m then move right to the arete and up.

FA: Michael Law, 1978

Trad 15m
25 Shall We Dance?

4m left of S. Up the blank corner.

FA: Giles Bradbury, 1980

Trad 15m
20 Swing Time

4m left of SWD on boulder.

  1. 15m (20) Strenuously up to ledge at 5m. Follow low traverse line right to arete. Rap off, or

  2. 10m (19) Continue up the slopey corner above (no pro).

FA: giles Bradbury, 1980

Trad 25m
20 Cute Energy

Start as for ST.

  1. 25m (20) Follow the gutter left.

  2. 25m (20) Head diagonally up and left.

FA: Glenn Robbins, 1980

Trad 50m
24 Life Jacket Chimney

At the buttress above the keyhole. The keyhole is almost directly below the Dunbar's anchor. Up for 4m then move right to the line that goes through the rooves and on to the top.

FA: Warwick Baird, 1980

Trad 30m
15 Escape Climb

This and the next climb T are accessed either by walking around through the keyhole (only when the swell is small and the tide is out), or by rapping all the way down Poet's Corner. Escape Climb 25m 15 The corner, about 10m left of LJC. Scary

FA: Michael Law, 1976

Trad 25m
? Ugly John Paradox

Further left and loose

Sconosciuto 25m
21 Poet's Corner

To find this short classic, walk right (south) along the fence until an orange corner comes up close to the fence. Rap down. ★★ Poet's Corner 10m 21 X Up the corner (2 manky BRs). Recommended top rope only.

FA: Michael Law, 1976

Corda dall'alto 10m
? Early Day's Madness

As for PC. A mammoth leftwards traverse that finishes at the base of Why Me. It's the longest climb in Sydney, and almost certainly unrepeated, so race down there now to bag the coveted second ascent!!

Trad 180m
21 Lost in Space

Scarier than many routes twice the grade. Big roof down left of poet's Corner. Scramble down about 12m right (south) of PC. Rap down a small corner then tension right under the big roof (difficult) to a hanging belay (very manky BBs).

Huge roof with crazy moves. Take a #9 hex. Up and through roof to ledge (big exposure). Head up and right (BR) to arete then up. Reasonable pro but crazy!

FA: Michael Law, 1978

Trad 20m
25 Why Me?

Just left of the arete, about 8m right of FF. ABout 30m R of the abseil.

  1. 20m (23) Up and right (BR) then up and left (BR) to flake. Continue up to rounded hold (BR) then head diagonally right (BRs) to crack. Up to ledge.

  2. 20m (25) Right out roof then left over bulge and continue left (stance). Blast over roof and up wall above to belay in V corner (BBs and cams).

  3. 20m (21) Head diagonally right to slabby corner (as for FF).

FA: Michael Law & giles bradbury, 1983

Trad mista 60m, 6
23 Boyzone

The second pitch is a sweet traverse along the lip of a roof. 9m right of LGM, below big corner.

  1. 25m (20) Follow the corner straight up then step right to belay as for WM P1.

  2. 20m (24) Move up to traverse line, then an excellent and pants filling traverse left (6 manky BRs). Step down to double bolt belay. Possible to rap off from here.

  3. 20m (22) Move 2m left and punch through roof (BR - hard to clip). Head 4m right along traverse line then move up (BR) and right to belay at far left hand end of ledge (double BBs).

  4. 30m (16) Dangerous. Head up (rust stain that might have once been a BR) past ledge to corner. Follow to top.

FA: Michael Law & giles bradbury, 1980

Sportiva 95m
22 Feeding Frenzy

Variant second pitch to B. Follow the lower traverse line (BR then cams) to belay as for B P2. Much safer than any of the pitches on B.

FA: Giles Bradbury, 1980

Trad mista 20m, 6
27 Fish Fingers
  1. 25m (27) Up Boyzone corner for 10m then step left (BR). Through roof to flake (BR) then up to break. Move right and up to roof (BR), then launch out big roof to BR on lip. Continue up to belay on BRs on B P2.

  2. 20m (27) Over rooves and up (BRs and a large cam) to belay on ledge as for B P3.

  3. 30m As for B P4.

FA: Michael Law & giles bradbury, 1985

Trad mista 75m, 7
? Let's Get Married (Project?)

1m right of D. An old Giles Bradbury project (so it must be pretty bloody hard!).

28 Doggit

20m right of FA at brown slime. Blast straight up the wall (BRs and small to mid size cams) to belay as for B P2. Rap off, or finish up B.

FA: Michael Law, 1984

Trad 18m
25 Fat Action

great climbing, needs a rebolt and the horizontal shattered pillar reinforced or removed. Start at the ledge at the bottom of the abseil a few meters R of Duelling Biceps. Up to BR, then move right and crank straight up wall (BRs).

FA: Stuart Macelroy, 1989

Sportiva 40m
23 Dueling Biceps

Don't do it

FA: Michael Law & Nic Collier, 1984

Sportiva 40m
25 Duelling Biceps original roof finish

From the top of the corner on P2, move R 2m and through roof

FA: Michael Law, 1984

Sportiva 12m
18 M1 Sydney Sea Cliff Traverse - South Head

Hornby lighthouse to Jacob's Ladder

Fairly difficult and extremely illegal section of the traverse. It begins at the military air base with a committing grade 18 traverse and a 27m abseil. Once the rope is pulled on this rap, the only way out is forward. Very low tides and swell are required along with difficult free climbing and even an archway to crawl through that gets flooded on every wave. Given the almost certain chance of an un-warented rescue being called on your behalf, its not worth attempting this part without certainty of success. When done with swims on a freakishly calm day this is quite a reasonable exercise, as only a handful of gaps require roping up.

From the North: Starting at Watsons bay, walk and scramble south to reach the gaza strip. And unless you've previously explored this traverse in detail, leave a rap rope fixed and collect it later. You’ll be surprised at just how perfect the conditions must be to get around this part of the cliffline. The scramble starts out with some tricky wet bouldering sections before requiring you to rock hop and wade for a sort section. If the swell is too high and you have to stay high on the cliffline here, there's no point continuing as it becomes more and more condition dependant the further you go. Once around this crux, there's an easy 500m or so of rock hoping and cave scrambling. About 200m before turning the corner on The Gap main wall, there is a tricky and dangerous wet boulder problem move (can be protected with gear), followed by some more tricky and exposed climbing. The chossy band of rock 30m off the deck is the best way through, goes fairly easily at about grade 16 M0 on terrible gear or maybe 23 if you were to free the last moves. A 27m rap gets you to the ground and some hurried scurrying to get around The Gap corner. Once inside The Gap, the back inlet/stream can be crossed/ at low tide and the keyhole on its southern corner can be squeezed though also. If you’re in any doubt as to what conditions are required to send this part of the traverse, have a peak at the keyhole from the railing at The gap, It is “Just” visible if you crane your neck nearby the lowest part of the lookout system. Once through the Keyhole, the first bail option on this section appears as “Escape Climb” (15). To continue the traverse, the big zawn must be climbed to gain dulling biceps area. This wet horizontal pumpfest has been done by Mikl and co in the 80's. Roughly 40m of climbing up to grade 22, worth pitching up to save decking on the submurged boulders. From dulling biceps it’s an easy (at low swell) scramble around to Jacob's Ladder where this section of the traverse finishes.

FA: 18 Set 2022

Trad 2100m, 10
South Head
20 And the Big Man's Fly

Wall 4m right of Gayline (or right of Gentlemen Prefer Gentlemen?), bolts all completely buggered. Top rope if an anchor can be found.

Corda dall'alto 15m
22 Gentlemen Prefer Gentlemen

Start: Corner 5m right of Gayline.

Up main corner then sloping corner above. Upper bolts unlikely.

Could be a trad lead there although top is filled with veg.

Trad 18m
22 Gayline

Start: Thin left-sloping orange-streaked corner.

Up corner for 5m, left to large block, then pocketed wall with rusted carrots, finish up corner through a withered multi-stemmed Banksia. Solid hardcore tips layaway could await the intrepid directionista.

Trad 18m
22 Strange Bedfellows

Start: Just left of steep corner under roof crack 8m left of Gayline.

Hard move past corroded shaft of old carrot (or potential cam?), up corner then jam thru horizontal roof into dirt. "That's the way, u-huh u-huh, I liike it ..."

Only possibly belay appears to be massive splined shaft of WWII gun mount 10m back.

Trad 20m
21 Heavy Pants

Heavy pants "keep slipping off".

Up Strange Bedfellows for 5m then left up wall past rusted carrot. Even looks like another roof crack for the keen and hard.

Trad 15m
21 Camping Out

Small orange wall with rusted carrots "round the arete".

Sconosciuto 10m
South Head Bouldering
V2 Watson

The first boulder you get to from the walk in. Fun but poor landing.

Boulder 4m
V1 What

Up right side of block

Boulder 4m
VB What's on

Up the large flakes system.

Boulder 4m
Open Project

From the small pocket jug to the V shaped jug ridge. Dyno?

V4 What is on

Up the flakes line. Dyno.

Boulder 4m
V2 WhatsApp

Start as Whats Up tend right to jug pocket and top.

Boulder 4m
V1 Whats Up

Straight up past horizontal break.

Boulder 4m

Left arete.

Boulder 3m
V4 Into the Sun

Sit start

FA: Martijn van Eijkelenborg, 8 Dic 2022

V5 Southerly

Sit start.

FA: Martijn van Eijkelenborg, 8 Dic 2022

Boulder 3m
V2 White Out

On white block with pebbled flakes. Stand start from the left, traverse right then up. Topout chossy. Descend choss on back.

Boulder 4m
V6 White Rabbit

Start lh on hueco and rh on pinch. Up rib arete feature on progressively worse pinches before a big move to top out.

FA: Meedu Samaraweera, 25 Ago 2023

V5 White 45

The original line sit starts on left jug sidepull and right ergonomic sloper (about half way up boulder). Up to lip and mantle.

A lower start was completed at the end of 2022 which adds 3 harder moves (shown by dotted line in topo). Start left hand in undercling hueco and right hand on far right sloping side pull. Make difficult moves to reach the right-hand good sloper before continuing as the original line. Probably V5/6.

FA: Martijn van Eijkelenborg, 23 Set 2018

FA: Jamie, 31 Dic 2022

Boulder 3m
V3 White Whale

nice climb but seems impossible to topout. Anyone?

V2 Righty-Tighty

Start low with hands in sloper break and move up to the right then top out.

Boulder 3m
V1 Lefty-Loosey

Start low with hands in the sloper break and go up left and top out.

Boulder 3m
V5 The Cake

Sit start and up the steep leaning prow edge. Stop before broken out hole. Top out possible but not recommended (loose rock).

FA: Martijn van Eijkelenborg, 23 Set 2018

Boulder 5m
V4 Caked On

Straight up. As for The Cake, top out not recommended.

Boulder 5m
V2 Slab

Slab left of The Cake, up using the edge.

Boulder 3m
V2 Slab 2
Boulder 3m

Tutti 51 vie visualizzati.

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