
Vie come boulder in North Grampians

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101 - 200 di 868 vie.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Ground Control Caves Top Cave
V2 Salmonelli's

Upper Cave

Single problem right of the main business.

Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Ground Control Caves Middle Cave
V8 Rota-Loo

Middle Cave.

Traverse from the LH corner (sit-start using underclings). Hard move into the traverse, across and into 'Lonely Heart Club' via a classic drop-down move, finishing as for that problem.

V7 Lonely Heart Club

Middle Cave. 2016 guidebook grading

V8 Ground Control to Major Tom

Middle Cave

FA: Klem Loskot, 1999

V11 Killer Dwarf

Middle Cave. 2016 guidebook grade

FA: Klem Loskot, 1999

V7 Captain Tonnelli

Upgraded from V5 to 7 in 2016 Bouldering Guide. Which seems fair!

Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Ground Control Caves Lower Cave
V7 Woody Guthrie

Lower Cave.

FA: Toni Lamprecht, 1999

V9 Maria Huifuia

Lower Cave.

FA: Toni Lamprecht, 1999

V7 God of Thunder

Lower Cave.

FA: Toni Lamprecht, 1999

Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Trackside Boulders Probably Dave Boulder
V7 Something for Kate

Great line on left side of face climbing up to the seam left of definitely and avoiding all the holds up the centre. Not too hard at V7 but the hardest moves are at the top so a bit engaging. Can be climbed from stand or sit.

Boulder 5m
V4 Maybe

Start on the large sidepull, move left, then up to finish up Probably Dave.

FA: 2017

Boulder 5m
V5 Something About Mary

As for the V4s but climb direct via the micro edges to gain definitely at the crack. Those with wingspan can bypass the crimps but where’s the fun in that?

Boulder 5m
V4 Probably Kate

Stand start on side pull in middle of face, up to crimp, then move right to the fin, to finish up Definitely.

Boulder 5m
V1 Definitely

Follow the enormous pockets edges & slopers to a high finish.

FA: Kate Sips, 2017

Boulder 5m
V4 Probably Dave

Sit start right of the arete, then move left to finish high on the arete.

FA: Kate Sips, 2017

Boulder 5m
V3 Probably not

Probably not the best problem on the boulder. Sandy.

FA: Kate Sips, 2017

Boulder 5m
Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Trackside Boulders Glass Half MT Boulder
V7 The Optimist


Start as for 'Glass Half MT' but don't escape left and stay compressing up the prow. Stay off the high jugs and the left foothold. Finishes with a big move to the top right of the prow then tops out around the right.


Boulder 4m
V5 Glass Half MT

Jasmine The obvious prow from the break. Cool.

Boulder 4m
V6 Pocket Pusher

Sit start between GHMT and BMR below the twin seams. Out to lip via the obvious thin but positive pockets.

Boulder 3m
V8 Bad Moon Rising

Starts around 4m left of GHMT. Was climbed as a huge dyno. Has also been climbed via some pretty poor intermediate slopers, which most consider to be v6.

Boulder 4m
V5 Mark and Steve’s Big Adventure

The slopey funnel a metre or so left of Bad Moon Rising. Sit start from the break (not the underclings above). Pretty good.

Boulder 4m
Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Trackside Boulders Simon Says Boulder
V2 Some Days You Bore

Sit start on the jugs on the arete.

Boulder 4m
V4 Some Days You Score

Sit start on the jugs on the arete.

Boulder 3m
V3 Some Days You're a Whore

Sit start on the slot before connecting to 'Some Days You Bore'.

Boulder 5m
V1 Check Your Traps

Sit start on the slot.

Boulder 2m
Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Trackside Boulders Wiggly Boulder
V5 Wiggle What You Got

A gym boulder. First conceived by Pat Klein as a gag boulder but actually quite fun and pretty tricky. Start facing outwards matched on the undercling crimp and crouched on the ledge, escape the small box and somehow turn around to escape on crimps up and left. Could be V4, could be V7...

V6 Shattering Dreams

Sit start. No crouch or stand start. Big shouldery move to the seam and pass crimps to top out.


Boulder 3m
V8 Shattered Arete

Sit Start under the arete and punch straight up the nose on hard moves.

V3 Wiggly Boy

Location: The Wiggly Boulder.

Sit-start right of 'Shattering Dreams' matching a big undercling. Slap to the small edge, then mantle to finish. Harder than a lot of other 3's in the area.

Boulder 2m
V6 Compaction

Sit start 4m right of Wiggly Boy between the tree and the boulder on the shallow pockets in the vague seam. Move up on edges and mantle.

Boulder 3m
V8 Regicide
Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Trackside Boulders Amazing Boulder
V5 Lessons in Socialism
Boulder 2m
V7 Cardigan St Massacre
Boulder 4m
V5 The V5 Sit
Boulder 4m
V2 The V2 Sit
Boulder 4m
V8 Brama Sutra

Takes the seam from a sit-start right of 'Sick Nutter' and just left of 'The V2 Sit' problem.

FA: Julian Saunders

Boulder 4m
V5 Sick Nutter

Sit start on the massive juggy pocket and move up passing a bad RH sloper

FA: Nick Sutter

Boulder 4m
V4 The Animator
Boulder 5m
V4 Media Construct

Starting from 'Sick Nutter' traverse left through the slopers to 'Paranoiac Critical Town' then top out.

Boulder 4m
V1 A

2m R of PCT.

Boulder 3m
V3 Paranoiac Critical Town
Boulder 4m
V4 The Atavist
Boulder 3m
V6 Breakfast of Champions
Boulder 4m
V3 Hard Right
Boulder 3m
V3 Premium Port
Boulder 4m
V0 V0 Mantle
Boulder 3m
V0 B
Boulder 3m
Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Trackside Boulders Website Boulder
V3 The Masturgator
V3 Surfing Without a Mouse

Climb the centre of the highball slab up to the undercling pocket and hidden jugs at the top.

Boulder 8m
V0 Waxing The Screen
Boulder 7m
Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Trackside Boulders Bolt Boulder
V2 Highway to Avdell

Sit start on underclings in diagonal seam.

Boulder 2m
V5 Faulty Bolty, Mr B

Sit start in pockets.

Boulder 2m
V6 The Bolt Torque Project

Sit start with left hand in pocket and right hand on side-pull.

Boulder 2m
Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Trackside Boulders Colossus Boulder
V3 The Colossus

Start on the incut holds on the rail.

Boulder 6m
Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Trackside Boulders Love Boulder
V7 Lust

Start as for "To Hate To Love" to the ledge before the roof. Mantle the ledge up to a high LH two finger pocket and continue delicately up the headwall to better holds.

V11 Haters Gonna Hate

Sit start on slopey rail.

V8 To Hate To Love

The burly twin of "Ministry of Love". Sit start on the off angle slopey rail and head left to the slot and jug.Traverse the overhang right on pockets to a sloper and edges and a tricky top out.

Boulder 6m
V9 To Love To Hate

Start as for "Ministry of Love" and move to the lip. Traverse left on slopers to finish up "To Love To Hate".

V7 Ministry of Love

Sit start on slopey rail.

Boulder 4m
V6 Ministry LHV
V2 Reacharound

Sit start on low, horizontal seam.

Boulder 5m
V2 Child of Love

Sit start in slot on the arete.

Boulder 5m
V3 Ignorance Rains

The Slab between 'Child of Love' and 'Sexy as a Turd'.

V2 Sexy as a Turd
Boulder 5m
V6 Sexy Direct

Sit start under arete on the seam.

V3 Love Lies Bleeding

Sit start on the low break 2m right of "Sexy Direct". Slap up to the sloper and out to a jug. Traverse up and left on good holds to finish up "Sexy as a Turd".

Boulder 3m
Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Trackside Boulders Anti-Inflammatory Boulder
V5 Naprosyn

Sit start matched on a crimp then do a shouldery move to the undercling/gaston. The footers don't offer much assistance.

Boulder 3m
V5 Voltaren

Harder than first impressions suggest. Stand start on the right two-finger pocket and a bad sloper, then launch to the well chalked sidepull, then battle to an exciting finish.

The first move is much easier if you assist the launch with a foot on the ground (but the bouldering police won't allow that).

Boulder 4m
V4 Celebrex Traverse

Stand-start with high left crimp and low right crimp. Pull on, slap good pocket and punch to better holds on the lip before traversing right.

FA: Jamie, 30 Mar

Boulder 3m
V0 Aspirin

An excellent beginner problem. Sit-start on good jugs and head upward on more jugs.

FA: Jamie, 30 Mar

Boulder 2m
V4 Aspirin Traverse

Sit-start as for "Aspirin" " but traverse rightward on jugs and crimps to the amazing right hand pinch. From here, head slightly up and rightward to finish on more jugs.

An excellent eliminate of the jugs is possible - (like Tim Tam Traverse but harder), but still a project.

FA: Jamie, 30 Mar

Boulder 4m
V5 Nurofen

Sit-start on giant rock using two flat-edged and blocky crimps. Pull on, punch left hand to positive crimp before tricky moves leads to a juggy exit.

The full sit-start would go as well.

FA: Jake & Jamie, 30 Mar

Boulder 3m
Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Trackside Boulders Inflammatory Boulder
V1 One Flash and You're Ash
Boulder 7m
V0 Something's Burning

Sit start on the low, chalked hold.

Boulder 6m
Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Trackside Boulders Tiger Boulder
V1 The Seen and Unseen

Left arete of the Tiger boulder left of Project #43 in the Grampians bouldering guide, starting off the ledge and using jugs to reach a thinner finish right at the top. 5m highball with a 7m drop zone.

FA: Steve Kelly, 23 Apr 2015

V4 Future Wolf And The Gay Parisian Milk Incident

Project no. 43

FA: 2013

V2 Sexy Traverse

The obvious and beautiful right-leaning traverse. Stand-start on slopers and move rightward on beautiful edges and slopers. Mantel out right.


Boulder 4m
Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Trackside Boulders Butchers Boulder
V10 Butchers Choice

Sit start in the back of the cave on jugs. Climb line of pockets, underclings and flakes out of the roof finishing up the bulbous crack.

FA: Dave Jones

Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Trackside Boulders Jungle Boulder
V6 Conga Fury VAR

Same start as Conga Fury but instead of compressing your way up, shift left and follow the crimp line around the arete.

A nice variant to this variant is to sit start on the edges, a bit further left to the start described above, at about V4.


Boulder 3m
V8 Conga Fury

The left arete starting with a RH pinch and low LH on the arete. Top out. Compression problem.

Boulder 3m
V7 Liza Machete

Small LH seam and good RH edge. Pounce to a pocket then top out up the groove.

FA: Alistair Robertson

Boulder 3m
V1 Steak Knife
Boulder 3m
V9 Inca Steppa
Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Trackside Boulders 100 Pint Wall
V6 2 Can Sam Club

FA: Gavin Portier, 2000

V9 100 Pint Club

FA: Klem Loskot, 1999

Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Trackside Boulders Upper Boulder
V3 Uppercut V3
Boulder 4m
V2 Coward's Punch
Boulder 4m
V4 Jab
Boulder 4m
V5 Roundhouse
V0 Un-named#2
V0 Un-named#1
Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Trackside Boulders Angst Boulder
V5 Angst
Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Trackside Boulders Upper Cave Wall
V2 Jumping Jack
V3 Lo Jack
Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Trackside Boulders Paul's Boulder
V9 Far Left El Westwood
V8 Left El Westwood

FA: Paul Westwood, 2000

V4 Right El Westwood
Boulder 4m
V8 Direct El Westwood
Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Trackside Boulders Orphan Boulders
V9 The Pearl

Start at The Oyster, make moves left on crimps on the face and top out on the far left of the boulder on pockets and mossy slopers.

FA: Michael Tonon, 2017


101 - 200 di 868 vie.

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