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201 - 300 di 868 vie.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Trackside Boulders Orphan Boulders
V8 The Oyster
Boulder 4m
V5 The Oyster Arete

Squat on the right arete start jug and head up the arete.

Boulder 3m
Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Trackside Boulders Project Boulder
V13 On the Beach

Sit start on hueco.

Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Trackside Boulders Peregrinator Boulder
V3 Peregrinator

A stunning highball arete that feels serious for the grade. Stand start at the base of the arete and follow the line. If you get halfway up and decide you're not having fun it's easy enough to step off onto the adjacent rising boulder.

V5 Talons

Clamber past Peregrinator to find this shady gem. Sit start on two good edges, and do a couple of long moves to the committing top out. It's hard to be comfortable with the nasty drop off on the left.

Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Trackside Boulders Understanding Boulder
V7 Understanding Boulder
Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Trackside Boulders Darjeeling Express Boulders
V5 Darjeeling Express

Sit start at the bottom of the arete and bear hug your way to the top.

FA: Ricardo Toto Monetta

Boulder 4m
V2 D' Artagnan

sit start on a jug and mantle past slopey lip.

FA: Ricardo Toto Monetta

Boulder 2m
V3 The Three Musketeers

Sit start to the left of D'artagnan. Left hand on high left crimp and right hand on low right crimp (starting foot hold of the V2). Make a big right-hand move into the jug slot and traverse rightward along the lip to finish up D'artagnan.

This line can also be exited directly at about V1-V2.

Boulder 4m
V7 Beverly Hills Cop

Sit start on a good crimp and move up the blunt arete. The V7 (original line) traverses into crimps then slopers on the right side of the arete. Finishing direct on the arete goes at about V4.

FA: Ricardo Toto Monetta

Boulder 2m
V1 Galaxy Vivisection

Right rising traverse on low prow boulder to the right of Darjeeling Express

Boulder 6m
V1 Wortberg the Weevil

Sit Start the bottom right side of the 'Galaxy Vivisection' boulder. Follow the flake to a shared topout.

Boulder 2m
Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Chiusa Spurt Wall (Bouldering)
V11 Snooky Badlands

Resides on the walk-in track to 'Spurt Wall' - just before the 'tunnel' (beneath the 'Taipan' route 'Invisible Fist').

FA: Garth Miller, 2000

V9 Sam Sneak
V9 Pikachu
V5 The Spurt Traverse

The obvious left to right traverse along the bottom left side of Spurt Wall.

V6 Miss Muppet

Sit start a couple of meters to the right of the end of the 'The Spurt Traverse'. Start on small edges heading up an left to the good pockets and final victory jug.

V5 Lamb Chop
V5 Not Too Bad
V0 Amber Lite

Sit start with pockets on the face and arete. Climb up using the pockets.

Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Afterglow Boulders
V8 Crisco Love Party

Start on good holds, climb right into hueco and continue up to round pocket. Top out over lip

V4 Bossanova Left
V6 Bossanova Roof
V4 Fading Lite
V0 Amber Lite

Sit start using pockets on the face and arete. Climb straight up using pockets

V1 Jerkin
Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Between the Sheeps
V3 Railroad

Left most problem. Sit start and move up to the good edge in the break, then gaston and undercling your way out the lip to an interesting mantle. Classic.

V4 Carpet Crawler

Start as for 'Railroad' then finish as for 'Cinema Show'.

V4 Slot Machine

Sit start with the good slots just right of 'Railroad' and make a big move (crux) up to the good holds in the roof. Finish as for the mantle on 'Railroad'. Punchy!

V4 Railway Machine

Start as for 'Slot Machine' and traverse right into 'Cinema Show'. Finish up this.

V3 Cinema Show

An independant and direct line right of 'Slot Machine'.

V4 Orange Goblin

The line left of 'Kamikaze'. Could be the flakeline ending nowhere in particular.

V8 Bonsai

Start left of Kamikaze and head left.

V6 Kamikaze

Should be obvious due to the name, the nature of the crux, and the whereabouts of the 30ft slab under the final move. Sit start and make a HUGE move out of a RH pocket undercling to the massive jug out on the lip, either direct or via the intermediate sloper. What ever you do - don't come off the match!

V4 To Catch a Thief

A variation of the previous problem, but better. Starting off the sloper above the shelf (right of previous problem), make a move left to the good pocket, then cross to the prominent 2-finger pocket and span out left into 'I Must Have Been the Thief'. Finish as for this.

V3 I Must Have Been the Thief

Awkward sit start off the raised platform from two good large pockets, then up directly via more pockets (clue - gaston) to lip jug.

V7 Bomb Shell

Start as for To Catch a Thief (V4) on the two big pockets, link this into Remains of the Sheep (V6). The ledge is out.

V6 Remains of Sheep

A variation, but one of the best lines here. Starts as for 'Chas Remains' to the 3-finger pocket, then gaston right and continue rightwards past good pockets and a pinch, finishing as for 'Between the Sheeps'. A great 13-move pumpfest. Watch the landing on the final move.

V6 Between the Sheeps

A direct line out from the start of When We Were Kings to a 'thread' undercling, then big move out to the large pocket, then finish directly (same finish as for 'Remains of the Sheep'). Watch the landing! Note: The original write up finished as for 'Chas Remains' and was given V7.

V11 When We Were Kings

Only one of the moves on this 14 move roof traverse is hard. Unfortunately all the rest require exactly the same muscles, ensuring a month long bicep ache. Fred Nicole didn't do it! Can you?

FA: Klem Loskot, 1999

V12 Kings Cross

A more direct line into When We Were Kings, starting further to the right.

FA: Klem Loskot, 1999

V12 Big Buck Hunter

Start off big flake, out to undercling and huge move to pocket. Finish as for When We Were Kings.

V12 War Chief

Listed as a project (#19) in the 2016 guide. Sit start on chossy looking jugs 2m right of Big Buck Hunter, up direct into the finish holds of When We Were Kings.

V6 Family Loss

The name becomes apparent as soon as you take position in the sit start (there's a tree between your legs). Awkward low start then up via crimps and a fantastic finish jug.

V5 Anal Head

The very attractive line right of 'Family Loss' starting with a very low sit start under the roof utilising a LH pinch/pocket on the rib and a large RH gaston. Up through slopers and another gaston (or sidepull) to finish.

V4 Wirschllsiada

Line just right of 'Anal Head'.

V4 Chas Remains

Dangerous. Probably even more committing than 'Kamikaze'. Start off the shelf and reach up for a prominent 'spike' jug, then climb directly out to the deep 3-finger pocket. Turn 90 degrees and place your feet on the holds of the next problem, and make a most worrying couple of moves for the big 'flake' jug out on the lip. 15 spotters and a blow up bouncy castle useful...or just pre-order the ambulance.

V0 Project#2

Project to the right of the finish of 'Kings Cross'.

V3 Bunny

Sit start on the left, follow wavy cracks up on lovely slopey holds.

FA: Stefan H

Boulder 3m
V4 Rat Poison

Start off rock on slopey jug, head up and right through committing moves between jugs.

Boulder 8m
V9 Poison Salad

Rat Salad into Rat Poison. Mega!

V8 Rat Salad

Sit start on edges, bust out the roof via shouldery moves and finish up right. Either downclimb or shuffle along the shelf to top out.

Boulder 4m
V5 Fallen Watchtower

Stand start, big move to lip and mantle.

Boulder 4m
V5 Crumbling Castle

Sit start with udercling and crimp, up to edge and throw for sloper. Head left on slopers and mantle. Low right foot ledge is out. Bit crumbly but still worthy.

Boulder 3m
V6 Stage Fright

Sit start on good holds, head up and right to join the rail before topping out as the landing falls away.

V6 Wing Entrance

Sit start on jug, head up and traverse left on slopers to finish as for Stage Fright.

Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Lower Taipan Lower Taipan Wall
V13 Zeus (Boulder)

The creme de la creme. Sit start on crimp, punch up then across right and up a series of shallow pockets via a rad cross move, finishing on jug under the bolt.

FA: Sam Edwards

V11 Athena

~8m to the right of Zeus, start on the block with the odd pinch inside. Out left to shallow pocket, big lockoff to sidepulls and finish directly above on flat edge.

FA: Blake Wardell, 2017

Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Wildsides
V10 Lazy Monnelli

A brilliant complex roof problem. Located 1 minute's walk downhill - left of the 'Sweet Sensation' cave. Sit-start right at the back of the cave, and climb out, down, and around to a cruxy finish out on the lip.

FA: Klem Loskot, 1999

V6 The Beginning of a Great Adventure

Blue Mountains-like rock and style. Sharp, crimpy, steep and a great landing.

V8 Sweet Sensation

As for 'The Beginnings...' then break right and up via extreme undercling move to the slopey break.

FA: Klem Loskot, 2000

V8 Click

Low sit-start and up via a big move leftwards. Possibly lost some holds since the first ascent.

Start: 3rd climbing cave along from the 'Sweet Sensation' area.

FA: Klem Loskot, 2000

V5 Nelly the Elephant

Left-trending line from a low sit-start into the finish of Elephant's Swing.

V3 La Gina

Furthest most problem right of Nelly. Potential for more problems exist in the same area.

V3 Elephant's Swing

Broken looking holds right of 'Click'. Very low sit-start.

V0 The Lazy Mantle

Obvious (grim) mantle problem a couple of metres left of Lazy M's finish. A couple of other variations exist here as well.

V3 Sandy Candy


Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Chiusa The Snake Pit
V4 Volume 1000

Highball (6 metres) slightly overhung face route. Crux is the first move (big) but a tricky finish awaits.

Boulder 6m
V0 Un-named V0
V12 Quitline

Old Klem Loskot project which was expected to be the hardest dyno in Australia; the FA went to Nalle Hukkataival and its status as hardest dyno may have been subsumed by a few hard problems Nalle put up in Buandik, 'Massive Dynamic' and 'Pigeon Superstition' at the Citadel.

FA: Nalle Hukkataival, 2011

V4 The Farmer Traverse

A very long traverse starting from the big flake then motoring right along the horizontal weakness - finishing up 'John Deere'

Boulder 12m
V2 High Farmer Traverse

A variant of the 'The Farmer Traverse'. Do the same start, then use the higher line of holds to finish on the sloper to the left of the finishing jug of 'The Farmer Traverse'.

A lot easier than the original?

V1 John Deere

Tricky warm up (or testpiece) starting from the big down-sloping 'jug' and climbing up via an obvious slopey pocket to the big finish break.

Boulder 3m
V4 Tonka

Sit start on the same holds as Caterpillar. Move left to a crimp and an edge before making a big move to the break.

V3 Caterpillar

Sit-start on the low flake and small arete hold - then up via a 'triangle' pinch hold to the big break. Originally given V4.

Boulder 2m
V4 Air traverse
Boulder 3m
V7 Waiting in the Air

An 8-move traverse into a big dyno.

FA: Klem Loskot, 2000

Boulder 3m
V12 If You Want Blood, You've Got It

A huge, technical dyno starting from a sit-start, then up to the big sloper and higher crimp - then the sharp lip jug. The hardest dyno in Australia?

FA: Klem Loskot, 1999

V6 Attack of the Killer Drop Bears

Another dynamic problem.


Boulder 4m
V2 Karl

Overgraded? jug haul starting from a sit-start then up the right-trending flakeline - to cut back left via a horizontal slot - then the top.

Boulder 3m
V4 Helmut

Starts as for 'Karl' - but keeps traversing right - to a big move for a lone crimp up and right - then the top. Beware of the thin lip holds!

V9 High Flyer

Takes the obvious flakeline through the big roof (see pic below), uphill from 'Helmut'. Yet another dynamic problem.

FA: Bryn Hoskins, 2006

V0 Low Traverse
V6 Thinklite
Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Citadel
V13 Pigeon Superstition

FFA: Nalle Hukkataival, 2011

V13 Ammagamma

Originally put up as 'Ummagumma' (also at V13) starting in the 3-finger pocket - Klem added the first (hard) move a week later. Previously V14 until Nicole repeated it in a single day.

FA: Klem Loskot, 1999

V8 Ammagamma Standing Start

The original problem from a standing start - to mantle the finish.

FA: Dave Jones, 2000

V4 Weibeleid

Starts on the RH face (sit) - left of the 'Sausage' crack weakness.

Boulder 3m
V3 Sausage

Sit-start on large flat jug under the roof (same start as for Strammamax) - then head left around onto the face - and up crack weakness.

Boulder 3m
V9 Strammamax

Classic low traverse starting from the large LH flat jug under the roof - then heading rightwards via a big hueco and an even bigger sloper (crux) - finishing up the Endamax'. Desperate for those of short stature...

FA: Toni Lamprecht, 1999

V2 Endamax

Starts on the big chalked slopey hold under the hanging arete (left of Lost For Life). Up via a pocket in the roof, then undercling to a good jug. Has a reputation for being nails hard for the grade.

Boulder 3m
V9 Puns and Noodles

Sit-start on the big hueco pocket - then head directly out through the big roof and up the thin face - to finish on the obvious jug line. Thin.

FA: Ivan Vostinar, 2000

V10 The Viking
V12 Tanathos

Start on Strammamax and into Endamax. Traverse into and finish on Lost for Life

V12 Lost For Life

Very solid; as shown by Fred Nicole in the classic EOS2 video (or more recently by James Litz in Dosage 3).

FA: Klem Loskot, 1999

V9 Lost For Life Stand Start

Stand start on the obvious wide crimp rail. Finish as for LFL.

Boulder 4m
V13 Lost For Life Low Start Boulder
V11 Mad Max

Sit-start from a poor RH undercling and an incut LH 'pocket' - massive span move out right to the arete of 'Nice Max' - then finish as for this problem. Positive ape-index recommended!

FA: Klem Loskot, 1999

V5 Nice Max

Sit-start from a low 'horizontal and slightly higher (LH) one - then motor up the left-trending vague arete using crimps - until you can lock up and right to a big pocket/jug. Solid at the grade.

Boulder 4m
V7 Yoyo

Vague sit-start in the middle of the wall - then up the central line via a small sloping feature and shallow pocket. As fingery as it gets.


201 - 300 di 868 vie.

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