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14 Bum Full' Pikers V

Historical: At the 3rd carrot (now covered by shotcrete) on A Bum Full Of Fists, go Right, up angled corner to top past BR and top out. This route is now obsolete, with BCC having shotcreted the middle section, making the climbing harder, and dangerous, missing critical bolts.

FA: Heath Black, 1996

Sportiva 20m, 2
17 A Bum Full Of Fists

Description added for historical purposes only: 2016 council works have now completely changed this classic route: the crucial 2 carrots below the overhang, are now covered in shotcrete, making the grade harder, and a dangerous 7-8m runout from a dodgy drill hole sling.

Obvious arete left of stairs. Start up face to carrot at 4m, then up to small ledge. Up loose corner on jugs passing a BR (now covered), drill hole sling, then a BR (now covered). Reach left around arete to clip BR and swing left and up overhang (crux) to slab (BR). Up this placing a wire in crack to top.

FA: Evan Bieske, Roger Bourne & Andrew Barry, 1984

Sportiva 20m, 3
19 Gumby's Demise

Start: Just left of ABFOF below the inside corner (alternatively, just right of Light Box #14). Up broken rock to a carrot out left, up right to a stance on a block & 2nd carrot, then delicately up corner to 3rd carrot on face, above, continue up smooth corner to 4th carrot next to tree on face, then continue up passing another carrot. Uncertain as to whether or not the anchors are still there, following BCC's rock scalling & shotcreting of the upper cliff.

FA: Geoff Baker & Steve MacGillivray, 1997

Sportiva 20m, 5
21 Lord Gumby

Rebolted. 5 ring bolts lead the way.

Start: In front of Light box #14; At the blank face, about 5m left of the inside corner route (Gumby's Demise). Climb the broken face to a low first RB at 3m, up to ledge, passing another RB at 5m, difficult mantle, then up face, past another 3 RBs to chains out left under branches (shared with Oh Mighty Gumby). Note: There's a big 10-12m run-out over easier ground from the 2nd to 3rd RB, if you want, there are trad placements (crack) between these two bolts.

FA: Steve MacGillivray & Geoff Baker, 1997

Sportiva 18m, 5
24 Oh Mighty Gumby

Good, continuous climbing.

Start: At the broken face, about 2m left of Lord Gumby. Up the easy blocks to a high first bolt, then very thin moves (crux), to 2nd RB, continue up on blankness & trend left to jug + corner & ledge & 3rd RB, slightly easier climbing up right to 4th RB, follow the corner to 5th RB, up right of overhang to 6th RB, then to chains above right (underneath the tree branch). (Shared with Lord Gumby.) Retrobolted, now with 6 RBs.

FA: Steve MacGillivray & Geoff Baker, 1997

Sportiva 18m, 6
21 Where's Rocky?

Start: About 4m right of Light Box #13. Below the overhanging corner. Up broken rock to first carrot, to a small ledge & 2nd carrot, follow corner up to 3rd carrot, up right through small overhang & 4th carrot, out right across ledges to broken corner, up this to 5th carrot (out left) & big jug to double rings out left. Remember to bring bolt plates.

FA: Geoff Baker & Michelle Spuler, 1997

Sportiva 18m
18 Trolly's Triumph

Start: 2 metres right of Light Box #13. Below the line of rings to the left of the corner. Straight up wall on blocky holds to hard move on slab and anchors. Original finish somewhat encroached upon by shotcrete.

FA: Geoff Baker & Michelle Spuler, 1997

Sportiva 18m, 5
19 Call the Cops

Start: Just right of Light Box #12, just right of the Wallbanger tree. Five RB's to chain. High first bolt, then evenly spaced to anchors. Shares top 2 RBs with Wallbanger to chains. NB: This route tends to weep for several days after rain. This route has been retrobolted.

FA: Dave Whitworth & Darrin Carter, 1996

Sportiva 20m, 5
20 Wallbanger

This route has been retro-bolted.

Start: Directly in front of Light Box #12. Climb the spreading Fig tree at the start to first BR, then thin moves up to a ledge, move Right along this to 2nd BR. Straight up to a 3rd BR just Left of the arete, then traverse Right under the overhung & up the blank corner passing another 3 RBs to chains.

FA: Andrew Barry, 1984

Sportiva 22m, 6
23 Fowl Deeds in the Chookhouse

Start: Slightly left of Light Box #12. The smooth face just left of the Wallbanger tree. Hard start protected by an RB. Push over bulge to another RB and up thin face to a 3rd RB, then push on to clip a fourth RB below the overlap and use the hefty undercling to gain the face above. Continue up the thin slab, then easier (but run-out) to 5th RB and chain 2m above. Now rebolted with RBs & new chains. (NB: The new chains eliminate the older, lower chains, used as an alternative ending, making this route now 22m.)

FA: Andrew Barry, 1984

Sportiva 22m, 5
21 Rear Entry VF

Start: Up Rear Entry to 3rd bolt, then head up right passing 2 more BRs, to chains. Note: this route tends to seep for several days after rain.


Sportiva 22m, 5
21 Rear Entry

More joy.

Start: Slightly right of Light Box #11. Up broken face, past a RB, then traverse slightly right and up to small ledge. Clip high RB and fire straight up the improbable looking wall past another RB. Traverse left and up the recess to below overhanging block. Clip final RB and jug up to chain above left. Note, this route tends to seep for some days after rain.

FA: Andrew Barry & Robbie Allen, 1984

Sportiva 22m, 4
24 Ode To The Lesser Breasted Droopy Nippled Screeching Wood Duck

Start: Slightly left of Light Box #11, 2m left of Rear Entry.

Climb the thin, broken face to RB, & up the thin slab to the next RB & a good hold. Blast slightly left up the thin face (crux) to next RB below small overlap & up to next RB & big hold. Finish over small roof to chain. Short climb but a long name! This route tends to weep after rain.

FA: Edwardo Irvine & Darren Holloway, 1988

Sportiva 18m, 4
14 Smooth Sailing

Start: Directly in front of Light Box #9. Up the blocky face, to first bolt, straight up to next RB, then slightly right to 3rd RB on face, continue up the face/corner, passing a 4th RB, to chains.

FFA: Zac Trembath-Pitham & Josiah Hess

Sportiva 15m, 4
15 In The Middle Of A Dream

Start: In front of Light Box 9, about 2m left of Smooth Sailing. Challenging start, up steep rock to first bolt on broken rocky face, aim for drill hole on right to next bolt, straight up the inside corner to a 3rd RB, up the face to 4th RB, and bit of a run-out over easier ground to chains directly above. (Chains in the left corner are Dynamite's chains.)

FFA: Josiah Hess & zac

Sportiva 15m, 4
16 Dynamite

Start: Just left of Light Box #9, about 1m left of In The Middle Of A Dream. A daunting start up the blank slab to first RB, continue up the thin slab to a 2nd RB, over this to inside corner & 3rd RB on the black wall, bridge up the corner to a 4th RB, then easier territory to chains directly above in corner.

FFA: Zac Trembath-Pitham & Josiah Hess

Sportiva 15m, 4
17 EC

Start: Just Left of lightbox #7. Now retro bolted. 5 ring bolts to a set of anchors. Up over slopers to first RB, then blankness to 2nd RB, easier ground to 3rd RB, then up sheer face/corner, passing another 2 RBs to chains on Right. Rather chossy climbing, needs a clean up.

FA: Unknown ('s), 1970

Sportiva 20m, 5
18 GR

Start: Just Right of lightbox #6. A well protected route over good rock. Up the face to a knife-blade arete. Follow the RBs up Right of this, then up the face, passing another 2 RBs.

FA: Unknown

Sportiva 20m, 7
24 Miasma

Start: Directly in front of Lightbox #6, 2m Left of GR. Committing start up blank slab to 1st RB, big run-out, but easier ground to next RB, then nice moves follow corner up, passing another RB, then delicately to last RB, layoff & pinch the blunt arete & bridge up to chains.

FA: Lee Cujes, 1999

Sportiva 20m, 4
20 Forever Gumby

Start: Right of the big Foreclosure block, behind a small tree. Up the varied rock, passing 5 RBs to chains. Keep left of the drill hole at the start & climb straight up to the 2nd RB, up the sharp arete on good moves to 5th RB & chains on ledge.

FA: Steve MacGillivray & Geoff Baker, 1998

Sportiva 20m, 5
22 unknown

Start: In front of lightbox #3, (sign saying "No climbing in this area") - about 15m left of Foreplay. Up slick wall to first RB, up trending left to next RB, up a very blank wall to next RB, continue up the blankness to final RB & chains 4m above. NB: This sector of the cliff tends to weep for a few days after rain.


Sportiva 18m, 4
20 The New Order

Historical register: This route is now a part of Riverlife property and lies behind it.

Clip the first BR from ground and boulder up. Mantle sloping hold and continue up the nice arete past another two BR's to an easy finish.

FA: Saul Squires & Dave Whitworth, 1993

Sportiva 11m, 3
22 Spack Attack

Historic route description included here for posterity - this route is on & behind Riverlife property.

The name was a tribute to Moira who had her leg broken in an accident on Crookneck.

Start: just Left of RIAC. Up the delicate face left of RIAC to a crack then up past two BR's. At the second BR trend left and up to finish. Very sustained.

A direct finish was done by Paul Hoskins at about 25.

FA: Michael Woodrow & Jonathan Dwyer, 1985

Sportiva 14m, 2
25 Mutant Sea Bass

Historic route description included here for posterity. This route is on & behind Riverlife property.

Start: just Left of Trash Thrash. Up face to overhanging bulge. Through this with difficulty to top.

FA: Peter Stebbins & Chris O'Neill, 1999

Sportiva 10m, 2
24 International Man Of Mystery

Historic route description included here for posterity. This route is on & behind Riverlife property.

Start: 2m Right of MSB. Up face (no bridging) to ledge. Traverse Right and up through overlap.

FA: Chris O'Neill & Peter Stebbins, 1999

Sportiva 11m, 2
18 Untitled Route

This obscure route is located on a small wall on the left side of the old Navy Stores building (now Riverlife).

Two dodgy FH's lead the way up a series of good edges.

As of 2022,this wall is now covered in vines & growth.

FA: 1995

Sportiva 10m, 2

Tutti 26 vie visualizzati.

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