
Vie in Gold Coast

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1 - 100 di 413 vie.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
Binna Burra Bellbird Buttress Rapture Wall
16 Fleetwood Mac

FA: Rick White & Bruno Zielke, 1970

Trad 28m
12 Volley O.C.

FA: Rick White & Jeff Lhgod

Trad 40m
16 M2 Sounds Of Silence

FA: Paul Caffyn & Chris Meadows, 1969

Artificiale 90m
17 Interstellar Overdrive

Up chimney on right of pillar. Up to cave and step right and climb crack to ledge. Tree belay

FA: Ross Allan & Rick White, 1969

Trad 30m
18 Conrod Corner

15m up left trending gully. From tree step right into corner and up corner system to bushes at half height. A classic climb, with excellent jambs and bridging, great holds where you need them and excellent gear. Layback at the bulge with more bomber gear and split crack. Loose rock at the top.. Wire runner at top for belay. A 70m rope to wrap back to the tree, or take 2 ropes.

FA: Ted Cais, Donn Groom & Mike Meadows

Trad 35m, 2
17 M2 Point Of No Return

FA: Rick White & Chris Meadows, 1968

Artificiale 25m
16 Alcheringa

FA: Donn Groom & John Larkin, 1966

Trad 73m
15 Dislocation

FA: Donn Groom & Ken Purnell, 1966

Trad 65m
Binna Burra Bellbird Buttress The Mank
12 Mank Mountain

FA: Stuart Camps & Scott Camps, 1983

Sconosciuto 90m
15 Chimpanzee

FA: Andrew Barry & Peter Barry, 1984

Sconosciuto 22m
Binna Burra Bellbird Buttress Liberator Wall
Yo Yo

FA: S. Murray

? unknown

FA: Dave Reeve

Binna Burra Bellbird Buttress The Bulger
9 Wayout

FA: Donn Groom & John Larkin

Sconosciuto 73m
Binna Burra Bellbird Buttress The Laughing Wall Area
14 Ants Nest

FA: Rick White, Mike Meadows & Chris Meadows, 1968

Sconosciuto 45m
15 Gravedigger

FA: Les Wood & Donn Groom, 1966

Sconosciuto 82m
15 Donn's Crack

FA: Donn Groom & ?

13 Swansong

FA: Donn Groom & Ken Purnell, 1967

Sconosciuto 88m
Binna Burra Bellbird Buttress Red Rock
12 Up Up And Away

FA: Mike Meadows & Chris Meadows, 1968

Sconosciuto 70m
18 Red Crack

Initialled start. Be wary of the Bees nest on the 2nd pitch.

FA: Rick White & Chris Meadows

Trad 80m, 3
10 Caves Route VS

Start 10m L of Caves Route. Joins Caves Route after P1 from left

FA: Donn Groom & ?

Sconosciuto 24m
10 Caves Route

FA: Donn Groom & ?

Sconosciuto 61m
Binna Burra Bellbird Buttress Headstone Buttress
12 Headstone

FA: Andrew Barry & Evan Bieske

Chiusa Burleigh Heads National Park
13 Dr Living Stone

10 metres left of Shere Kahn. The crack below the obvious roof problem. Balancy crux to start up the crack, then directly over roof. Natural belay, then an easy scramble out right. A good warm up.

FA: Matt Boulton & Ray Trace, 2004

Trad 8m
23 Shere Kahn

I'm sure in Yosemite this would be grade 16. Starts R of corner at the offwidth crack. Climb the 4m offwidth (#5 camalot) to ledge, then walk off L. The headwall finish passing the very dodgy bolt (placed by an earlier party) is uncompleted. Using the fig tree is not allowed.

FA: Lee Cujes, 2002

Trad 9m
17 Anaconda

2m R. Very wide crack (#5 camalot) to protruding roof. Step R under roof into enclave and DBB.

FA: Lee Cujes & Sam Cujes, 2002

Trad 15m
27 X Impressionable Youth

The prow has been climbed direct after top rope rehearsal, with no gear after the ledge. Actually a pretty cool compression problem, with crux turning the lip. If climbing is re-opened here anyone who wishes to bolt it is welcome to do so.

FA: Mattyj, 2005

Trad 15m
18 Jungle Boogie

Just R again. Face route up pillar on bolts next to good gear. Up past break to small sickle-crack (sling), then to ledge. Finish as for Anaconda. A great lead.

FA: Lee Cujes & Sam Cujes, 2002

Sportiva 15m, 2
14 Jungle Gym

1m R. Wide shaft with lovely handcrack running up the middle. A good beginner lead. Take Anaconda's R-hand finish.

FA: Sam Cujes & Craig Phillips, 21 Giu 2016

Trad 13m
24 Clear Felling

This is the pillar between the routes. Top rope only. No bolts please due to proximity to other routes.

FA: TR: Terry Svingen, 2003

Corda dall'alto 13m
12 Hunter Gatherer

2m R. Twin cracks/chimney. Quite a nice chimney. Bring big gear to adequately protect this.

FA: Lee Cujes, 2002

Trad 13m
20 Bush Aids Strikes Back

Start up the offwidth to the right of Hunter Gatherer. Bring big cams up to arm you for the mini-wrestling match that you're about to endure. Strenuous smooth off-widthing climbing the outside of Narrow is the Way.

FA: Alex Mougenot & Vaughan Christie

Trad 12m
14 Narrow Is The Way

Start in the cave 1m R behind Fireflies pillar. Well protected climbing up a tight and fully enclosed chimney. At the top, exit L to DBB.

FA: TR: Matt Boulton, 2002

FFA: Lee Cujes, 2002

Trad 15m
22 Fireflies

2m R is a detached leaning pillar with bolts. Use stick or bridge tree to clip first of three FH's, but start directly from ground. Blast directly up the pillar past two FH's to break (small SLCD). Clip the final FH, then crank up and R to top out.

Sportiva 15m, 3
18 Call Of The Wild

The most obvious route here. 2m R of pillar and marked by some weird metal spikes sticking out down low. Attractive, sinuous crack up corner to small roof, then ramble out.

FA: Neil Monteith, 1993

Trad 15m
19 Laughing Hyena

Slightly contrived, but great fun up the arete between COTW and Amazon, always staying clear of the two cracks. A couple of thin, cruxy moves to jug. Continue up arete to ledge on a variety of interesting holds. Scramble up to top.

FA: TR: Terry Svingen, 2003

FFA: Taib Ezekiel, 2011

Trad 15m
15 Amazon

1m R. Another sinuous crack, similar to the last one. If you pike off right, subtract a few grades.

FA: Neil Monteith, 1993

Trad 15m
16 You Tarzan

The leaning, low-angle pillar, and wide shaft behind. The delicate crux is on the slabby pillar (no pro), so don't fall off!

FA: Lee Cujes & Craig Phillips, 2002

Sconosciuto 15m
12 Rock of Offense

Enter the cave left of Me Jane. Climb up the chimney and under the offensive rock. Top out up You Tarzan.

FA: Matt Boulton & Joel Collins, 2003

Trad 14m
13 Me Jane

3m R. A shaft with a big tree growing against the rock. Bridge the shaft and climb the tree, with a harder move at the top. Belay on ledge, but scramble out L (roped).

FA: Sam Cujes & Lee Cujes, 2002

Trad 7m
23 Pygmy

1.5m R. Contrived, but a bit of fun. The pillar with a FH. The committing crux above the bolt must be climbed direct! Scramble down R.

Sportiva 6m, 1
22 Unknown

Two bolts on pillar 5m right of pigmy. Great pillar climb.

Sportiva 9m, 2
13 Tribal Dance

1m R. The last decent corner crack on the cliff. Scramble down R.

FA: Craig Phillips & Sam Cujes, 2002

Trad 6m
9 Jungle Book

2m left of Cheetah. Easy twin crack/chimney all the way up. Good pro.Nice beginners lead.

FA: Terry Svingen, 2003

Trad 6m
17 Cheetah

Walk 15m right of Tribal Dance over boulders to a large fallen-over pillar. Right in front, climb the sinuous left crack up corner to broken ground. Try and stay off the crack on the right side. Good fist jam. Bring a couple large cams.

FA: Terry Svingen, 2003

Trad 6m
North Burleigh Bouldering South End
V2 Get 'Er Done!

The name of the route must always be said in a loud raspy southern American accent. Sit start in small cave; right-hand crimp and left-hand gaston start. Go directly up and end on the obvious jug, L of flake. Optional heel hook to get out of the cave

FA: Chris Urbanek, Nat Colville & Douglas Robb, 17 Lug 2020

Boulder 3m
V1 Give 'Er a Crack!

Sit start lay back and follow the obvious crack all the way up to the rail.

FA: Chris Urbanek, Nat Colville & Douglas Robb, 17 Lug 2020

Boulder 2m
North Burleigh Bouldering
V2 Cannon Ballin'

Start 1m L of Poseidon, on the obvious 'shield'. Compression start, (crux) then straight up and top out.

FFA: Tom Reid, 2014

Boulder 4m
V2 Poseidon

Start 2m L of The Jackdaw. Sit start in obvious crack feature on good holds. Follow crack line up and R to top out

FFA: Tom Reid, 2014

Boulder 4m
V3 The Claw

Start as for Poseidon, but traverse low and R straight away into The Jackdaw and finish up this. Really good climbing, currently the 'Crag Classic'.

FFA: Tom Reid, 2014

Boulder 5m
V2 The Jackdaw

Start 1m L of Gone Fishing . Sit start on big undercling and R sidepull move up and R to a gaston, then up and L to jug, then up to top out.

FFA: Jarryd Blackmore, 2014

Boulder 4m
V1 Gone Fishing

Start 2m L of Walk the plank. Sit start with a good L hand jamb/side pull. Up and R, then straight up on jugs. Top out.

FFA: Jarryd Blackmore, 2014

Boulder 4m
V2 Walk the Plank

Start 1.5m R of Shipwrecked. Sit start on low jug, move up trending slightly L, then back R and up. top out.

FFA: Jarryd Blackmore, 2014

Boulder 5m
V4 Shipwrecked

Start 3.5m L of HLS. Sit start really low on the jug in the void with a sandy bottom. move up to small holds, then traverse R and up following the weakness, then over grey bulge. Top out.

Tracciata: Tom Reid, 2014

FFA: Tom Reid, 2014

Boulder 3m
V5 The Black Pearl

Links Shipwrecked into HLS. Start as for Shipwrecked, but instead of finishing up the grey bulge, keep traversing R on slopers into HLS and finish up this.

Boulder 4m
V3 Hookers, Lines and Sphincters

Start 1.5m L of Red Emperor. Sit Start low on side pulls at the bottom of the obvious feature. move up, then R onto face, up to jugs and mantle to small ledge. Highball open project.

FFA: Tom Reid, 2014

Boulder 3m
V7 The Golden Hour

Blank line Between Hookers lines and sphincter and Red Emperor. Stand start with R hand on undercling as for Red Emperor and Left in Slot-like pocket using lots of toe hooks to reach two finger pocket and dyno to mantle out. SDS yet to go, open project.

Tristen Meacham-Day

FA: Tristen Meacham-Day, 5 Giu 2015

Boulder 2m
V8/9 Solid Gold

Gold Coasts hardest open project boulder problem that exists so far. The sit start to “The Golden Hour”. Adds a number of extremely difficult long moves. The top out is v4- do it for the full tick.

V2 Red Emperor

On the RHS of obvious smooth red and orange panel. sit start low on underclings, move R out to rail, up to jugs and mantle. Highball top out open project.

FFA: Tom Reid, 2014

Boulder 3m
V2 Fishermans Friend

Start 3m R of Red Emperor. Sit start low on jug to the R, up to tricky rail, move left, then straight up and out on jugs. Highball top out open project.

FFA: Tom Reid, 2014

Boulder 3m
V3 Castaway Crack

Start 1.5m R of Red Emperor. Sit start low on Jug, move up and L to sharp pocket, then straight up following the crackline with some interesting holds.

FFA: Tom Reid, 2014

Boulder 3m
V2 Sloth

left heel hook start on awesome jugs, heel hook all the way. follow the line. Top out at the very end of the flake.

FA: Matt Hutton, 1990

Boulder 5m
V0 The warm up traverse

long traverse to the right

FA: Matt Hutton, 1990

Boulder 6m
V0 Sandbag The Sandbagger

Sit- Start on jug flake LH and RH with a heel cranked up. Rock on and ascend! Nice sandy landing.

FA: Jimmy Blackhall & La Noodle, Set 2019

Boulder 2m
V3 Love at First Sight

Start on RH sharp under cling and LH three finger pocket, heel hook on lip and right foot under. Heel hook and slap along the lip and watch the dab!

Tracciata: Will Lee, 2015

FA: Will Lee, 23 Set 2015

Boulder 2m
V0 Isha

Sit start, traverse left,

Tracciata: Yulid Shorrock, 7 Ago 2015

FA: Yulid Shorrock, 7 Ago 2015

Boulder 3m
V3 To love

Crouch start on two jugs and make a very long move up into a blind pocket. Figure out a way to burl the top. A crag classic

Tracciata: Yulid Shorrock, 10 Set 2015

FA: Will Lee, 23 Set 2015

Boulder 3m
V1 Tefillah

Crouch start low and do a long move up into a small jug then straight up.

Tracciata: Yulid Shorrock, 7 Ago 2015

FA: WSD, 24 Ago 2015

Boulder 4m
V1 Tehilla

Crouch start the obvious jugs and traverse left. Climb the blunt arete.

Tracciata: Yulid Shorrock, 7 Ago 2015

FA: WSD, 24 Ago 2015

Boulder 3m
V1 El-Olam

left heel hook start,look at photo and follow the line!

Tracciata: Yulid Shorrock, 7 Ago 2015

FA: Yulid Shorrock, 7 Ago 2015

Boulder 5m
V0 Fish Bait Alt.

Sit start on small crimps then work left onto the large crack.

Boulder 2m
V1 South Easterlies

Traverse from Left side to highest point on the Right. Start sit started on a shelf. Probably the best problem here.

FA: Jimmy Blackhall, Gen 2020

V0 Port

Far left problem. Start on two flat shelve jugs sit started. Up to a funky pocket jug and ascend.

FA: Jimmy Blackhall, Gen 2020

Boulder 3m
V1 It’s Easier To Go Down, Then Up

Second line from the left. Sit start on very cool telephone jug. Long move RH to side pull (in the crack) and straight up for jugs. Brush the top on inspection first. Walk off descent.

FA: Jimmy Blackhall, Gen 2020

Boulder 3m

Middle problem - Left of PAQ. This one has a little more thinking involved. Start sit-started and power up. The crack on the Left is out.

FA: Jimmy Blackhall, Gen 2020

Boulder 3m
V1 Peace and Quiet

Tallest line on the boulder, 2nd from the right. Start at the bottom of a little pit at the base of a left trending crack. Start as low as possible on jugs and figure out a way to drop knee and not wreck your knee caps on a long move to a good edge in the midway break. Keep focused for the mantle.

Tracciata: Jimmy Blackhall, Gen 2020

Boulder 4m
V0 Starboard

Far Right (Starboard) problem. Start on the boulder with both hands matched on the horizontal break. A long move up then jugs. Inspect the top for Glass first

FA: Jimmy Blackhall, Gen 2020

V1 Heel Hook

The lonely Big rock on the beach 5 meters from the little cave. Heel hook all the way mental finish.

Tracciata: 10 Mar 2016

FFA: 10 Mar 2016

Boulder 4m
V5 Particle Wave

Start at the low LHS on good holds, and follow the weakness traversing diagonally right on strong sloped holds, find knee bar rest. Push through matching undercling into sharp quartz rock with long moves, keeping feet on soild rock, hug the last big blocks being cautious of the last one. rock over mantle. 8m boulder Video is on the net, v4 holds gets a v5 as conditions are rarely bomber this close to the coast. There are 3 alternate finishes all of them are quality and stay at v5.

FFA: Matt Hutton, 1990

Boulder 8m
V2 Bobs Your Uncle Or Your Aunty

Furtherest left route before choss. Sit start in a cross on good holds and move up positive holds above to a high top. Get down moving left.

FA: unknown

Boulder 3m
V2 Groundhog day

2nd last line. To the right of BYUOYA- starting on a grey bulge in a pocket.

FA: unknown

Boulder 3m
V1 outNback

Previously established classic long traverse going left from the side pull left of Miami Slicer around bulge (Crux) and along easy jug line staying low for full value to corner - V2 for the round trip. Underclings only version an open project.

Tracciata: Pete Stebbins, Mar 2019

Boulder 10m
V2 Finger Killer

Start at Bobs your Uncle, head up to the chalky ledge then traverse right across to the other chalky ledge. Start to descend before Maimi Slicer and use the "finger killer" undercling crimp to descend into the start of sandy toes under the roof. Finish in the sit start position.

Tracciata: Ava Williams, 18 Apr 2022

Boulder 4m
V0 Sandy Toes

Sit start at the far left of the lower ledge and work your way all the way right the the last obvious hold along the lower traverse. Great warm up boulder... easier for kids.

FA: Ava Williams, 7 Ago 2021

Boulder 5m
V2 Miami Slicer

Sit start from undercling then follow the three big holds up. SHARP jug up top.

FA: Matt Hutton, 1990

Boulder 3m
V3 Placebo

Start this gym like problem with a large bucket in the break and a RH undercling. Big move LH bring your feet up and driveby RH to slopper jug. Great fun

V3 Dude looks like a lady

Hanging start, reach around bulge to slot and sloper, dyno to jug mantle over to left side pull. Up you go. Traverse left to get down.

FA: Matt Hutton, 1990

Boulder 4m
V2 Tan Line

Start cross handed, move right, up, then diagonally left to sloper edge.

Boulder 4m
V4 All The Gear And No Idea

Link up. Start SIAS move left and slightly up- and then up into Placebo, finishing with its drive-by move. Traverse left to get down.

FA: Jimmy Blackhall, Set 2019

Boulder 5m
V4 Suck it and see

Start on good hold at back of roof, work out to pocket, then crimps. Straight up to top, top out and traverse LEFTto descend

FA: Matt Hutton, 1990

Boulder 3m
V5 Lick It and Slip It

Sit start as for Particle wave but punch up Suck It and See. Classic. Definitely traverse left to get down

FA: 2015

V4 Palmy Army

"Squeezed in" But done as its own line. Starts to the right of SIAS. Start in a sit start on a broken rail and blast up.

V4 squeezed in

The last alternate finish, squeezed in but uses all her own holds. Exit out just above double under cling rail, cutting feet is always fun.

FA: Matt Hutton, 1990

Boulder 4m
V3 Alt finish

Alt finish to particle wave, enter sharp quartz area. Throw out and left to black rail. Right side pull in quartz area assists mantle. Traverse right to get down

FA: Matt Hutton, 1990

Boulder 4m
V3 Groundbreaking Offwidth Ascent

There is a small cave made between two boulders resting upon each other roughly between the Luxury of Isolation boulder and the Particle Wave wall. starts on the south side of the block and climbs through the cave out the other side. Looked like a shit fight! But maybe if you like that kinda thing, this is the problem for you

FA: Andrew Rogers, 12 Nov 2022

V0 The Luxury Of Isolation

Around the corner from Hodu, facing the ocean. Sit start on the far left side of the salty slab on good holds. Move up and right traversing across the face. Finish up far right. Can be slippery at high tide and in the sun. Add a grade for No-Hands.

FA: Jimmy Blackhall, Feb 2020

V8/9 Déjà View

Sit start on jugs formed by the crack. Traverse right on tough holds into the start of “Déjà Hues” and top out as this. Was sent by a visiting comp climber at V8/9, 5 years ago- sand height dependant.

Boulder 4m
V1 Ish

Sit start straight up. Very sharp rock.


Tracciata: WSD, 17 Ago 2015

FFA: 17 Ago 2015

Boulder 3m
V2 Ruach

Sit start, traverse left follow the line. Top out on the highest point.

FFA: Leighton Smith

Tracciata: Pedro & Yulid Shorrock, 17 Ago 2015

Boulder 5m
V1 Kadosh

Sit start follow the crack, keep moving left, top out at the end of the crack.

Tracciata: Yulid Shorrock, 17 Ago 2015

FA: Yulid Shorrock, 17 Ago 2015

Boulder 7m

1 - 100 di 413 vie.

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