
Vie in Bluebell

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Tutti 30 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
22 Xanthorrhoea

Right line on grey slab.

FA: nathanual hebbard

Tracciata: Jeff Crass, 2015

Sportiva 6m, 2
18 Jeff's Mega Slab

On first wall you walk past, up the middle of the grey slab.

FA: Jeff Crass, 5 Ago 2015

Sportiva 6m, 2
11 Duncan

Start left of small corner. Up over a small bulge and veer to the right. 2 RB to Lower Offs. (Can start on right and climb up to 2nd bolt, easier but less pro).

FA: bundy, 2006

Sportiva 7m, 2
18 Zara

Start 2m right of 'Anika'. 1 high RB (stick clip) to shared lower off with 'Anika'. A hold has broken on the start which has raised the grade from 14.

FA: bundy, 2006

Sportiva 7m, 1
18 Anika

The left most route with two ring bolts. Tricky move past 1st RB then nice wall to lower offs.

FA: bundy, 2006

Sportiva 8m, 2
16 Nathan ((Link-up)

The girdle traverse route. Start at 'Anika' and move across and up bast bolts on Zara and Duncan to finish on anchors as for Duncan.

FA: bundy, 2006

Sportiva 9m, 4
17 Trust Me I Used Araldite

Rebolted with real glue. A wall past a few steep moves. Go left to shared lower off with Travolta.

Sportiva 7m, 2
21 Travolta

Up Al's Nightmare and finish right with a big move to flake (jug further right on Trust me I used Araldite is definitely off). Shared loweroff with Trust me etc

FA: Michael Law, 2015

Sportiva 8m, 2
Al's Nightmare

One really long move up the top. Although this has two ticks on this website some people reckon this is impossible. Carrots bolts.

Tracciata: Al

Sportiva 8m, 3
18 Heathcote Homo

Start 3m right of SC. Up past 2 BRs to RB, funky move out left to gain anchors shared with Screaming Cockatoos.

FA: Bundy, 2008

Sportiva 10m, 3
18 Screaming Cockatoos

Shared start with Sparky, up flake and drift right past a few more bolts to shared lower off with HH. Reachy at the top.

FA: Shano, 1992

Sportiva 10m, 3
16 Sparky

Up flake (RB), head left then steeply up past 2 rings. 'Fantastic' Climbing. New Lower offs installed.

FA: David Barnes, 1992

Sportiva 10m, 3
19 Meltdown

Nice climbing with some big reaches Shared Lower Off with Sparky.

Sportiva 10m, 4
22 97% McDougall Free

The direct line just left of 'Meltdown'. Go direct all the way. Stay out of out of the corner at the start, and stay direct at the hard finish. Only 20 if you start up 'Meltdown'.

FA: Jason Lammers, 2006

Sportiva 12m, 4
21 Welcome to the Body Shop

Best 21 in Sydney. Nice and pumpy on big holds. Rebolted 2008

FA: Dave Barnes, 1992

Sportiva 12m, 5
23 Bitch'n

Start 2 m right of the little tree, and just left of a block. Nice and 'Steep', Delicate over the bulge and then get on trucken to the end. Move L to anchors as for Ruthless Babe. Rebolted 14/07/2015.

FA: Dave Barnes, 1993

Sportiva 12m, 5
24 Ape Index

Start 1m left of Bitch'n, up to huge dyno off a pocket. Might be tough for 24 if you have fat fingers. NOTE: There is a panel under this climb with an aboriginal charcoal motif. Be mindful and avoid any contact.


FA: Michael Law, 2015

Sportiva 10m, 6
23 Bundy in a Bottle Shop (Link-up)

Linkup Start as for 'Ruthless Babe', then side pull out to clip RB on right. Straight up from here, delicate traverse into Bitch'n do the crux on Bitch'n. Then move up and to the right past another RB. Straight up above last RB and finish sportingly to new anchors on Body Shop. A Pumper !

FA: Jason Lammers, 2006

Sportiva 18m, 7
23 Ruthless Babe

Mega. Start 2m L of Bitchin

FA: David Barnes, 1992

Sportiva 12m, 5
23 Gatekeeper (Link-up)

Linkup. Climb up RB past the 1st 2 bolts. Then great hand traverse under the roof. Finish up DBoM.

FA: Dave Barnes, 1992

Sportiva 15m, 5
23 Better at Bluebell (Link-up)

Worthwhile link up taking in some of the best real estate at bluebell. Start for Ruthless babe to rooflet and head left as for Gatekeeper, keep trucking and finish at the anchors of Better at Bargo.

FA: Link Up from the Bangor Chimp when he coukdn't tge crux on Darling Buds

Sportiva 16m, 8
23 Ruthless Shop (Link-up)

Another linkup. Real Estate is precious at the Bell. Start up RB and do the crux thru the roof. Stand up and clip the next ring with a long sling, then great balancey moves across the head wall to the anchors on WttBS.

FA: Its a Link Up, 2000

Sportiva 16m, 8
26 Guerilla Radio (Link-up)

Start up DBOM and do crux, Traverse on slopey break, clip 5th bolt of Gatekeeper and do Crux, traverse right and do top crux for Ruthless Babe. traverse into bolts for Bundy in a bottle shop and finish on anchors for welcome to the body shop.

Basically links all the best and hardest routes at blue bell in a rising traverse, left to right!

FA: Linkup., 2008

Sportiva 16m, 10
25 Darling Buds of Mayhem

Recently rebolted on nice shiney U's. A Sydney Classic on great rock. Start about 3m L of the little tree. Head up right thru scoop (it originally finished up little corner, but now heads further r on jugs thru roof as for Gatekeeper.

FA: Mikl, 1992

Sportiva 15m, 5
25 Better at Bargo

Tried to get someone to bolt this for years, but no takers. Start as DBOM, climb thru the crux. Then directly up past 3 new RB's and thru the final roof to lower off.

FA: Damien Boorman & Jason Lammers, 28 Ago 2020

Sportiva 15m, 6
23 Divine Intervention

Climb FK, past crux and 3 U bolt, then move right clipping 3 more carrots on the way. DBB Lower Off

Sportiva 15m, 6
23 Flying Kites

Nice and Pumpy. Up arete past 5 U bolts, then move right to shared lower offs.

FA: G Morton, 2000

Sportiva 15m, 5
24 Heel and Toe Polka

Climb FK to 3rd bolt and then big move left and clip U bolt, then up and thru roof to lower off. Plenty of heel hooking and toe locks.

FA: Bundy, 2006

Sportiva 15m, 5
18 Lobotomised

Start at 'Flying Kites' and move left and up. Dont get pumped clipping the 3rd bolt.

FA: Chris Wallace, 1992

Sportiva 15m
20 Fanta Pants

Left most route at the crag. Start as per 'Lobotomised' for a few bolts and then move left into the ornage strek and up to anchors.

FA: Jason Lammers, 17 Lug 2022

Sportiva 15m

Tutti 30 vie visualizzati.

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