
Vie in Star Trek

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Tutti 21 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
V2 Beverly Crusher

Start in small finger slot on black streak and push up into edge facing down. Trend left and up.

FA: Tom Bes, 2021

V1 The Borg

Just to the right of black streak. Mini crimps and smear to gain whiteish ledge for foot on right. Up the slight outcrop to jugs of victory

FA: Tom Bes, 2021

V2 Riker

Start with right hand on blocky sidepull and left hand low on whiteish ledge. Match foot up to ledge, pistol squat to glory.

FA: Tom Bes, 2021

V3 Tea, Earl Grey, Hot

Start with right hand in runnel and move into small 2 finger pocket. Smear feet and delicately move up to crimps and out

FA: Tom Bes, 2021

V1 Snodgrass

Start on the thin stuff 1 metre right from worf under the sidepull flake. Move into this sidepull, up on smeary feet and out to juggy top.

FA: Tom Bes, 2021

V0 Troi

Start 2 metres left of wide crack. Up through slopey flake.

FA: Tom Bes, 2021

V0 Tasha Yar

Warning! Fragile flake! Up the right thin arete of the wide crack. I'm putting this route up here as it's the most obvious line but it's not safe to climb. I removed a loose block behind the thin high flake but the remaining thin flake isn't particularly solid. An easy climb but you might end up like season 2 Tasha Yar if you climb it.

V1 Wesley Crusher

Start with both hands on the runnel sidepull. Reach up to another sidepull. Then up and away

FA: Tom Bes, 2021

V3 Worf

Burly. Sit start with hands left on low rail. Heave up using thin crimps. Top out rights for Wesley Crusher.

FA: Tom Bes, 2021

V1 I wish I was LaVar Burton

Sit start with hands on right side of low rail. Straight up then traverse right to top out as for Wesley Crusher.

FA: Tom Bes, 2021

V2 I never lie when I have sand in my shoes

Traverse from far right arete all across the big slab and top out via the top of the crack far left. Keep mid wall, beware thin flake high on right side of wide crack, have fun on the slab section.

FA: Tom Bes, 2021

Boulder 20m
V0 Flying into the tree tops

Stand start directly below the tree. To climb, somehow squeeze between the branches and roots to top out amidst the mossiness left of the block. Pulling on the tree will see you sent to the brig. Unlikely to see many repeats by adults over 5ft.

FA: Marilla

Boulder 3m
V0 Space Crawl

Start below tree and traverse right to finish up Wombatonaut.

FA: Marilla

V0 Wombatonaut

Follows the features just left of the arete. Top out via the sloping pinches and jugs on the block up top. Wombats are the first ascentionist's favourite animal.

FA: Marilla, Lug 2021

V0 Space nappies

Head up just right of the arete to some sloping jugs on top. The discussion topic just before the FA was how astronauts went to the toilet.

FA: Leif.

V1 Space nappies (sit start)

Start from obvious, low sidepull where a chunk of rock was ripped off (ruining the onsight FA) and finish up Space nappies. Other hand holds out right if you need them, also created by tearing another chunk of rock off.

FA: James S

Boulder 4m
V1 Jefferies Runnels

Up the second runnel to the left of the big flake. (Not the mossy wet one)

FA: Tom Bes, 2021

V0 Harry Mudd

Up main flake system in middle of wall

FA: Tom Beswetherick, 2021

V1 Sulu

Using the jutting foot under the first bulge, stay left of the arete and move through the bulges

FA: Tom Bes, 2021

V1 D.C. Fontana traverse

Traverse from Uhura on right to far left. Stay low, nothing above the break. On right move up at first arete and out left onto small final slab. Topout here.

FA: Tom Bes, 2021

V0 Uhura

Up the fun jugs on the right of the arete. Also a useful downclimb

FA: Tom Bes, 2021


Tutti 21 vie visualizzati.

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