
Vie in Koorabar

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Tutti 23 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
19 Self Satisfaction

Left line on the first major bit of rock. Swing up jugs on left side of overhung scoop to large ledge. Punch straight up the guts of the cave above finishing on jutting prow.

FA: Heath Black, 6 Giu 2015

Sportiva 13m, 5
19 Layback Knack

Middle line. Starts with powerful layback with undercut start. Rest on the ledge then swing up the right wall - taking care with the giant protruding plate. It's been jumped on by a fat father, so should be ok.

FA: Neil Monteith & Wade Stewart, 31 Mag 2015

Sportiva 13m, 4
17 Two Hour Interval

Right side of buttress, starting at right facing corner. Tricky start then heaps of slopers right to the top. Surprisingly tricky.

FA: Heath Black & Wade Stewart, 31 Mag 2015

Sportiva 12m, 4
20 Missing Melbourne Cup

Start right of 'Layback Knack' in the middle of the nice grey wall. Heave thru the overlap and cruise to the top.

An extended draw on the 2nd bolt will help protect your rope if you fall off.

Tracciata: Jason Lammers, 26 Ott 2016

FA: Jason Lammers, 1 Nov 2016

Sportiva 12m
15 Lost and Found

Short crack right of MMC, through rooflet and follow crack up to a mantle with single u bolt lower off next to old carrot.

FA: unknown

Trad 8m
17 Nose Lizard

Start on high wall up and left of A Close Shave.

FA: Michael Law, 2015

Sportiva 10m, 5
24 A Close Shave

Start up overhung offwidth, then cut left across little wall and up arete. Maximizes the cliff height!

FA: Ben Williams, 2015

Sportiva 7m, 4
V2 Dasher

Sit-start on left side of mini cave in back of main cave. Climb left side of offwidth to finish hold just past first bolt of A Close Shave. Or continue into that route for the traverse to the left arete for extra bonus finish (spotter required!).

FA: Neil Monteith, 26 Mag 2015

Boulder 6m
20 Clockwise Rimjob

Straight up v overhung corner past dodgy looking block (which is pretty solid) then left thru bulge to anchor on Ben Williams Route.

FA: Jason Budden, 15 Ago 2015

Sportiva 8m
21 NP, B

Undercut start then hand traverse right along break then up easy crack. Unknown history. Single U bolt next to manky carrot over the lip.

FA: unknown 80s?

Trad 7m
V4 Sprint Series

Long and classy. Sit start in far back of cave - then straight out ceiling on awesome pinches to finish on starting jug of Ultrafix. Don't cut loose on the lip and drop off the edge!

FA: Neil Monteith, 25 Mag 2015

Boulder 6m
17 Ultrafix

Start at lip of the boulder cave, pulling up just below first bolt. Up and slight left.

FA: Daniel Palmer, Mag 2015

Sportiva 10m, 3
22 UberFix

Undercut boulder start off knobs - then direct up the arete to shared last bolt and anchor with IsoFix.

FA: Heath Black, 27 Mag 2015

Sportiva 7m, 3
20 IsoFix

Start as for SE corner, then trend left across face to tricky arete.

FA: Heath Black, 25 Mag 2015

Sportiva 8m, 3
19 SE

Left facing corner, single U bolt in corner over the lip. History unknown.

FA: Unknown 80s?

Trad 8m
5 JM

Super juggy arête pillar thing on left side of cave. Dirty top out. History unknown.

FA: Unknown 80s

Trad 7m
21 Hotdog Spaceship

Climb JM until level with big roof. Traverse right on second higher bolt to anchor.

FA: Jason Budden, 15 Ago 2015

Sportiva 8m
5 Enjugment

Up easy corner to lower off below roof.

FA: unknown

Tracciata: Mikl Law, 2015

Sportiva 6m, 2
24 Foolproof Roof

Start up Enjugment then over roof and R to top

FA: Michael Law, 2015

Sportiva 8m, 7
24 Little Big Roof

Middle of orange cave 10m R of Ultrafix Left. Up to roof and out. Easiest to backjump.

Gabriele G

FA: Mikl Law, 2015

Sportiva 12m, 7
16 Spaghetti Hotdog

Ladder of jugs.

Tracciata: Jason Budden, 2015

FA: Heidi Doughty & Jason Budden, 15 Ago 2015

Sportiva 7m
25 Fight or Flight

Boulder up the prow feature to the lip and punch on for a memorable mantle or end up with some frequent flyer points.

Tracciata: Jason Lammers, 26 Ott 2016

FA: nathanual hebbard, 3 Set 2021

Sportiva 9m, 6
20 Better late than never

A short roof crack brings you to a boulder problem sequence to get established in the bottomless corner. Continue up corner with a glorious mantle finish.

Crux sequence required a cutloose tricep dip for the FA. Keen to hear what people come up with to solve the problem.

The crack has been thoroughly cleaned, you can setup a top rope/rap off a tree above a big boulder at the top if you use a long sling. Will consider adding anchors if it sees any traffic, jump on it and tell me what you think!

FA: Dave Pastafarian, 14 Ott 2022

Trad 8m

Tutti 23 vie visualizzati.

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