
Ascensioni in The Beginner's Wall come Red point

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Tutti 32 ascensioni visualizzati.

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Dom 1 Ott 2023 - Rumney
The Meadows The Beginner's Wall
5.8/9 Hippos on Parade - con Kate Pechenkina, Jasson Sportiva 15m, 5
Jonathan Bright
Traversed left earlier than last time and it was fine

Dom 21 Mag 2023 - Rumney
The Meadows The Beginner's Wall
5.8 Bolt Line Sportiva 24m, 8 Classica
David Gibbs
Would be nice to have a bolt to the right for the start.

Dom 17 Apr 2022 - Rumney
The Meadows The Beginner's Wall
5.10b Misdemeanor - con Beatrice Sportiva 33m, 11
Gio 31 Ago 2017 - Rumney
The Meadows The Beginner's Wall
5.9 Lies And Propaganda Sportiva 21m, 7 Media
5.10b Misdemeanor Sportiva 33m, 11 Molto buona
Lun 10 Ott 2016 - Rumney
The Meadows The Beginner's Wall
5.10b 5.10b PG13 Med Dose Madness Sportiva 21m, 7 Buona
Patrick Iseli
5.10c Bonehead Roof Sportiva 18m, 6 Molto buona
Patrick Iseli
Mar 24 Mag 2016 - Rumney
The Meadows The Beginner's Wall
5.9 5.8/9 Hippos on Parade Sportiva 15m, 5
Dom 28 Lug 2013 - Rumney
The Meadows The Beginner's Wall
5.10c Cold Turkey Sportiva 21m, 7 Media
Patrick Iseli
Sab 4 Ago 2012 - Rumney
The Meadows The Beginner's Wall
5.8 5.8/9 Hippos on Parade Sportiva 15m, 5 Molto buona
David Gibbs
Even several months later, after one ascent, I remembered enough of the beta to do this one fairly easily on lead. Definitely a fun route.

Mer 1 Ago 2012 - Rumney
The Meadows The Beginner's Wall
5.10b 5.10b PG13 Med Dose Madness Sportiva 21m, 7 Buona
Patrick Iseli
Sab 19 Mag 2012 - Rumney
The Meadows The Beginner's Wall
5.10c Cold Turkey Sportiva 21m, 7
Patrick Iseli
Mer 16 Apr 2008 - Rumney
The Meadows The Beginner's Wall
5.10c Cold Turkey Sportiva 21m, 7
David Aguasca
Mar 15 Apr 2008 - Rumney
The Meadows The Beginner's Wall
5.9 Lies And Propaganda Sportiva 21m, 7 Buona
David Aguasca
Dom 4 Nov 2007 - Rumney
The Meadows The Beginner's Wall
5.8 Bolt Line Sportiva 24m, 8 Molto buona
David Aguasca
5.10a Rhino Bucket Sportiva 24m, 8 Buona
David Aguasca
2006 - Rumney
The Meadows The Beginner's Wall
5.9 5.8/9 Hippos on Parade Sportiva 15m, 5 Classica
(Dan, Tony, Alex & Noah)

5.9 Lies And Propaganda Sportiva 21m, 7 Classica
(Dan, Tony, Alex & Noah) First Outdoor Sport Leading route.

Mar 1 Lug 2003 - Rumney
The Meadows The Beginner's Wall
5.5 Beginner's Route Trad Buona
Dustin Siegel

2003 - Rumney
The Meadows The Beginner's Wall
5.9 Lies And Propaganda Sportiva 21m, 7 Molto buona
Justus Zimmerman
Ven 11 Ott 2002 - Rumney
The Meadows The Beginner's Wall
5.9 Lies And Propaganda Sportiva 21m, 7 Buona
Jan Wellford
Mar 13 Apr 2010 - Rumney
The Meadows The Beginner's Wall
5.8 Bolt Line Sportiva 24m, 8
ben reardon
5.10c Bonehead Roof Sportiva 18m, 6
ben reardon
5.10c Cold Turkey Sportiva 21m, 7
ben reardon
5.10c Cold Turkey Sportiva 21m, 7
5.8 Bolt Line Sportiva 24m, 8 Molto buona
Mark Robbins
5.8 Bolt Line Sportiva 24m, 8 Molto buona
Peter Larson
5.9 5.9 R Attack of Life Trad mista 15m, 2
ben reardon
5.5 Beginner's Route Trad Molto buona
Mark Robbins
5.10a Rhino Bucket Sportiva 24m, 8
ben reardon
5.9 Lies And Propaganda Sportiva 21m, 7 Molto buona
Mark Robbins
5.9 Lies And Propaganda Sportiva 21m, 7
ben reardon

Tutti 32 ascensioni visualizzati.

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