
Snickers Wall

  • Bewertungskontext: AU
  • Fotos: 2
  • Begehungen: 40

Fels: Fire damage

The entire wall has been extensively fire damaged. Routes appear unclimbable.

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Erstellt vor ungefähr zwei Jahren




The vertical to overhanging section of orange rock embedded left of the Central Slabs. Single-pitch hard sport climbing is the go. There is a marked start for the old-school 'Vent Crack' at the right hand end.


Einschränk. übernommen von Booroomba Rocks

As of May 2021, the crag remains affected from the January 2020 fires: https://canberraclimbing.org.au/access-submissions/booroomba-rocks-after-the-fires/


As for North Buttress: From the Middle Rocks lookout, walk 50m left (looking out) to the top of a descent gully. Follow this back right under the lookout and through Middle Rocks to the base of the North Buttress. Continue on 40m to a cairn and track to the right. This skirts along a slab below the Central Slabs, then up for 10m or so to a large ledge. Keep following the base of the cliff until you come to a short rope. Swing up this and round the corner to Snickers Wall. 15 minutes walk from the Middle Rocks lookout.


Ethik übernommen von Booroomba Rocks

The ethic at Booroomba is generally staunchly traditional. Most climbing goes either entirely on gear or gear with bolts for those walls where there is insufficient gear to protect climbs. Climbs are occasionally rebolted, but retro-bolting would be considered vandalism of the lowest order.


Einige Inhalte wurden unter folgender Lizenz bereitgestellt: © ANU Moutaineering Club (Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike) © Canberra Climbers' Association (CC BY-SA)


Route(n) hinzufügen Topo hinzufügen Neu sortieren Stapelbearbeitung Konvert. Grade
Schwierigkeitsgrad Route

A good pump. Start as for 'Designer Drugs'. Up this past the first bolt then traverse right past two bolts to a flake. Continue up the overhanging wall past two more bolts (originally with the usual rest on the top bolt). Easier climbing leads to the belay ledge on 'Vent Crack'.

Erstbegehung: Mike Peck & Gordon Poultney, 1987

Erste freie Begeh.: Tony Barten, 1989

Start as for Boy's Brigade to the good holds on the traverse then take the water streak straight up, following the bolts, for a muscle fatiguing experience. A desperate direct start past one bolt awaits an ascent.

Erschliesser: Chris Warner & Jamie Valdivia

Erstbegehung: Jamie Valdivia, 2000

A steep, direct and well protected wall. More technical and sustained than 'Snickers'. Start as for Boy's Brigade but go (mostly) straight up. Lunge up to and past the first bolt to the second. Gain a big hold out right, then back into the line. Continue up the wall past four more bolts. An awkward move brings the seventh bolt to hand, then up onto the slab. Rap as for GGO. Loss of holds in the 2020 fires has made the climbing sequence different than the original route, and probably increased the grade from its original 25.

Erstbegehung: Mike Peck, 1986

Erste freie Begeh.: Tony Barten, 1989

Start three metres left of 'Designer Drugs'. Up past eight bolts. Originally the route joined 'Snickers' at the end of its traverse; the excellent direct finish was added by Chris Warner in 2013.

Erstbegehung: Gordon Poultney & Simon Carter (both led), 1992

Start 3 metres left of GGO, at the right-hand side of the black streak. Climb past four bolts and traverse right past a fifth and optional nut, where there is a good rest. Move right a few millimetres to another bolt then up the overhanging wall past two more bolts. From the top bolt go left then up a short slab to chain. On the first ascent, a rest was used on the top bolt.

Erstbegehung: Mike Peck & Tony Barten, 1985

Erste freie Begeh.: Chris Plant, 1986

Start five metres left of 'Snickers' just left of the black waterstreak. The crux moves (with a chipped hold) are between the first and second bolts. Continue up on good holds to chain belay.

Erstbegehung: Tony Barten, 1987

Just left of Frog Tactics. Up past six bolts to lower-off. Early crux and watch your back on the block if you fall.

Erstbegehung: Chris Warner

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