
Egg Cave

  • Bewertungskontext: AU
  • Begehungen: 54



Einschränk. übernommen von Gibraltar and Corin Road

Some of the crags in the south of this area (e.g. Cantaloupe Hill) were burned in the 2020 Orroral Valley bushfire. Please exercise caution in fire affected areas.


From the lookout area walk halfway to the Summit Boulders (15m), then turn left and down a short gully for 15m. Turn right and skirt under the 'Skippy Slab' boulder, passing Picasso on your right to reach the cave formed by a huge balanced boulder.



Einige Inhalte wurden unter folgender Lizenz bereitgestellt: © ANU Moutaineering Club (Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike) © Canberra Climbers' Association (CC BY-SA)


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The bolted line on the downhill side of the Skippy Slab boulder, which you walk past on the way to the 'Egg Cave'. Chipped but still quite hard. Rebolted 2013.

Erste freie Begeh.: Tony Barten, 1988

Still OK post fire - some of the flakes have blown off making it more reachy and some that remain are very creaky. Rebolted 2006 (approx)

Erstbegehung: Craig Kentwell, Phil Georgeff & Anne Hastings, 1988

A modern classic with technical and varied moves, well protected by six bolts. Exfoliated post fires. Start below the huge hanging boulder on the right arete. Rebolted 2013.

Erstbegehung: Tony Barten & Craig Kentwell, 1987

Start in the tunnel 3m left of Gorgeous Turn Me On.

Start 1m left of Easy Rider. The sharp seam to DBB. Continue up Easy Rider.

Erstbegehung: Gordon Turner (solo) 1990s, 1995

Walk through the egg cave and Easy Rider is on your left.

  1. 10m (17) Straight up past bolt to DBB. Originally graded 12.

  2. 8m (17) Big rockover onto the egg and walk up the slab to DBB.

  3. 13m (14) A short walk over to the Goony Waltz boulder. Step across and pad up clean slab past 2 bolts to rap chains on the 'Skippy's Slab' boulder.

Rebolted 2011. Now with fixed hangers.

Erstbegehung: George Renn, 1988

Start about 15m down and right from Easy Rider. The steep slab on flakes and sorry looking carrots. Finish up ER. The original route climbed well but has since exfoliated. Best to keep off.

Erstbegehung: George Rehn, 1988

The obvious corner crack down and right from 'Milwaulkee Pig Iron' (at the same level and 10 metres left of 'My Generation') - it had repelled a number of attempts over the years. Finish up a slab to a bolt belay.

Erstbegehung: Tony Barten, 1988

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