
Domicron Sector

  • Bewertungskontext: AU
  • Fotos: 7
  • Begehungen: 26



Einschränk. übernommen von New South Wales and ACT

If you have benefited from climbing infrastructure in NSW, please consider making a donation towards maintenance costs. The Sydney Rockclimbing Club Rebolting Fund finances the replacement of old bolts on existing climbs and the maintenance of other hardware such as fixed ropes and anchors. The SRC purchases hardware, such as bolts and glue, and distributes them to volunteer rebolters across the state of New South Wales. For more information, including donation details, visit https://sydneyrockies.org.au/rebolting/


From the rungs in the descent gully head left down the ramp towards an overhang with several large detached block under it.

Ethik übernommen von Illawarra and Shoalhaven

Lots of bolts in this region. Most development has been done after the 1980s.


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Start at the thin crack in the buttress. Up the crack thru the choss band and orange scoops above. Two sets of anchors are available one below the roof in the cave and one set on the lip of the roof out to the left. No change in the grade.

Erstbegehung: Veronique Hil, Aug 2022

Start in the vague groove 3 meters to the right of the thin crack. Up the groove into the rest cave. Escape out the cave on the left and head up to the junction between the orange scoopy features and the grey rock on the right. Climb a little right into the grey stuff and up to the anchors in the cave.

Erstbegehung: Graeme Hill, Aug 2022

Starts on the buttress just left of the crack. Thin bouldery moves up the wall trending towards the crack but never straying into the crack. Moving back to the left to pick up the bolts leading to the conglomerate band. It doesn't give up here so fight until the anchors in the cave above.

Erstbegehung: Veronique Hil, Aug 2022

Start at the crack left of the cave, common with CDN. Up the crack thru the choss band to the anchors above. Nice orange rock if you can overlook the existence of the choss band.

Erstbegehung: Graeme Hill, Aug 2022

Starts at the crack left of the cave. Up the crack until the bolts lead you out to the right. Head up for the chicken head feature and on to the anchors.

Erstbegehung: Veronique Hil, Jul 2022

Start off the boulder in the cave. Then up the corner, techy traverse out left, then finish up delicious pockets

Erschliesser: Graeme Hill, Sep 2022

Erstbegehung: Alec Landstra, 28 Mai 2023

Start just right of the main overhang/cave. Left leading line up the main face to ledge then on to anchors.

Erstbegehung: Glenn Jones, Mär 2022

Start at the crack. Step left and climb the left trending line, up the tiny corner and upper scoopy feature to the anchors under the roof. Extension to come.

Erstbegehung: John Lattanzio, Feb 2022

Climb the crack corner to the first set of anchors, add a grade if you continue to the top.

Erstbegehung: John Lattanzio, Nov 2021

Start 2m right of Covidiot. Tricky moves through the crux. Climb to the anchors at half height or on to the top anchors

Erstbegehung: John Lattanzio, Mär 2022

Climb the line in the middle of the black face past the halfway anchors and up the upper headwall.

Erstbegehung: John Lattanzio, Feb 2022

The juggy arete 8m right of Covidiot. Start at the crack, climb to arete to the right hand anchors.

Erstbegehung: John Lattanzio, Jan 2022


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