
Hommage a Radoth

  • Bewertungskontext: US
  • Begehungen: 49

Zugang: COVID adaptation

Climbers need to register at the SEBKA office. There is a limit of 1̶0̶0̶ ̶c̶l̶i̶m̶b̶e̶r̶s̶ 150 climbers currently. There is no way to reserve a spot. (Lastly updated: 08-2022)

Siehe Details & Diskussionen zur Warnung

Erstellt vor 3 Jahren - Bearbeitet vor ungefähr zwei Jahren




Climbs from boulders below the main cliff line. Approximately below the "Prestation" section of the main cliff line.

Einschränk. übernommen von Kamouraska

Helmets are mandatory (they actually do enforce it).

This crag is privately owned but operated by the SEBKA. Access to the crag is allowed via the property/farm owner by utilizing the indicated trail at the parking lot. As for any crag around the world, please respect his property in order to maintain access is to this jewel of a crag.

Parking passes are available at the SEBKA information center.

People who wish to climb need to pay a fee at the SEBKA. Day passes are on sale for 10$ and annual passes for 40$. This last option also gives you access to "La Montagne d'Argent" in the Laurentians.

Ethik übernommen von Kamouraska

As for the vast majority of crags, this one is owned privately by a local farmer and exploited by the SEBKA. Do your part, respect his property.

Smoking at the crag is considered bad karma.

Dogs are not allowed access.


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